Brotherhood of Tears
Brotherhood of Tears
| 27 April 2014 (USA)
Brotherhood of Tears Trailers

Gabriel Chevalier, 45 years old, is an ex-policeman. Unemployed, lonely and depressed,he lives like a ghost and hardly takes care of his only teenage child Juliette. One day, by pure chance, he finds a suspicious but extremely well paid job: his daily mission consists of delivering a briefcase exactly where he is told. The only rule being to never open it. These deliveries will bring him to meet weird people in strange places. Gradually, his cop instinct resurfaces...

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
cosmicprinciples This movie is an work of art, obviously that you will need some baggage to debunk the meanings and the critic of modern occidental society to understand and grasp the real meaning behind it.A critique to the materialistic, narcissistic, egocentric. and individualistic modern day society where our God is money and the love of it that drives us to empty lives. The movie is a Shakespearean poem: to be or not to be...A critique to the what American Indians called WETIKO or Brazilian Indians called ANHANGA, a masterpiece of Art.At the first quarter of the movie, the main character, is depicted as a drunk, a looser, without any means to pay for basic needs, nonetheless he has time to spend with his most precious "possession" his daughter. He doesn't have but he is.He than sells his time, as most of us do with our time, with our lives to a company, where he just does something compartmentalized, just a piece, but the company as all major companies do becomes his master, and in exchange for a full material life, an American Way of Life, chains him as most companies chains most of us without we even realizing it.He than loses control over his life and becomes a slave to the company and all the material benefits it provides him with, but he doesn't have anymore time to spend with his most precious possession, his daughter. He no longer IS, he only HAS.Being a former COP, he then starts asking questions, he starts wanting to go out of his COMPARTMENT, out of his BOX, to really know what he is taking place in, what really is going on in this mysterious business, starts investigating and almost loses his child and metaphorically LOVE, which UNITES US.He than finds out after some investigation that there is a secret society, a secret wine... A wine made from the lives of other people, from the body of innocents... This is what CAPITALISM and NEO-LIBERALISM has been doing for the past 50 or more years to most part of the developing world. Draining peoples lives in the name of profit.
prescottjudith This film is a fast-paced thriller designed to keep the audience guessing until the final minutes. Despite a few clunky plot twists and turns it retains its credibility mainly due to the talent of its lead actor, Belgian-born Jérémie Renier.Neither Renier nor director Jean-Baptiste Andrea are strangers to international film-goers. Renier was Eirik in Martin McDonagh's In Bruges, while Andrea has directed a couple of films stateside (Dead End in 2003 and Big Nothing in 2006). This could account for the very transatlantic feel to La Confrerie which pays more attention to style and pace than in-depth character development.Renier is Gabriel Chevalier, an ex-cop whose personal life has taken a nosedive. He's a gambler, an alcoholic, a widower and single-parent to a rebellious teenage daughter. Unable to hold down regular work, he takes up the dubious offer of a job which involves sitting in an empty office waiting for the phone to ring. When it does, Chevalier is told to deliver a black briefcase to a specific address. One final instruction, he must never, ever, look inside the briefcase.Working as a well-paid delivery man, Chevalier trots around the globe while gradually being pulled deeper into a world of hired assassins and hardened thugs until a line is crossed and he wants out. Unfortunately, the job has no expiry date and to protect his family and reset his moral compass, he must solve the mystery of what's inside the black briefcase.Andrea proves adept at building intrigue and tension in equal measure – a skill which goes to the heart of a good thriller. But La Conferie belongs to Renier. He has created a multi-layered anti-hero who seamlessly moves from being a tough man-of-action to an attentive, caring father. The scenes with his 12-year-old daughter Juliette show a completely different side to the ex-cop which helps to excuse some of his later, more erratic behaviour. Only his relationship with Clare Foczensky (Audrey Fleurot) a female police officer, hits a false note. Perhaps in the style of American movies, a 'love interest' is de rigeur? But here it only creates a time- consuming and contrived parenthesis to a film which was getting along fine all on its own. In 2012, Renier won huge plaudits in France for his brilliant portrayal in the film Cloclo of popular French-singer Claude François, most famous for co-writing the song 'My Way'. He is a hugely watcheable actor and his role as Chevalier is once again a testament to his versatility.
eric leib I totally dug this movie, very different from what's usually made in France. Stylishly shot, it features a Jeremie Renier in top form. I used to find him a bit on the shallow side before but he's really grown into a very strong actor.This film has a strong identity, visually, musically and story-wise which won't appeal to everyone, especially to people who love to know beforehand exactly what they're going to see. As we follow Gabriel through his rags to riches story, it's impossible to tell where the plot is going to take us next. The audience is kept on their feet, I actually felt really tense at the end. Is it a thriller? A horror movie? A drama? It's all of the above.As for the ending itself, I think it's a fantastic concept, one I wouldn't be surprised to see remade. It's just dealt with a bit too quickly, the movie could've used another 2 minutes of extra time.Special kudos to young Melusine Mayance, and two thumbs up for a rather unusual soundtrack. All in all a very, very special, boundary-pushing movie, hope to see more of these coming from and to France in the future!
GUENOT PHILIPPE Saying I was disappointed is a lesser word. Everything here is unbelievable at the most, corny, silly at a scale you can't imagine. The story could have been written by Jean Christophe Grangé, exactly his style of tale. But, unfortunately, that's the perfect movie for TF1, garbage channel. Kind of crap ready to be shown in prime time schedules. For the "whole family". Crap, that's the perfect word to describe this non sense. Jeremie Renier deserves lots more than this. I don't think anyone only smart could accept such a movie I would not recommend even to my worst enemy. I am not so cruel. Forget it at all cost.The story is so, so, so...I have no strength to tell you exactly what it is about. You could think I am berserk myself !!!