| 11 January 1943 (USA)
Chetniks! Trailers

Subtitled The Fighting Guerillas, Chetniks tells the story of Yugoslavian guerilla fighter General Draja Mihailovitch. Based on the General's own memoirs, the film depicts Mihailovitch (played here by Philip Dorn) as a selfless idealist, leading his resistance troops, known as the Chetniks, on one raid after another against the Germans during WW II.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Lawbolisted Powerful
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Petit88 People still think this propaganda is historically accurate? Chentics were war criminals who committed many massacres of Croatian and Muslim civilians. They collaborated with Germans, Italians, Serbian nazi puppet government and even Croatian nazi puppet government! Their goal was to restore royal Yugoslavia and ethnically clean greater Serbia in it. I can't believe people still believe Serbian propaganda. This movie was made by Americans who belived lies of exiled Serb king of first Yugoslavia. Later when they met Tito they changed their mind. And I can't believe this is not mentioned in trivia! There is many evidence of their collaboration with axis forces (of course they were just using enemy for their own goal - greter Serbia)
milosdimic This is a story about a man, who ran the first resistance in Europe. A man that later on will be deserted by all of his allies because he had put national interest before any other. True Serbian hero, fighting and dying for his country and democratic cause. Yes, he was fighting against Communists, Nazis and Ustashe (croatians who performed the most monstrous genocide against Serbians). He did fought together with Italians in Dalmatia to protect Serbian population, but never on the same side with Germans. There were some divisions of Chetniks that did fight along with Germans but they were not under his command (Kosta Pecanac). During the II WW, he received a medal from president Truman for his "fight for democratic cause and freedom". After the war, because of the political games run by Soviets and English, his movement lost the support from the allies and he was left alone to fight against the enemies. His movement saved from certain death so many American airmen, and they wanted to save him, realizing that he would get murdered but he refused saying :"This is my country, i would die in my country". Anyway, president of the USA and survived American pilots did not forget him building a monument in his honor after the war.
ajibilian I saw the movie just before going into service, little dreaming that I would see Gen. Draja Mihailovich in person. It is an excellent movie, well acted. I volunteered with the OSS (Office of Strategic Services) and parachuted into Mihailovich territory to rescue airmen shot down bombing the oilfields of Ploesti. The mission was called Operation Halyard and is depicted in the book, The Forgotten 500. The movie is an excellent depiction of the Serbs resistance to the German invasion. It has been a long time since I saw the movie and I have forgotten much of it, but, if you like adventure and romance, it has both. Today, there is much controversy surrounding Mihailoich, and this is an excellent source to get one viewpoint.
Ljubisa Raimovic Oh dear god. What Chehoslovakia!!?? Movie is about Yugoslavian history. I must first find him to tell something more about movie since I haven't look him. If you want to know more about Draza Mihajlovic the lieder of Serbian old army (by the way, they fight with Germans against Tito and partisans) go and search internet, You will learn much. Till the day now in Serbia is big 'talking' about who he was. Traitor or Hero. The big sorrow fact of this kind of Yugoslavian history is that it was civil war against Draza army and partisans in the same time when WWII had played on this territory. Imagine this. Family with two brothers, one brother go to Tito army, other go to Draza army. And they becomes enemies!?
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