Camp Slaughter
Camp Slaughter
| 17 January 2004 (USA)
Camp Slaughter Trailers

About 25 years ago an unholy child was born in an ancient noble family. The parents were the mother and son of the family. The goal was to create the perfect daughter, but instead she gave birth to a monster! The son, whose only interest are rabbits, called the monster Bunny Man, and placed him in a hole in the woods. He supplied his son with food and rabbits, to play with. Unfortunately, the lack of human contact made him violent, and his rabbits died when during his so called games. One day the son forgets to lock the hole and Bunny Man suddenly finds himself free, in a world he's never seen and doesn't understand. At the same time, a group of kids arrive at a cabin in the woods to throw a party. Kids that, to an untrained eye, seem quite similar to rabbits...

Joanna Mccarty Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Cody One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
James K You know, during this entire movie i expected everyone to start whipping off their clothes and start making-out. Look, the acting is appalling, trying to ignore it is futile. Things just don't add up, i mean i know its low budget and all, but if a person is repetitively stabbed, there will be at least a little blood on the knife! The acting could have been improved if the actors felt the moment, i felt like screaming it after a while! I'm all for independent movies, but if the movie is as bad as it was, then you shouldn't use such a good looking cover! And also, a psychic ability should have some sort of introduction (but don't worry, its only a 3 second thing that has no follow through, so no plot spoiler here)!
fredde800312 There simply are no spoilers in this "movie". Although the picture and sound is good for being produced for a B-horror film, the rest of it is poor acting and scenes you've seen in at least 50 movies before. To make things even worse, someone had the idea that Swedish kids speaking English was a great idea, probably so the movie would have a chance of getting shown in other countries!Here's the plot: A crazy lady has a son together with her own son(!) which is then being kept in a hole in the woods. Of course, this monster of a son escapes, and of course there's teenagers in the woods (sounds familiar?). You don't need a diploma to figure out that Bunny-man (that's what he's called in the end credits) will go Jason on the teenagers, but i guess that's what horror-flicks like this should be all about. The problem is that not once do you get scared, not a single scene looks real, and all acting is terrible. In the end, all you do is sit there and get angry at yourself for watching this, maybe, just maybe, you'll have a laugh at the poor acting, or the strange unreal scenes (There's one car scene that made me laugh like crazy, cause it's so unbelievably unrealistic)Watch it, don't watch it, that's up to you, i'd rather rent any part of the Friday the 13th-flicks and watch it again. I'm stealing my last comment from Comic book guy in the Simpsons: Worst movie EVER!
meximullet2000 I must agree with the above bad its good..holy crap...i laughed the whole time...a definite MUST SEE!!!! I knew nothing about it, just saw the title, and being a horror movie fan i thought, I MUST SEE THIS...and man am i ever glad i did!! The best part is how it seems as though the reason the movie is in English is to 'break' into the North American market or something...cos really, the English is pretty they don't actually understand what they are saying, its all just phonetically pronounced...AMAZING SEE IT!!! However don't blame me if you don't like it...not for all tastes...just don't go into it thinking its gonna be some arty foreign horror movie...foreign yes, arty no...definitely amazing!!
mange27 My first feeling was something like 'Evil Dead' or 'Bad Taste' . A guy gather a couple of friends and makes a movie with "not to big" budget . Some of the actors hinted that they hadnt done to much acting , but perhaps the fact that they had to speak english instead of swedish maybe did their job harder . If you liked Evil dead , Bad Taste or The Blair Witch Project you may want to look at this movie !