Bunnyman Vengeance
Bunnyman Vengeance
| 30 October 2017 (USA)
Bunnyman Vengeance Trailers

The man known as Bunnyman returns home to find his family running a haunted house attraction. The family welcomes him home, but soon realizes you cannot domesticate a wild animal. Death and mayhem ensue as the family turn on one another to fulfill their bloodlust.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
fareedzacharia The film Bunnyman Vengeance starts out strong, well made with a solid pace. However the film, it devolves into a mindless action/horror film. The gore FX are good, and it just feels like a classic 80's horror b-movie. It's enjoyable, and what else can you ask of really. I would recommend fans of horror / b-movies to check Bunnyman Vengeance out, especially if you've never seen it, or if you haven't seen it recently. Bunnyman Vengeance is the best film in the franchise, which know numbers four films ! Bunnyman Vengeance being the third film in the franchise.
howardskillz Bunnyman Vengeance doesn't pull off its stylistic intention in a way that communicates a well-rounded story. The story feels skimmed for its gruesome premise, while the atmosphere tugs between stark surrealism and vintage 80's notes, made more confusing by the sampling of previous Bunnyman films. When considering the evocative, deliberate crafting of Bunnyman Vengeance, it seems a shame that the director didn't take the same detailed approach. However, and the combination of design and casting is hard to dismiss altogether. Its combination of awkward dark humor, surrealism, and horror has all the ingredients of a midnight masterpiece. One just wishes Lindbergh would have taken everything a step further - deeper, crazier, nastier. Considering the setup, he should have done so much more.Even if Bunnyman Vengeance doesn't live up to its potential, its visceral imagery is very effective, and the film momentarily captivates through uncanny design and great cinematography. Lindbergh remains a director to watch, particularly if he finds stronger source material next time. Howeve Bunnyman Vengeance does provide enough macabre entertainment to hold us over until that happens.
ahmid First a disclaimer, I'm a fan of the franchise so I'm a bit biased here. What we have in part 3 is both the expected and unexpected. Expected cause the filmmakers finally answered the questions us fans wanted from day 1, Who is Bunnyman? where did Bunnyman come from? When your at part 3, you gotta answer some questions for the fans. The unexpected is we have basically a hole new cast of characters to surround the main protagonist. This is good since it keeps the franchise fresh. This was a good installment in the franchise.
vilseipannkakan74 If you enjoy Wrong turn, The hills have eyes and Texas chainsaw massacre this is the same type of movie. Is it as disgusting and evil as those other horror movies? - I'm not sure, but a lot of people die in horrible ways. Sometimes the deaths are portrayed a bit humorous and it works, adding a tone to the raw violence. The movie has been influenced by other horror films and is in no way unique. But I like it.