Christmas Grace
Christmas Grace
| 07 October 2014 (USA)
Christmas Grace Trailers

Rival toy store owners compete over several Christmas seasons, and God's grace goes to work in their lives.

Dorathen Better Late Then Never
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Phillipa Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
bkoganbing There are Christian movies and their are Christmas movies, some good, some bad. Christmas Grace will never and should never escape church basement showings before a congregation that I'm not sure thinks people behave as they do in this film.I thought for a bit I was going back to the 50s when I remember a small toy store three blocks from my house in Brooklyn on Nostrand Avenue between Avenue J and Avenue K. Stores like the one that Ryan-Iver Klann and Rebekah Cook own haven't existed for decades. And I sure wouldn't think that Tim Kaiser would start a new one. Just days ago chain Toys R Us has just gone out of business.But there it is. Klann and Cook are a Christian couple that own a small toy store in a small town and one fine day Tim Kaiser comes along and opens another one across the street. He's well financed and also pulls something sneaky and underhanded and the little toy store goes belly up.But it rebounds in a few months because of an idea Klann has and pretty soon they've got Kaiser on the ropes business wise. Kaiser who's a real Grinch of a human being is really getting his.What follows is so incredibly off the wall that I was stunned looking at the film. Believe me in real life NO ONE is that generous.Not even hardcore evangelicals truly believe what happens here in their real lives.
sylvia-black-grossman I bought this film because the IMDb Rating was at 8.0 or higher. When we put it on on Christmas Day my family was looking forward to an entertaining family safe experience. Well it was memorable because the dialog was horrendous! The Acting was Saturday Morning Television Level. We laughed all the way through this film.Before I wrote my review today I went and check at all the "GOOD REVIEWS" I saw they were written around the same time. So I am sure the writer if this film made up accounts so he could give this film a high IMDb rating. When I bought this the rating was at 8.8. Today its at 5.6. Now that has been cut to 5.4 which I think is also too high.Now the reason why I hate this film is because there is nothing good about it. I have nothing against Christian Movies. I expect a "Christian Message" in Christmas movies. What I got was just a film about a man who's IQ matches "Forrest Gump". IF you buy it you are wasting money! Take that money and give it to a food bank!
stanheckjr I saw the reviews of this film and I had to judge it for myself. This film had so many "Good Reviews" and many "Bad Reviews". I had to see it just to see who was right. I figured out quickly the "Bad Reviews" were justified. There is many things that can wrong in a film. The casting. The directing. The story itself. So what went wrong here? Well "Everything"! Mainly the story was just too stupid and the actors were all terrible. Since this is a "Christmas Film" I expect a message about Jesus and the true meaning of Christmas. What I got here was a stupid film about a man who is a moron who is married to another moron. The film is not just bad but it is also boring. The best thing about this film is knowing I never will have to see it again!
thesobermancan It was a very cold night for it being Summer. The heavy rain that came down in buckets had cooled down the evening sky. A hint of humidity was lingering and the smell of wet cement left a odor so bad that one could get a bloody nose if they stay outside too long.What was going to be a fun Summer night has now turned into a precursor of the pending fall. One knew however once fall arrived school would start and parents will be happy as their children are on the first day of Summer Vacation. If this review doesn't make any sense to you then the movie "Christmas Grace" might entertain you. Beware this review is much better than the film