Circle of Pain
Circle of Pain
R | 15 August 2010 (USA)
Circle of Pain Trailers

Following an in-ring accident, Dalton Hunt retired from the world of mixed martial arts at the top of his game. Unable to outrun his guilt, he lost his family, his title, and his way. But when a crooked promoter lures him back into a fight against the current undefeated champ, Patrick "The Brick" Wahle, Dalton must enlist the aid of an enigmatic trainer to turn him back into a warrior so he can stand tall and do battle once again.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
thejellyshoesaga Tony Schiena is back! In one of the most adrenaline fueled films of 2010 (don't worry if you missed it first time, you can watch it now and it's still just as much of a white knuckle ride!) Coming from the same stable as 'Number one girl' you can already be assured of the immense quality that this film brings to television sets globally, straight to DVD!!Dolton (Scheina) is a retired cage fighter who has sworn never to fight again due to the crippling of his friend Wyatt/Dwyatt/Whydwat (Cain) during a sparring match that gets a little out of hand. In his absence from competing, he has been replaced by Colin 'The Brick' Wahle, an undefeated fighter who comes across as a bit of a c*nt. Dolton is soon dragged back to the cage to compete against Mr. Brick amidst threats of blackmail from the films super-bitch-nut-case; Victoria Rualan (Ling).Once again, we have a very generic attempt at a film that's desperately trying to ride in on the back of the mixed martial arts craze and unfortunately, does nothing but embarrass the sport. The athletes who took part in this film should be absolutely ashamed.Appalling story lines and terrible soundtracks aside, probably the most frustrating thing about this entire film is the continued employment of Tony Schiena, he's kind of like how Daniel Day Lewis or Heath Ledger would be if both were ugly c*nts and had no acting ability. The highlight of his performance would have to be the part when he injures his friend and someone in the background shouts "call an ambulance" and Scheina replies "An ambulance!" It's nothing short of hilarious.In summary, this film is most certainly not worth watching. Really, its best appreciated by a group of friends who want nothing more than to laugh at Tony Scheina doing his best impression of a plank of wood with Jimcarey like martial arts skills and the awkward soft porn which dominates throughout. Also, is this film is sponsored by Tapout? Really? I would never have guessed.
Drew-553-14532 Some major errors in this copycat plot. the biggest being the plaster cast on the guys broken right arm or is it left arm.. I guess they couldn't remember. This movie deserves a huge rant but at the same time does not deserve the effort, if a little more effort went into the movie then it would deserve more of a rant! Feel really sorry for dean Caine in this and although he does OK Every scene in this movie is a rip off of something better. Writers completely lacked imagination Could almost be in the comedy genre There are so many better things to do with 85 minutes of your life. This movie is not recommended and should be avoided. This is a Truly predictable and dire effort by all.
shay3624 Unlike some of the other reviewers, I AM A MMA fan and I also fight. (female fighter btw). Anyway, Mixed Martial Arts Movies are not always the best and this was one more bad movie to add to the file. However,I must confess, the action and fight scenes in the movie did have me cringing. Cringing in a good way because they were very believable and real. Its not surprising that REAL fighters were used and most did not seem to be pulling punches either. By pulling punches, I just mean, they were not stunt choreographed fight scenes where "pretend" punches and kicks were placed. Sure, some of them HAD to be faked but most...were not. That was the ONE cool thing about this movie. Besides this, the camera angles were HORRIBLE and the acting just as bad. The HD camera being used to film this wasn't so bad but the editing sucked and these things combines made the look of the film cheap and hard to watch. After about 25 really just want to turn the sad thing off! I would not pay money to rent this nor would i watch it on TV for more than the aforementioned time frame. Might be worth it if you are doing a bit of training on the side and just want to pick up some super cool street fighting
movieman I usually like martial arts movies. This one is a pretty mainstream martial arts movie. The story is a mainstream and predictable one.Simple as the most of the martial arts movies you can find nowadays. The acting is OK and the fighting scenes are pretty good. Main character and the opponent is good.There are little too explicit scenes but kind of what you see in most of the nowadays movies. Overall enjoyable. Works specially if you are a mainstream fight movies fan. Nowadays you will find better fighting movies. But this does the trick.