Chill Factor
Chill Factor
R | 01 September 1999 (USA)
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A store clerk and an ice cream truck driver are thrown together when a dying scientist entrusts them with a deadly chemical kept in ice. This chemical will kill every living thing once it melts. They have to take the chemical codenamed 'Elvis' to the next nearest military base while being chased by terrorists who want it to hold the country for ransom.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Clevercell Very disappointing...
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
FlashCallahan Two mis-matched men are forced to team up with each other when they get possession of a top-secret weapon that, if heated over 50 F, detonates and releases a lethal cloud of radioactivity in a 200 mile radiusFormer soldiers want to use this against the government after making them scapegoats years earlier for their handling of the virus and covering up the existence of the weapon. With time running out, and the temperature rising, the two must outwit their pursuers and try to find a way to dispose of the weapon before they both vaporise.....Chill Factor is nothing more than a Speed knock off, but hey, if the ice melts, it's big bang time, and only Oscar winner Gooding JR., and Billy Loomis can save the day.And one wonders how they ever do, as they are the most incompetent duo since Abbott And Costello graced our screen. They are chased by Peter Firth, some muscle-heads, and the token short haired tough girl, who was in these films for the girlpower.It's a really stupid concept, and the fact that the film cost $70 million, and only made $11 million, begs the question, is in the so bad, it's good territory.Not quite, but it's just one of those films where the two leads scream at each other through the course of the film, instantly become wonderful stuntmen and fighters, and evade attacks so many times from trained professionals.But one thing, this film would make a great drinking game, every time Gooding JR. utters the the profane word 'S***' take a drink, because i'm sure you'll be drunk within an hour.He utters it that many times, it takes you away from any action that is happening at that time.I'm just surprised that they didn't name the two lead characters Ben & Jerry....
videorama-759-859391 There could of been something much more better, than what eventuated here, it's a disappointing loss to what was an exciting idea. Palpably here, it's the script which is at fault, a lot of suspense and thrills have been sucked out of it, we're left with a below average actioner. This film too, pretty much finished Ulrich's career, and he really hasn't much to offer with his performance here. The film's exciting start, takes place in the South American jungle, when an experiment, involving frigid temperatures, goes horribly wrong, and a army of soldiers of frozen out, you could say. Taking the rap is a Colonel (Firth inn a dastardly role) now turned terrorist as just being released from prison after a ten year stint, with nothing but revenge on his mind. Disgraced scientist (Paymer), the real one responsible, for that horrific incident, has since retired to a simple life, as a fisherman in one of the backwater pine towns. Firth + his posse and Paymer's pasts cross, and it's a bitter confrontation. Paymer still has the chilled contraption of death, or better known as, yeah, Elvis, which Firth is after to make a loud of spondouli, putting it out there on the open market. Ulrich takes off with it, teaming up with an ice cream delivery man (Cuba Gooding Jnr, who's fast gabbling got on my nerves) pursued by Firth and his posse, where from here, it's an almost non suspense filled chase, with a couple of high thrills, but really just steady driving, nothing happenings, going on, here, where we're left with CBJ's ranting (someone give me a gun). There's some other thrills throughout the movie, but it's more a "What happened with the movie here?", territory) Firth's twisted character, did have a have one hell of a motive for becoming who he does, I could sympathize with him a little. CF is one of those less memorable, short running movie pics of 2000, and the onus is on the writers, who have obviously written a messy exchange of bad dialogue, and plotting, from what was sadly a movie that could of really been something, if penned by different hands. Firth too, the real actor here, is one of few things good about this.
billcr12 A similar idea to Speed, where the bus had to keep moving above 50 mph to avoid exploding, the difference here is a substance must be kept at a higher temperature than fifty degrees. Dr. Richard Long is a scientist who worked on a top secret weapons project for the military which resulted in an accidental explosion, killing eighteen people. Long moves to Montana and does smaller experiments and spends time fly fishing. His former boss, a Colonel Brynner, is released from prison after ten years and he assembles a group of terrorists to steal a substance called elvis, which is highly volatile and will detonate above 50 degrees. Cuba Gooding is Arlo, who drives an ice cream truck. He ends up with elvis and most of the movie is a typical chase scene with a second guy, Tim(Skeet Ulrich) fighting with Arlo as they try to avoid Brynner and his crew. Chill factor reminded me of the A Team, but where is Mr. T when you need him; pity the fool who watches this.
actionmoviestar Every once in a while, there is a film that comes along and grabs you unexpectedly, without notice or warning. I must say that "Chill Factor" is one of those such films. At the time of it's release, I had no thought or opinion whatsoever about this film. I didn't even really pay attention to the commercials. A year and a half pass and what do you know, this same movie comes on Cinemax, ironically on my birthday. So I decided to check it out and man I was pleased with what I saw. Maybe this film might not have the greatest plot I know, but it sure as heck keeps you entertained throughout the whole movie. Not many action movies can keep you entertained for the entire duration of the movie but this film succeeds in keeping you engaged the entire time. The chemistry between Cuba Gooding, Jr. and Skeet Ulrich can be ultimately seen in every scene. This film had solid action and the characters are a little hokey, but who cares. Anyway if you're looking for a fun and exciting film, "Chill Factor" is sure to keep you entertained from start 'til finish.