Cage of Gold
Cage of Gold
| 18 January 1952 (USA)
Cage of Gold Trailers

The love that Judy, a young painter, feels for Alan, a promising doctor to whom she is engaged, falters when Bill, an old friend, suddenly appears.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
saints-47173 Ealing Equals Quality. Basil Dearden does it again with depressing noir ahead of its time. Like Pool Of London, it bravely broaches taboos ten or more years before most film-makers.
mark.waltz The beautiful Jean Simmons always adds a touch of class to whatever film she stars in, and when she is the victim of an evil plot, she makes the perfect waif. Once married to the sinister David Farrar, she remarried after his presumed death and several years later, he shows up out of the blue and threatens her with blackmail. Simmons, pushed to the point of no return, takes the obvious step to get rid of him, but can she do it? Only the London fog will know as second husband James Donald traipses through it. Unfortunately, the bulk of this film is all talk, some good photographic effects and editing, but the rest of the movie is as slow moving as that foggy day in London town. Little suspense, unfortunately, drags this on, and while Simmons is an appealing heroine, she's dealing with a formula script that has little heat, even considering the subject matter. Farrar and Donald play complete opposites, showing ironically how one dimensional each of their characters are, while Simmons manages to make her character multi faceted.
howardmorley I gave this film a maximum rating of 10 as I was shocked it only had a rating of 5.2 on considered the rating needed lifting.I saw this film tonight on and was amazed I had not seen it before.The beautiful Jean Simmons plays the heroine wife to dastardly cad David Farrar who is just out to milk his girlfriends of money to finance a speculative new helicopter business investment.I could not divorce from my mind David playing the wicked squire Jack Reddin in "Gone to Earth" (G.T.E.)1949 opposite the very beautiful Jennifer Jones, and comparing James Donald playing the boring doctor in the subject film to Cyril Cusack playing the upright moral reverend Marston in G.T.E.It was almost a revision of the same plot 50 years on from G.T.E.The previous reviewer has outlined adequately the basic plot and principal actors in roles better known to regular filmgoers so I will not dwell further on that.I collect as many Jean Simmons/Jennifer Jones/Hedy Lamarr/Ava Gardner & Vivien Leigh films as I can - as you can see I rave over beautiful dark 1940s brunette film actresses - (I have every film Jennifer Jones my especial favourite, made).It was a pleasure to see an experienced producer Michael Balcon, director Basil Deardon and experienced cast all of whom were known to me from other 1940/50s films of the period.Being 65 I can clearly remember the London fog "peasoupers" of the early 1950s.It makes me feel almost wistful for those far off days.Unlike G.T.E.however the brunette heroine survives and we get a happy ending!
gordonl56 This watch-able noir from the U.K. stars a young and rather striking looking Jean Simmons. Also in the cast are James Donald, David Farrar, Bernard Lee, Herbert Lom and Madeleine Lebeau.Simmons and her doctor, James Donald, are having a romance and marriage seems in their future. That ends when an old friend of Simmons parents shows.David Farrar, a smuggler and all round cad, sweet talks Simmons who swallows his line hook and sinker. Farrar is really after the family money. On their wedding night, he discovers that there is no cash. Simmons family is broke. The next morning, Farrar disappears with what little cash and jewels Simmons had. Simmons realizes Farrar was just after money and has a good cry.A couple of months go by and Simmons knows the break is not complete. Their one night together has put a bun in the oven. She goes back to Donald who takes her back.While this is going on, we find out Farrar is in Paris back with his old flame Madeleine Lebeau. Lebeau and her partner, Herbert Lom, run a smuggling racket out of a Paris nightclub. Jewels to Tangier, cash to the States, cigs to the UK and so on. Farrar and Lebeau take up again.Several years later Simmons hears that Farrar was killed in a plane crash. Donald, who has been taking care of Simmons and her son, now marries her. Life is good and Donald moves up the social and money scale.Needless to say that reports of Farrar's death were somewhat premature. He is quite alive. He had sold his passport to another smuggler who had the bad luck to be in the plane crash.Farrar has been up to his old ways and has been stepping out on Lebeau. He has latched onto the daughter of a wealthy banker. When he approaches the banker about a "loan" to leave the daughter alone. Farrar finds he has overplayed his hand. The banker calls the Police instead.Ever quick on his feet, he bolts back to the UK. Once there, he pays a visit to Simmons. Needless to say she is shocked to find the low-life Farrar still upright. Farrar suggests that the last thing Donald would want is a scandal, what with his upscale practice etc. Farrar feels that a trip to South America is what he needs. Some cash would help. He gives her 24 hours to discuss it with Donald.Simmons does not tell Donald about Farrar's visit. She does not want to involve him further in her mess. The next night, she takes Donald's automatic to the meeting with Farrar.Farrar lets her in and asks how much did she bring. Simmons tells him he can have all "she" has, 200 pounds. Farrar laughs, a couple more zeros would be more like it he comments.Farrar guesses that Simmons never told Donald about the visit. He grabs the phone and calls Donald at his office. "I'm here with your wife". Says Farrar. He gives Donald the address of the flat.Farrar turns back to Simmons and his eyes open wide. Simmons has pulled the pistol and has it pointed at his gut.Farrar tells Simmons, "Could you live with the fact that you killed?" Simmons starts to cry and faints. When she comes to, Farrar is dead on the floor and her pistol is beside him. She flees down the stairs and out into the street. Just then, Donald pulls up. He tells Simmons to wait and goes to Farrar's room.He sees the stiff and begins to wipe the place down of fingerprints. He is just pocketing the automatic when the Police show. Down to the station the two go.Simmons swears she killed Farrar while Donald says it was he who killed the blackmailing swine. The detective, Bernard Lee, listens to both and shakes his head. He knows that both are lying. The beat cop had heard the shot and responded. He had seen another woman leave just before Simmons came out, and Donald, arrived.We now find out Lebeau had tracked down Farrar. She had entered the room as Simmons fainted. Farrar had bent over to look at her. Lebeau, seeing the two together, had picked up the pistol and dispatched Farrar.Lee puts out the word to stop the train to Dover and arrest her. Lebeau saves them the trouble by jumping from the moving train to her death. Lee gets the phone call about Lebeau and sends Simmons and Donald home. Problem solved.