Citizen Ruth
Citizen Ruth
R | 13 December 1996 (USA)
Citizen Ruth Trailers

"Citizen Ruth" is the story of Ruth Stoops, a woman who nobody even noticed -- until she got pregnant. Now, everyone wants a piece of her. The film is a comedy about one woman caught in the ultimate tug-of-war: a clash of wild, noisy, ridiculous people that rapidly dissolves into a media circus.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
BlueFairyBlog One of the best political satires to deal with the extremely volatile subject of abortion, first time director Alexander Payne gave a powerhouse first film to his repertoire with this bitterly acid black comedy. What I think everyone appreciates is that both sides of this debate are shown in equally unpleasant terms, but not exactly unrealistic ones. The conservative branch are a set of violent and mean spirited protesters, but they also have women who regret their own abortions, and people who sincerely try to help the less fortunate. The liberal side is characterized as a set of lesbian leaning protesters and a freedom fighting mercenary who care about the right to choose. In the middle of this blood sport for the sake of creation is the character of Ruth (Dern), who doesn't care about the politics that make her center stage in a tumultuous feud. Instead of caring about the sanctity of human life, or about the freedom to choose, she cares about what is best for her. She makes the film enjoyable because she cares about very little except getting a lot of money and getting high behind a convenience store. It's really interesting how each side is fighting for her rights in their own way, trying to give her the freedom to choose and yet both leaning towards a different end-game, and yet she only wants to know what's best for herself. It's this selfish attitude that makes for the best moments, especially because there isn't any morale and certainly not any lessons learned from her experiences. Ruth is continually given the chance to do right, but every time she enables her formal bad behavior so she can get away clean. This film illustrates that human choice precedes morals, intellectual discussion, and politics, and that human choice is subjective based on who the person is. I think this film is good for anyone, on either side of the political spectrum, not for educational purposes, but because it works as a great character study as well as satire for its own sake.
Savageniss I know the best Idea for a new Trailer would be to feature the Actors like Red from That 70's Show and Adeline From Big Love and you know the rest. The comedy is hidden in the fact that this movie was before the kind of comedy that is out today. I just watched it again the other day cause I remember this movie from long time ago and I felt like it should of been made last year. It has some flaws but it old what do you expect! I like this movie, and had to share it with my friends and family. I also like that it's a crazy story and pushes boundaries. would like to see more opinions about this movie cause some people don't like that kind of thing.
smivs11 Citizen Ruth is a poignant, thought-provoking and at times harrowing drama which is well-written and enjoyable to watch. Which is why I was confused when it was marketed on the VHS and DVD releases as a comedy, with comments branding it "hilarious". There were humorous moments within the film thanks to the witty scriptwriting, but this serves as added depth to the characters of a film which is otherwise much more important than a simple story, but instead highlights the socio-economic problems facing us in the modern world, and for the most part does so with grim reality.Rent this out on DVD expecting laughs or a straightforward story and you're likely to be disappointed - instead watch the film for what it is - a superbly acted drama provoking discussions on important issues.
Wichita_Film_Fan There is something about Citizen Ruth that keeps me coming back to it. I must have seen it 30 times and haven't tired of it yet. It is genuine and the people are so amazingly real. It's almost as if some of my neighbours seem just like the characters in the film. That says a lot in my opinion. The Mid-west is a land that holds a special place in the American psyche. I can literally count on my hands the number of films that truly capture its spirit. Citizen Ruth is one of those films. From scenes in the hardware store to large rear wheel drive Fords, everything fits perfectly. This film captures a place called Omaha which for better or worse Hollywood largely ignores. It also treats a controversial topic like abortion in a thoughtful manner. Excellent film. Highly recommended.10 out of 10 stars.