Christiane F.
Christiane F.
R | 02 April 1981 (USA)
Christiane F. Trailers

This movie portrays the drug scene in Berlin in the 70s, following tape recordings of Christiane F. 14 years old Christiane lives with her mother and little sister in a typical multi-storey apartment building in Berlin. She's fascinated by the 'Sound', a new disco with most modern equipment. Although she's legally too young, she asks a friend to take her. There she meets Detlef, who's in a clique where everybody's on drugs. Step by step she gets drawn deeper into the scene.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
jadavix "Christiane F." is a bleak, harrowing look at drug abuse among Berlin youth in the 1970s.It is perhaps the grittiest look at addiction I've ever seen on film.The only problem is that you never really get close to the characters. You get close to what they do - and what the people around them do - but you never feel like you know the main character that well.Part of the power of the movie comes from the casting of an actress who looks every bit as young as the character she's playing. You see her come precariously close to danger so many times, but the movie would be much more gripping if we were able to get closer to her.The movie has many nauseating scenes of drug use and the sickness that results from it. I couldn't help thinking that this would be a good movie to show to kids to turn them off drugs. I actually felt physically ill while watching parts of it.
joffoo Of course you can't compare movies to books, but I've expected a lot more from this film. All in all it didn't feel very fluent: Slow character development and emotionless acting was my impression. The characters didn't feel very authentic (detlef seemed so forced to play an awkward person in some scenes), maybe because most of the kids weren't actors in the first place. Or the director intended the lack of emotions, fitting bored kids/teenagers, in that case I didn't like it very much.Besides the slow plot in the film, I think the overall mood was pretty spot on. All of the sets were pretty gloomy and it just gave me such a nasty feeling, looking at spots where all the junkies were consuming heroin (or even prostituting themselves).I did miss the aspect, that the viewer did not really know the motive behind Christiane. In the book, it is exactly explained, why she ultimately did drugs. There is only a short passage of her youth in the film, which could also have been included (Since the dialogues between characters felt like ages passing, it should have been doable). Edit: It does become better in the second half of the movie.To sum up: I don't think it is a bad movie, because it is a drama with a very interesting matter, but the whole style to it just isn't my cup of tea.
Horst in Translation ( "Christiane F. is still today, almost 35 years after it was done, among the most famous German movies, especially if you only count the 1980s. It is about a girl who makes the wrong friends and gets sucked deeper and deeper into an abyss of drug addiction, prostitution and homelessness. I think this Berlin-set movie has some good moments, but just as many bad ones too unfortunately. Apart from that, the source material simply was not good enough to make a convincing and entertaining film that easily passes the 2-hour mark. It's not really Natja Brunckhorst's fault, she played her part well and most of the other actors were solid too, even if they are not in film anymore today or have even, like most of them, not acted in anything else apart from this movie.The writer and director here is Uli Edel still early in his career. He quickly moves to Hollywood afterward, went on to direct "The Mists of Avalon", but also the German Oscar nominee "Der Baader Meinhof Komplex". Very recently, he received his first Emmy nomination for Adrien Brody's "Houdini". But back to his work from the early 1980s here. The most interesting aspect is probably that this film is based on a real person. Christiane F. is still alive today (in her 50s) and was recently in the headlines again because she wrote a book and apparently her health isn't exactly in good shape. But still I wasn't too impressed. I am generally not a great fan of Edel. In my opinion, he very much goes for shocking sequences over great storytelling. He makes good choices in what real live events he puts on the screen, but what he makes out of that is rarely really convincing in my opinion. I also believe this film could have been better with a more competent director in charge. Not recommended and the negative highlight was the lashing scene near the end. This almost sunk the authenticity from 120 minutes before that. Thumbs down.
Bob An This movie is disturbing!The scenes of people taking heroin and bloody needles and fights for the fix is just disturbing for me. Maybe because I never took any kind of drug and this movie was some kind of a revelation to me, but on the other hand, it went through my mind that it is good I never taken any.The movie was shot in that way that I had a feeling that I was there...That I was present whole time while the girl and the boy were struggling with their addiction.I was also shocked to see ( but I guess the movie did not go far from truth) that there were so many of those addicted people at metro and train stations...It was very uncomfortable for me to watch. As I said very disturbing!I think the boy did a bit better job in acting than the girl. Both were great and both cute. David Bowie in the movie was a 'weird' touch, but I guess his 'colorfulness' fit the film good.All in all, eight from me.