Bungee Jumping of Their Own
Bungee Jumping of Their Own
| 03 February 2001 (USA)
Bungee Jumping of Their Own Trailers

A likeable, married high school teacher spirals out of control when a student in his class begins unintentionally reminding him of his doomed first love, which ended 17 years earlier.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
kajong-v-p hi Arnold Yim - before you mentioned it, I've never looked at homosexuality in that way... you have indeed enlightened me! I'm Korean myself too, and I come from a very conservative family who aren't open to homosexuality. I know how frustrating it could be for someone to be both Korean and homosexual. kind of like marrying a Caucasian instead of a Korean! ;)This is in fact one of my favourite movies, because its theme deals with true love and reincarnation, and has a sad/happy ending (they commit suicide in order to be born again in different genders, so that they can be accepted by the society). Lastly, it has a tragically beautiful piece by Shostakovich, 'misidentified for years' as the "Jazz Suite Number 2", according to Wikipedia.
Simon Booth A hot chick meets a cute guy at a bus stop, and they fall in love just like that. 17 years later, the cute guy is a teacher. Gradually, we learn more about what happened 17 years ago (thanks to some flashbacks), as events take a surprising turn in the present."Bungee Jumping Of Their Own" has to be one of the strangest movie titles of all time, and doesn't make the slightest bit of sense until the very end of the film. Extreme sports fans, I'm sorry to report than Bungee Jumping is *not* a major part of the film. Also, despite the sappy dvd cover that put me off watching the film for ages, it's not some kind of girly love story either. Yes, it is a love story, but a strange and interesting one.It's not often I stoop to watch a drama, especially a love story, but I'll generally make an exception for Korean films as they are so often very well done, with an intelligence and depth that you are unlikely to find in Hollywood or Hong Kong for instance. Bungee is no MY SASSY GIRL, but it's a fine piece of film-making. The production values are excellent - beautiful cinematography and soundtrack and well written script, but the big stand-out is the quality of the acting. I don't think I recognised any of the actors, but they all gave superb performances full of depth and emotion.I'm in a phase at the moment where I'm kind of bored of cinema - seen so many movies they all kind of blur together and few films leave lasting impressions. Bungee Jumping Of Their Own stands out because of the unexpected places it goes, the intelligence and the technical virtues, and will certainly stick in my mind for a while. I'd expected to put it up for trade once I'd seen it, but it's definitely a keeper Strongly recommended.
Jon Sturgess Have just arrived home from seeing this movie and felt I had to add my words of praise to a 'gentle' film about the most important thing in life - love and our relationship with that one 'true love' that some of us are lucky to meet during out life time.For those like me, who were touched by a first true love this film is for you. As I watched it was like replaying a most awesome part in my life when I encountered that soul mate who I knew from the first second, was going to be the only one for me.Others have done justice to the story and construction of the movie in their comments. For my part, I would simply say that if you have had that mystical encounter with that one true love for you then you 'must' seem this film if you see nothing else.This is certainly - one of out the box!
Christian This love story is quite engaging. It portrays relatively simple, but very touching characters. There is an aura of innocence and naive charm that transpires.The story itself is sweet. It deals with the themes of typical teenage romance (teasing, awkwardness, tension, comfort, confusion, initial steps into sexuality) and of deeper love (transcendence, bond, implicit connection, sharing, understanding).The begging is excellent and shows Seo In-woo and In Tae-hee fall in love and figuratively leap together towards the uncertainties of life. They form a bond of heart-felt love, trust and appreciation. The cinematography and the dialogue of their sequences in the rain are magnificent. The right mixture of simple and grand. They're intimacy is also very well expressed and we feel like we almost fell in love anew as a viewer. Quite marvellously done.After this exquisite prelude, the story then fast-forwards to a few years in the future, when Seo In-woo is now a professor. Little by little, we start to understand what has happened during the time gap and how the professor's inner world is resurfacing. It slowly comes back in a very interesting, non-conventional and unpredictable way.While the characters remain simple, even if in conflict, the story then intensifies and reach a level of complexity and maturity that is truly exemplary.The cinematography is again allowed to shine when we leave the classroom and even the interior scenes in Seo In-woo's home (or the earlier motel scene for that matter) are perfectly shot. Calculated, warm and poignant. The landscape, the window shots, the contrasts of light and colours are all top-notch. Picturesque. Incredible craft.The dialogue is also very perky, often funny, and keeps the story moving along with ease. When it's not funny, it's deep and intense, allowing the actors to shine.The resolution of the movie is at once unnerving and soothing. Unbelievable, but also fitting and true. We realize that it could not really have been otherwise. We are not sure if we approve or not, but we can somehow nevertheless understand. Life is also as such: we don't always agree with it, but in the end we have to accept it.
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