Cemetery of Terror
Cemetery of Terror
| 12 December 1985 (USA)
Cemetery of Terror Trailers

On Halloween night, a group of bored teens decide to steal a corpse from the local morgue and take it to a nearby cemetery where they perform a Satanic ritual, unwittingly reviving a bloodthirsty serial killer.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Michael_Elliott Cemetery of Terror (1985) * (out of 4) Incredibly stupid Mexican horror film that tries to capture the spirit of American slashers. A maniac who has killed 17 people gets killed by the police. The next day, Halloween of course, three couples go to a mansion to party. The girls won't put out so the guys have a black mass. This mass brings the killer back to life and he goes on a rampage. Oh yeah, at the end zombies show up. This thing turned deadly boring by the ten minute mark and the action didn't start till around the fifty-minute mark. Everything in this film was truly bad and the plot holes are just incredible. I'm not saying F13 was smart or anything but c'mon! This film rips part of the storyline to Halloween as well. The only saving grace are some wonderful special effects and the zombies look pretty good. This is on DVD with another Mexican film, GRAVE ROBBERS, but at the moment I'm too scared to watch it considering how bad this was.
ChiefGoreMongral Tonight instead of a single movie review I tackle a recently released DVD flipper disc of 2 rarely scene Mexican Horror movies, both directed by Ruben Galindo Jr.. The first movie is Cemetery of Terror lets take a look.Cemetery of Terror (aka Cementerio Del Terror) is about a Satan worshiping killer who is supposedly shot dead by some local cops only to be resurrected by a bunch of teenagers who steal his body from the morgue and use a book of black magic to revive him. The cops are warned by the killers doctor that he is more than a normal man but a satanic killing machine. These elements were very Halloween like in their approach with this in the beginning but then this idea seems to dissolve as we get to meet the teens that will resurrect him and finally to another group of young trick or treaters that end up facing off with this Satanic fiend.This is where the problems with this movie come into play. I really liked how this movie started as it looked like it was going to have shades of Halloween with the directors own little twist added however the movie, which starts off slow builds up for about a good 10 minute killing spree (nearly 50 minutes in, ZZZZZZZZZZ)then the movie veers off into weirdness as it turns from a satanic killer from the grave movie to an all out zombie film..thats right an all out zombie film. You see remember I said there are some trick or treaters well these kids end up taking on the killer and some of his undead friends culminating into a ho hum ending.I really wanted to like this movie but for every decent thing they did they did 2 more things wrong. The movie seemed to try out one too many ideas into one movie when they should have just stayed with the main point at hand. Despite 1 or 2 OK kills the movie really drug along in parts and the whacked out last 20 minutes had me scratching my head. All in all not a bad film but really not all that good either. My score for Cemetery of Terror: 4/10: Below Average, with alittle more thought about what kind of movie they wanted, Satanic Killer, Zombie, or Scooby Doo(mainly do to the kiddie sequences) flick this could have at least been mildly entertaining however, since the movie bounced all over the place I cannot recommend this as a have to see film, maybe a rental at best.Head over to Grave Robbers for the second film review of this flipper disk from BCI Eclipse
insomniac_rod Where to begin? First of all, fellow Mexican reviewers. I know that we have to support our cinema but it won't help it if we give positive reviews to mediocre movies. This is the case. "Cementerio del Terror" isn't by any means a good Slasher flick. Let's take it for what it is: a cynical rip-off of the Friday the 13th sequels and a rip-off mix of "Evil Dead" and "Night Of The Living Dead".Please, be objective. "Cementerio..." is just a cheesy entertaining Slasher flick. Don't turn it into an overrated Horror movie because it doesn't deserves even such status. This is cheese for the please, and nothing more. ***HUGE SPOILERS. READ ONLY IF YOU'VE SEEN THE MOVIE AND WANT TO REFRESH YOUR MEMORY*** I'm going to spoil the ending and everything, OK? Let me explain myself. The first half of the movie deals with our group of dumb teenagers who invoke a demon through a demonic book (Necronomicon anyone?). Suddenly after the events take place in a rainy cemetery, one by one, the teens are brutally murdered by an unseen killer (who in the ending looks like Lizzard from the original "The Hills Have Eyes"). After a series of stupid scenes involving two couples making out (the lamest making out scenes I've seen! I mean, the second couple just kiss like they were forced to and stay the same way for three scenes while listening to crappy Pop Metal), the killer enters the mansion and ends with all the teens. The acting of Erika Buenfil before being slaughtered is beyond pathetic as her laughing is that fake that it hurts. Oh I must add that most of the death scenes are on-screen but when something really gore is about to happen, the scene cuts to a full moon and you can only hear screaming. The death scenes aren't great by any means. The actors ruined the death scenes in my opinion. Then, the second half of the movie deals with Dr. Carven (Craven anyone?) trying to resolve the mystery of the devil character while a bunch of stupid children enter the mansion only to find the dead bodies of the teens. Then they are chased by the demonic killer until Dr. Carven rescues them. Don't expect ANYTHING, no gore, no violence, nothing! in the second part of the movie. The children survive and deliver atrocious performances. Before they "smartly" return to the mansion, they run to (guess where?!) to the graveyard where the ritual was performed. Oh yeah, but you were singing "que padre, es Halloween!" before", eh kids?. They only return there to be chased by zombies who come out from their graves. It's never explained why the zombies return and chase our kids.In the ending Dr. Carven gives his life in order to stop the demonic killer and the zombies. He tells one of the dumb children to "burn the book!". By this point, "Cementerio del Terror" is a Slasher demon possessed zombie flick. Not even El Santo could handle the situations! The ending has the demons and zombies and crap finding their fates as the deadites in Evil Dead. But the ending will shock you! Dr. Carven is possessed and gives us an evil grin. Hugo Stiglitz , God bless you.
serialslashers Six medicine students go to a cemetery, soon they decide to steal a body from the morgue, meanwhile a bunch of kids also visit the same cemetery and soon the stolen body is up and killing everyone in gory ways, the female cast is superpretty!!!