Cherry Tree
Cherry Tree
| 04 August 2015 (USA)
Cherry Tree Trailers

Faith’s world is turned upside down after she finds out that her beloved father is dying. When the mysteriously alluring Sissy Young becomes her field hockey coach, Faith finds a compassionate spirit and much-needed mother figure. Little does she know that Sissy is the head of a centuries-old witches’ coven that uses the fruit of an ancient cherry tree in a secret ritual that restores life to the dead and dying. Offering to cure her father in exchange for a child, Sissy strikes a bargain with Faith, who suddenly finds herself pregnant with a baby that’s growing at an alarming rate. But with the clock to the child’s birth ticking down and the true intention of Sissy’s plans for humanity becoming more apparent, Faith and her father must stand together in order to save both their lives.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
shirleysteward-41636 This fiilm is awful. young girls nude. Strong sex scenes. A lesbien kiss woman wearing see through garment Breasts on full view....WHERE IS THE PARENTAL GUIDENCE FOR THIS FILM? Im a adult but if there had been guidence i would not have watched this.
Fluffy Molloy I love horror, its my favourite genre, if you also love horror I would suggest you avoid Cherry Tree. It makes a joke of the genre, it isn't scary at all, the script is bad - the actors tried their best with what they were given but it couldn't be saved. If you're into seeing underage girls showering (I know they're actors and probably are over 18 but the point is they're supposedly school children) and having sex, giving birth to blood covered dolls and really really bad special effects makeup that look like 99p halloween decorations then maybe you could get something out of this. Also, another note, you graphically see a newborn be murdered, then later see a close up of its dead face twice. This film would of been a million times better if certain things had of just been alluded to, there was absolutely no atmosphere, no suspense, well no anything here really. All I can say is just avoid at all costs.
kosmasp There is nothing wrong copying a classic (at least that's how I feel, I know some people think this is sacrilege). There is something wrong if you don't do it right though. I'm still being nice considering how bad the acting and the script for this is. It's not that the actors in this try to be bad, but sometimes the script is not helping you do your work either.There is nudity and blood though, so if you are into exploitation sort of, you may find things that are at least a bit exciting. So this is more graphic than Rosemarys baby for example, because it can. It doesn't elevate it or bring it close enough to even make it a contender. If you like filth, go ahead watch, but don't forget: you've been warned
Chromex Cherry Tree was the opening film for Frightfest 2015 and I can only conclude the festival organizers wanted to get it out of the way asap.Filmed in Ireland (strangely with very British sounding cast) Cherry Tree attempts to shock the viewer with a coven of nasty witches that are stuck, sort of kinda, under a Cherry Tree plagued with witch friendly centipedes. After occasionally lubricating its roots with the blood of locals boss witch, who teaches hockey to teenage school girls, plans to get one teenage girl pregnant with Satan's brat then kill aforementioned brat under the you know what. Supreme witch powers will then follow.The teenage girl happy obliges in the hope said witch will cure her poor dad's cancer. However, this under age mum quickly finds herself in a heap of 'Rosemary's Baby' trouble.The first real clue as to how bad this film is are the slow motion shots of town landscapes to pad up the feeble script. This is a hodge podge of horror concepts shoe horned into a truly indolent movie. The dialogue is terrible, the character behaviour implausible and the whole story seems to me a lazy supernatural 'giallo' copy. At the Frightfest screening the highlight of the film was the Director, entering just after a hyperactive Jonathan Ross intro, proceeding to catapult a big rubber centipede into the audience. If I new what was to come I'd have left then and there with a favourable impression of said person. This film was like watching George Lucas remake an Argento classic "Attack of the Clones" style.Why this was Frightfest 2015's opener is a real surprise. Maybe someone stumped up the money to make this an event movie for them. Much better films have followed at Frightfest 2015 I'm pleased to say.The only reason I don't rate this 1 is the lead actress (teenage girl) was half decent. However I suspect she wants to forget this as quickly as I do.