Cat-Women of the Moon
Cat-Women of the Moon
| 03 September 1953 (USA)
Cat-Women of the Moon Trailers

Astronauts travel to the moon where they discover it is inhabited by attractive young women in black tights.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Leofwine_draca CAT-WOMEN OF THE MOON is one of those cheesy little science fiction flicks of the 1950s about a race of powerful women colonising outer space; they seemed to have designs on the Moon, Mars, anywhere else you can think of. This film's story has the usual group of astronauts heading off to the Moon, where they're captured by a black-clad race of warrior women who have designs of them. A giant spider also pops up at one point. It's all very straightforward and ineffectual, not quite cheesy enough to be a so-bad-it's-good classic, but lively enough that it never becomes a bore. Marie Windsor, of NARROW MARGIN fame, plays one of the crew and is the best thing in it.
bkoganbing After watching Cat-Women Of The Moon I am convinced that Victor Jory signed for this film so that for once he gets the girl so to speak. The girl is Marie Windsor and she and Jory are part of an expedition of five that are going to the moon.Armstrong and Aldrin never found anything like what Jory, Windsor, Sonny Tufts, Williams Phipps and Douglas Fowley found. In the caves beneath the surface and just inside the dark side is an Amazonian civilization who haven't seen men in hundreds of years. Despite the obvious things they're missing the women have a high degree of civilization developed and they can communicate with Windsor telepathically which they've been doing even while she was on earth.Marie is doing her usual thing that she does in all the films she was featured in on earth, lead the men to their doom. The women plan to steal this first spaceship and return to earth to conquer. Their underground atmosphere is petering out and they need air as well as what men can provide.The only thing of note about this silly film is that it was shot in 3-D and got a bit of box office for that reason. Otherwise it's one hoot of a camp science fiction classic.
Michael_Elliott Cat-Women of the Moon (1953) ** (out of 4) Five astronauts (four men and a woman) land on the moon only to discover that there's oxygen on the thing but not only that but there's some "cat women" who want to steal their ship and go to Earth. For every masterpiece like The Day the Earth Stood Still you had fifty movies like this one and if you have a sense of humor towards bad films then you should enjoy this one. The film runs a very short 63-minutes and it's the type of film where you keep waiting for something to happen and it never does. I'm really not sure what the idea behind this film was other than to cash in on the sci-fi genre as the screenplay offers up nothing. I guess the so-called story deals with the cat women wanting to get back home but none of this really takes place until ten minutes to go and everything leading up to that point is just the astronauts walking around being amazed at what they see. There are some really campy moments including one sequence where the group walks into a cave only to be attacked by giant spiders on strings. Other campy moments include the cat women trying to seduce the men as well as a laughable scene where the astronauts learn that there is oxygen on the moon. Another funny thing is that there are several instances where the astronauts come off so stupid you really have to wonder if they were just homeless men on the street who were picked up and sent on a space mission. Another error happens in the gold cave when the actress accidentally calls the character she's talking to under the actors name. Heck, even future Oscar winner Elmer Bernstein did the score here. If you hate low budget, bad films then you'll hate this one as well but if you like bad movies then there's enough here to make this one "so bad it's good".
mrb1980 This preposterous sci-fi flick deals with the first mission to the moon. While there, the astronauts encounter a subterranean civilization of slinky cat-women dressed in leotards and a giant spider puppet. The men are hypnotized by the cat-women but eventually break free of the spell and triumphantly return to earth.It certainly appears that space travel has vastly improved since 1953, since the spaceship's crew is using office desks and chairs. The space suits are pretty funny, and instead of ray guns the astronauts carry around plain ol' six-shooters.I can see why Sonny Tufts was in this movie, since he appeared in quite a few substandard films in the 40s and 50s. But what on earth are fine actors Victor Jory and Marie Windsor doing here? This film rates as probably the worst ever to be remade (just a few years later, as "Missile to the Moon"). Campy film will certainly provide some chuckles.