NR | 03 June 2022 (USA)
C.R.A.Z.Y. Trailers

A young French Canadian, one of five boys in a conservative family in the 1960s and 1970s, struggles to reconcile his emerging identity with his father's values.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Python Hyena C.R.A.Z.Y (2005):Dir: Jean-Marc Vallee / Cast: Michel Cote, Marc-Andre Grondin, Danielle Proulx, Pierre-Luc Brilliant, Alex Gravel: Provocative Canadian comedy about raising a family or in this case, five boys. Story chronicles four decades beginning in 1960 Christmas day when fourth child Zac is born and believed to have healing abilities. Zac struggles with bed wetting while growing up then he denies his homosexual conduct, which worries his parents. Director Jean-Marc Vallee details the story within his sexuality as well as his relationship with his parents and four siblings. Vallee also matches the era of the story as well as blend humour, drama and tragedy effectively. To pull this off with an ensemble cast can be difficult but he is backed with a detailed screenplay that works. Great ensemble cast includes Marc-Andre Grondin as Zac who struggles with identity as well as his fit into society. Michel cote plays his overwhelmed father who demands that his sons not be sissies. The homosexual issue becomes a problem until he is faced with either accepting it or lose contact altogether. Danielle Proulx plays Zac's mother who is overly religious. Pierre-Luc Brilliant plays aggressive older brother who is constantly on drugs. It addresses raising a family and coping with issues of sexuality, tradition, acceptance, and other things that can drive a person crazy. Score: 10 / 10
Harry Waterman An epic drama of the story of a young man questioning his sexuality, growing up through the sixties and seventies in Quebec, born into a strictly catholic family of five brothers, each crazier than the last. C.R.A.Z.Y is a really affective film as it was one of the only films I've ever seen to make me really think about my own crazy existence and what life really means. Life is too love and to celebrate our indifferences. The outfits and nostalgic soundtrack are all exceedingly impressive, as are the performances and sequences set to music. Sometimes C.R.A.Z.Y is tongue-in-cheek, sometimes its heartbreaking and sometimes its surrealistic, however what can't be denied is this relatively unknown and genre-less epic is quite fantastic.
droogsandyarbles No hesitation on this one. This is a gem; a jewel. A magnificent piece of storytelling. I will run out of adjectives trying to convince you to load this one up and watch it. It spans a lifetime of a young gay man; the trial and tribulations of growing up in eras where homosexuality is not accepted, and how he tries to conform to fit in. But that isn't the only story here. This is the story of an entire family. Each person individual and unique, and parents who try to deal with each one of their child's personalities. This is a story drawn with such meticulous care and precision, you will be amazed. There are scenes that will stand out in your mind as prominent as with any classical movie... because they depict something extraordinary in someone's life. Compliments to everyone involved. This is a movie I will definitely watch once every year.. You should too.
reneweddan This film is remarkable, amazing, splendid, fantastic.Anyone who watches this film can find something to relate to, whether it be the "nerd" son, the "jock", the outcast, the rebel, or the youngest, mom or dad, or even as a female since many play a role in this film.C.R.A.Z.Y. is about living life as you are, different paths we choose, religion, faith, family, friends, love, music, relationships, passion, and so much more.There are various aspects to this film and only a fool would not enjoy it! With an 8.0 average rating, you will want to check it out. Although the aspect of homosexuality might turn some away, ignorance is always something that can cause one to miss out on something special. This film has a lot to do with homosexuality, but very little actually deals with it, it's just a broad aspect of the film but it isn't mentioned too severely.Give this film a chance, you won't be disappointed, two hours well spent, two hours I'll spend many times again.