Perry Kate
Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
That was an excellent one.
Did you people see the same film I saw?
if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Duncan Burden
This Is Awful, The Lowest Form Of Entertainment! I Don't Know How There May Be People Who Would Enjoy This Stupid Movie! Plot: There's Not Even A Plot, It's Just 2 Stupid Cops Protecting Something About The Mafia, That Won't Even Pass For A Student Film Project! Execution: Don't Get Me Started, It's WAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CHIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLDIIIISSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHH Especially For A PG-13 Film! Overall: Thank God This Bombed At The Box Office And It's At The Bottom 100 Or Else I Would've Gone Mad! If You Ever Come Across This Movie At a Thrift Store, Netflix, Etc, I Encourage You To Not Watch It, I Want To Save You 2 Hours Of Your Life By Not Watching This Slap In The Face!
Anders Twetman
This is not, a film, it might be feature length, but it i not a film. What it is, is an episode of a goofy cop show on TV. The kind that you would watch when there is nothing else on at three o'clock in the morning. I sat through the whole thing waiting for the canned laughter and fake audience reactions (*couple on screen kiss* Audiaence: "Wooooooooo"). Everything is done to that low budget TV show standard with fake looking sets, over the top acting an a weird style that mixes New York of the 60's with 90's technology and jokes. The story feels taken from a TV show too; you have the uptight, by the book cop partnering up with the lazy bum cop and this odd couple has to take down the mafia boss - hilarity ensues. Or at least that must have been the idea behind this crap. However, the story and characters feel outdated an all the jokes are far less funny than envisioned. The original was a cop show from the 60's and as far as I am concerned it should have ended with that.
My Dad was flipping through the movie channels, and he happened to stumble upon this. He was curious because of the things he has heard about the show (neither of us has ever seen it), and I sat down because I remembered it being in the Bottom 100. This was by far, one of the absolute worst movies I have ever seen. Period. There are too many things wrong with it for me to even count! The acting was stiff and unconvincing, to the point of it being BEYOND cringe inducing. I really felt bad for John McGinley, and I bet he is all too willing to shove this blight out of his memories.The jokes fell flat EVERY SINGLE TIME. The entire movie was devoid of any charm or wit. Did the writers even read the script? The only time I laughed was when Rosie's character was thrown into a dumpster, and that laughter wasn't a "Haha, what a funny and endearing scene" kind of laugh, but a "I hope a rabid rat or something would bite her so she'd be in pain and die, her soul burning in eternal flame" kind of laugh. When you wish the characters would die so you don't have to hear their annoying little one-liners anymore, the movie has crossed the point of no return.GOD this movie was painful to watch! By the end, both my Dad and I had a headache, and it put him in a bad mood for the rest of the day! Even my Step mom, who started watching during the last 10 minutes said it was terrible.Bottom line: DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE. I cannot stress that enough. It is NOT worth it! Though, if it is your goal to watch as many of the Bottom 100 as you can, then brace yourself for a migraine.
Seth Nelson
Oh, man! This movie was so funny, I think I may have...well, I think y'all know the rest. I mean, the title sounds funny: "Car 54, Where Are You?" Just hearing those five words makes me want to laugh with a smile! And throughout the film, you see things that you never see happen to policemen and policewomen in real life! Watching this movie from the beginning to the end was like being on all the rides at Disney World in just a matter of time, but without waiting in those long lines! I hope there's nothing on TV tonight, because I (as well a you) need to spend some time in front of the television and watch the comedy that is: "Car 54, Where Are You?" Hahahahaha!