PG | 07 March 2008 (USA)
CJ7 Trailers

A poor construction worker, who struggles to keep his son in private school, mistakes an orb he finds in a junkjard for a toy which proves to be much, much more once the young boy starts to play with it.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
stormhawk2018 Chow is an expert, one of those little gems in the rough of Chinese cinematography. Unlike other directors does not ooze that posh and intellectual air of some famous Asian, and like Kitano has a very special touch that few are able to achieve in their films. The problem is that talking about Chow is to make it a very particular kind of cinema, mundane and even would say little showy. Within his filmography we can find all sorts of stories to which more absurd that however and despite its simple and decaffeinated look manage to exalt all kinds of feelings.CJ7 is a purely Chow film, with the presence of the little Min Hun Fung as the protagonist and with the director in the background as the basis of the argument. In an extremely poor family made up of these two characters, Min Hun represents the childish illusion and respect for a father with whom he maintains a close relationship. Chow not only works, he also takes the time to teach his son to take him away from the conflicts he suffers at his reputed college, a luxury institution that barely accepts the child. The appearance of a strange alien object is, in short, the most important event of the film, the reason for the metamorphosis that will undergo the lives of these two people, as well as one of the most striking animated characters that can remember in Asian cinema. I definitely remember this film, I've seen in a journey to Cuzco by bus.The moral of the film, as is usual in Chow, is directed towards the marginalized classes and echoes the self-improvement that ultimately are able to get all the characters of the director, as also happens in CJ7. Pure and hard humor combined with a good ration of drama, suitable for all audiences and another tape that comes to show again that a delicate and delicate humor is not always necessary to entertain. Even despite rubbing the absurd on many occasions.
Roland E. Zwick Youngsters will get a real kick out of "CJ7," a delightful sci-fi comedy from China that should satisfy any child's requirements for a wish-fulfillment fantasy.Dicky is a grade school boy who lives in an abandoned, dilapidated and roach-infested building with his father, an uneducated laborer who works construction jobs during the day so he can afford to send his boy to a posh private school, and then scavenges the local dumpsites for throw-away items (worn-out shoes, a busted fan) at night. Due to his low class upbringing and background, as reflected in his unkempt mien and disheveled appearance, Dicky has become a constant target of bullying and ridicule at school - until, that is, he comes into possession of a mysterious "toy," or possibly an alien from outer space, that gives the lad the ability to perform feats of astonishing physical and mental dexterity, to the great amazement and amusement of his fellow students. Yet, could this little creature (whom Dicky dubs CJ7, after a similar toy made here on earth) wind up causing the boy more trouble than it saves him in the long run? Although the sci-fi aspects can become a bit cutesy and cheesy at times, the real strength of the film lies in its beautifully observed relationship between a down-on-his-luck father who's doing all he can to instill the values of hard work and honesty into his boy, and a son who'd rather spend his time devising ways to get out of doing his schoolwork so he can spend all his time playing with his new-found friend from outer space. It's that father/son relationship that keeps the story grounded in reality and that gives plausibility and weight to the more fantastical elements of the tale. Xu Jiao (who is actually a girl in real life) and Stephen Chow (who also co-wrote and directed the film) are utterly charming, winning and appealing as Dicky and his dad, respectively, and they are matched by a whole host of wonderful supporting players, both of the full-sized and the pint-sized variety.Like all good stories aimed at kids, "CJ7" is just chock-full of rock-solid values like tolerance, acceptance, discipline and hard work, yet it never feels the need to preach or talk down to its audience. Instead, the values filter their way through a well-told story - which, of course, is as it should be.Sentimental in the best sense of that term - with a hint of "The Kid" here, a touch of "E.T." there - "CJ7" provides near-perfect entertainment for the young, as well as those still young enough to remember what it was like to be young.
RainDogJr Years ago my cousin showed to me that Stephen Chow movie Shaolin Soccer, I quickly became a big fan (it was the first and until this day only movie that I own on UMD), truly a great film, both Shaolin Soccer and Kung Fu are favourites of mine but even with that fact I never knew about the existence of this 2008 Stephen Chow movie, CJ7, and last weekend I found its R1 DVD and since it is from Chow I had to add it to my collection, glad I did it since CJ7 is simply another winner from Chow.This time we don't see Chow that much, here he is Ti, father of Dicky (Xu Jiao) who will be our dude. Basically CJ7 is a film for/about the family, we have the strong father and son union but certainly kids are kids then our little man will be mad as hell if his father can't buy for him the new toy that is the damn sensation between Dicky's school partners, and Dicky's school is not a public one actually, Ti works really hard just for his son and they do see hard times but Dicky has a great chance by going to that school yet the school is not a very pleasant place for Dicky and not because of the work and stuff but also and basically because of the bullies and his teacher (you will hate Dicky's teacher, no doubt about it). So we have this poor good fella in big school full of rich f**** stuff in CJ7 and certainly we have the father and son story, sort of The Kid (Charles Chaplin, 1921), and with Dicky we will see at one point the typical stuff since he will be not very nice with his father and he will not have a chance to say to his father that he was wrong, is going to be too late for that. The character of the title, CJ7, is actually at first time nameless, after all it was just something that Ti found in a junkyard but that something result to be actually something more than cool, something unique, something from outer space and not precisely an Ed Wood's plan, it is more like a dog, a puppy, weird puppy that will be just about the solution to all of Dicky's problem. Now Dicky will make a perfect test, will finally be allowed to attend the sports class, he has all, the bad ones will get what they deserve and the movie ends…not! Is actually the funniest part of the film, at least is my favourite part when Dicky finally awakes from a long and wonderful dream just to see that the puppy is actually real yet is more just like a normal dog, that defecates and stuff (!). At some points this is just crazy fun, great fun for sure but we also get some sad moments, kind of very sad moments actually, and no one but us will know how in the hell came the happy ending, how in the hell Dicky will actually have a chance to see again his father. CJ7 ends when the runtime marks less than 90 minutes, it is a fast-paced delight, Chow I'm your fan, big fan and with CJ7 I can only say that we have another winner movie from Chow. Enjoy! DVD: I had to watch "The Story of CJ7" to realize about the fact that who plays Dicky is actually not a boy but a girl! Anyway, some of the special features are the cast and crew commentary, "How to bully a bully" and some previews.
David Athay Given that this was written as a kids film I think it absolutely hits the mark and then some, but if you are expecting Kung Fu Hustle's biting humor or the physical comedy of Shaolin Soccer then you find it here (at least not all).The film made me laugh and it made me cry (but then I am a total sap and prone to crying). I watched it to make sure it was OK to show to my kids. After watching it I would have no problem showing it to any kid, although as was mentioned by another reviewer you might want to be there to cuddle with the kids when the sad bits hit.Looking forward to Chow's next venture. This will be one more of his DVDs to end up on my shelf.