Children of the Living Dead
Children of the Living Dead
| 11 June 2001 (USA)
Children of the Living Dead Trailers

Starting a new life in a quiet Pennsylvania town, Matthew Michaels only thought is to turn an old farm property into a profitable car dealership. He soon discovers that beneath the gentle surface, this small town is anything but calm and peaceful. Firstly, he learns that his new property is located on the site of a graveyard, which all the townsfolk regard as an evil place that must never be visited. He then discovers that years earlier the town had suffered an infestation of the living dead ...zombies who prey on human flesh. One zombie, the infamous Abbot Hayes, escaped destruction. As the construction team begin degging, they unleash the thing the townsfolk fear the most, the wrath of Abbot Hayes and the awakening of ... The Children of the Living Dead.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Toronto85 Children of the Living Dead is one of the cheapest looking horror movies I've ever seen. Sure, it's low budget, but I have seen better movies filmed on a lower budget then this one. This doesn't even try to be good. The lighting is pretty awful, the acting is terrible, and the story fails to make much sense.In 1987, a zombie attack hit a small town in Pennsylvania. The movie doesn't explain how it happened or if it affected the entire world as well. Abbott Hayes is one of the zombies, he was a rapist in the town sometime before. He is the lead zombie of the movie. Somehow the zombies (including Hayes) were all killed, and fourteen years later all is right with the world. The zombie character Hayes is actually one good thing about the movie, he is very creepy looking. There is a group of teenagers that die in a car wreck. After their funeral Abbott bites them, therefore turning them into zombies. So the story goes that all these years later, a construction crew digs up an old cemetery to build some sort of property over it. They decide to relocate all the bodies to a mass grave rather than another cemetery to save money. When they open the coffins however, the bodies are all missing. Of course zombies start to roam the town again and it's up to a young couple to save everyone.Bad acting usually comes along with horror movies, and most of the time adds charm to them. But in this case, it was just over the top cheese from almost everyone involved. I don't know who actor Philip Bower (Joseph Michaels) is, but he should never act in any move ever again. I laughed throughout all of his scenes. Same goes for most of the cast. Sam Nicotero, who plays the owner of the motel, is an exception when it comes to the acting. He was the only likable character for me. The gore in this is decent. The zombies outside of Abbott Hayes aren't anything special. Nothing we haven't seen before. The major failure outside of acting, is the story. It is never explained how the zombies came to be. One minute there are no zombies, and then all of a sudden night falls and multiple zombies are roaming the town. It just doesn't make sense.I would skip this one unless you are a zombie fanatic. Even hardcore zombie fans will be disappointed. Abbott Hayes is a good villain and the filming location is good for a zombie movie, great atmosphere. Other than that, it isn't very good at all.2/10
insomniac_rod I watched this movie on late Mexican local t.v. when I was on vacation in Cabos. It was my last night in that paradise so I decided to watch some midnight t.v. Why not?Unfortunately I found this horrible excuse for a Horror movie. Ugh. I thought "what is Tom Savini doing in this crap?".Heck, the movie isn't funny, gory, decent, interesting, or even bad. It's beyond crap.The motives of the producers for producing this should be really explained after some drinks. I remember the infamous "chase" in the cemetery and I really thought this was a spoof.Excuse me but this isn't Black Comedy. This one is just a pathetic excuse to jump in the success wagon of the "Night of the Living Dead" legacy. Avoid it at all costs. Not even for Tom Savini fans.
Tom Jeffrey . . . because that means it wasn't a total waste of celluloid.I am a great fan of bad movies. In fact, I believe that many "bad" movies are not really bad, but just misunderstood, as I've tried to explain in my reviews of other much maligned movies such as "Robot Monster" and "Night of the Living Dead 3D." But this one, in my opinion, is not enjoyably bad, not laughably bad. Just plain bad.The opening scenes with Tom Savini are passable. But when Abbott Hayes makes his appearance, things go downhill really fast. In fact, it quickly got to the point where I could no longer watch this movie. I felt that I had already wasted too much of my life on this piece of trash and could not afford to waste any more.All the negative comments that have been made about this movie by previous reviewers are true. It is total garbage. For the few who enjoyed it, I say more power to you. But as for me, I wish I had read the reviews before investing a half hour of my life that I will never get back.
Jared Teer This movie was awesome! Sure, it was intended to be serious, but if you take it seriously you will miss out on a really good time. I would expect "preppy prics" to talk crap about this movie, but not real horror fans.I think part of the entertainment in horror films (those before CGI) is making good humored fun of their attempts to make things look good without modern special effects. Also, who watches horror movies to see a picture that meets the standards of "best picture of the year?"Basically, this movie is full of the kind of laughs you get when you notice a stunt double that is obviously not the main actor. Or the kind of laugh you got from 80's movies when it was obvious that a dummy was used in an explosion scene, like in Commando.This movie is CLASSIC! Who can't appreciate the hilarity in Abbott Hayes picking up Hughs and supposedly running his arm through him, when actually his arm was obviously on the side of Hughs's body? THAT WAS CLASSIC!How about the guy in the ending "battle" that seemed to be casually tossing TNT, who then accidentally threw a stick in his own car and blew himself up(not to mention the voiced over "Oh crap" he said with his mouth closed)? CLASSIC!How about during the battle when the chick was getting chased in the diner by like 6 zombies and the sheriff comes in and shoots twice and kills them all? CLASSIC!I suggest you guys get over yourselves, have a good humored friend over, have a couple beers, and appreciate this movie.
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