Café Metropole
Café Metropole
NR | 07 May 1937 (USA)
Café Metropole Trailers

An American posing as a Russian prince woos a visiting Ohio heiress.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
calvinnme Adolphe Menjou plays a Paris restaurant/nightclub owner who has been embezzling from the place, and he needs to replace 960,000 francs before the auditors go over the books. He wins the money at baccarat, except that the last person to play against him (Tyrone Power) writes a bad check.So, Menjou comes up with a plan: have Power pretend to be one of the Russian nobility émigrés in Paris of that era, and woo the daughter (Loretta Young) of an American businessman (Charles Winninger) who frequents the place every time he's in Paris.Complications ensue, everybody turns out OK, more or less. It's really a little trifle, but it entertains you while it runs, and I'm sure audiences of the day loved the opulent sets. You'll probably forget most of it not long after it's over. To be honest, I prefer Love Is News of the Power/Young pairings, but I'll still give Café Metropole a hearty recommendation.
Benedito Dias Rodrigues The Top Billing Casting Tyrone Power and Loretta Young play a normal roles in this romantic comedy,actually a couple of guys stolen the show,Firstly the smart and cynical manager Adolphe Menjou and second Gregory Ratoff playing a no longer Russian Prince,but who still have a name to protect your honor when see a fancy phony guy use your name he decided make something to secure the long royal dynasty....well crafted plot on a fantastic movie from the past and glory days!!! Resume: First watch: 2017 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 8
bkoganbing Cafe Metropole finds Adolphe Menjou owner of said title in some trouble. He's got to replace some money he took from the business or go to prison and he's got ten days before his crime is discovered. He thinks he's won it back from a certain American playboy, but when the check is admittedly false, Menjou has a problem.Adolphe's a clever dude though, he uses the inebriated playboy who is Tyrone Power and tells him to woo and win it from an American girl, Loretta Young traveling in Paris with her parents Charles Winninger and Helen Westley. Be an exiled Russian nobleman, there are so many of them running around Paris these days.As a romantic Ty can't be beat, but he's certainly one unconvincing Russian going in and out of his accent in the same sentence. But he and Young do hit it off. And why wouldn't Young fall for him, it's Tyrone Power.Cafe Metropole is an amusing comedy of sorts with a Parisian setting recreated on 20th Century Fox's back lot. Just the kind of entertainment the movie-going public wanted, escapist stuff about Americans enjoying the good life with absolutely no hint of a rumor of a Depression out there. This also showed Ty Power's versatility in handling modern comedy as well as period drama. It holds up well today as people are still embezzling and trying all kinds of madcap schemes to cover and recover.
JohnHowardReid A very pleasant, old-fashioned comedy of manners. A delightful group of players make the most of a screenplay that is filled to the brim with chucklesome dialogue. Director Edward H. Griffith has wisely chosen to play the whole thing straight without undue emphases or heavily weighted advance signals. You have to keep right on your toes to digest such gems as Loretta Young's casual remark that Tyrone's hat makes him look like "an eccentric pall-bearer" (and watch for the shop assistant's astute manipulation of the said hat under cover of the ensuing conversation). I loved Charles Winninger's flat aside on European nobility: "If they're charming, they're fake. If they're genuine, they're dumb!" (A dictum which he later expatiates at greater length: "He was the dumbest, stupidest dope I ever had the misfortune to shake hands with!")In a roll of velvet like this, much depends on the skills of director and cast. With Café Metropole they cut the cloth perfectly, abetted by stylish, class "A" production values including Lucien Andriot's fine camera-work, glossily attractive sets and a caressingly tuneful music score.