Cañitas, presencia
Cañitas, presencia
| 30 March 2007 (USA)
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Based on the novel by Carlos Trejo - which is supposedly based on true events -, the film retells the story of a group of friends that played the Ouija one night together and started to die one by one in mysterious ways. The only survivor was the real-life author, Carlos Trejo.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Omar PhD So, you are entertaining the idea of watching this Mexican flick? Perhaps you heard that it is based on a very famous book authored by some big-time researcher? Well, as you know there are different ways of being famous and this movie and its related book are extremely famous for being perhaps some of the worst ever works of fiction made by any person during the course of human history. It's author is a well known fraud. This movie is so catastrophically moronic and staggeringly bad, is so bad indeed that any attempt to measure its true terribleness would create a black hole that would destroy the universe as we know it. The acting, the music, the filming, lighting, every single thing that you can imagine is bad with this movie. So please, turn around and run away from it as fast as you can and never look back. This is quite probably the lowest point of Mexican cinema, from this point forward it can only be better, they have effectively hit rock bottom.
insomniac_rod Well I exaggerated a little. But to be honest, "Cañitas" is truly one of the worst Horror movies ever produced in México, and if I go further; in the history of Horror cinema.I'm a Horror enthusiastic and I can proudly say that I've watched most of Mexican Horror movies in order to generate a Horror-movie culture in my beautiful country, México.But "Cañitas" made fun of Horror fans with a lame plot, boring pace, horrible acting, laughable and mediocre f/x (a little effort wouldn't hurt), silly dialogs, and absolutely no sense of the word "fear" or even suspense.This is by far the worst Mexican production in cinema from the millennium. I'm not exaggerating. Please, avoid this movie and the novel! Everything's a hoax.
sharonsharon031 This film reminds me the Mexican cinema of the 80's, "el cine de piojito" or "louse cinema", as we mexicans used to call it, and I don't think that's a good thing.The chaotic camera movement wants to be similar to 24, the series, or some Dogma wannabe, but just doesn't feel right to this particular story about a possessed house in the vein of Amytiville but completely surrounded, at least emotionally, by the virus of "el ahí se va-region 4". And well, compared with the Kiefer Sutherland's show or any film by the pupils of Lars Von Trier, results bad executed.The acting is awful and the screenplay is full of black holes and absurdities (the deaf kid provokes laughs because he always seems to hear the voices of the rest of the actors).In the cinema that I attended, some people were shouting at the end: "Give us back our money!". And, in general, I've only heard bad comments of the film. Nonetheless, the film has had some good box office -at leas compared to recent Mexican releases like Jokel or Cuando las cosas suceden-, but for some extra-cinematographic reasons. I'll explain: a good friend of mine told me that he wanted to see the film because he had morbosity. And yes, that explains everything!: people go to see this film for pure morbosity, it's so bad and laughable and kitsch and mediocre, that people just can't avoid it.And that's a very frustrating and sad thing for Mexican cinema.
teniente91 ''Cañitas'', i have to said that i like get fear, i like a lot get fear, but i have to said that i hate the horror movies, cause like a cinema student i completely can said that the most part of this kind of movies were terrible, cause they were horrible make it, ''Cañitas'' it's another example of this, first i understand that it's a B movie, but it's disappointed that a B movie as be so bad like this, cause this kind of movies in general as better than the biggest commercial movies, the last year we have ''El Laberinto del Fauno'' that was a masterpiece of filming, and was a B movie, but this year we have ''Cañitas'' was a terrible movie, the screenplay was full of mistakes, a lot, until that mistakes isn't be so hard less and is not mistakes that get f*ck it the entire movie whit just be one, but are a lot of mistakes that leave the movie f*ck it, and easy: direction, performances, sound editing and music, were terrible!, apart you said that been a movie who really get fear but in one scene, i and my favorite blond, we get laugh, easy the movie were terrible and like Mexican i said been honest, we suck on the horror genre, plis we make wonderful movies like ''Y tu mama tambien'', ''Amores Perros'' and ''El Laberinto del Fauno'', we can whit just 2 things, good screenplays and good directors
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