Brotherhood of Blood
Brotherhood of Blood
R | 11 October 2007 (USA)
Brotherhood of Blood Trailers

Driven by vengeance, thirsty for blood... and damned to hell! Guarded by vampires and chained in a dark cellar by the mighty vampire King Pashek, crack vampire hunter Carrie Rieger's time is running out.her relentless quest to crush the world's undead scourge has brought her to the home of Pashek. But she is not here to hill him. Instead she wishes to join forces with her immortal enemies in an effort to rise up against an even more terrifying threat, one that would chill the soul of even the most blood-thirsty vampire; the mighty vampire demon Vlad Kossel.Thought to have been killed many hundreds of years ago, Kossel has now returned to wreak bloody vengeance on his kind before enslaving humanity. He will destroy everything in his path and there is only one hunter who can stop him...

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Argemaluco On my constant search of occult joys (like for example,Subject Two) in the world of low-budget horror cinema,I find very frequently very bad movies (like Dark Corners and Five Across the Eyes);unfortunately,I am very accustomed to that.But I think the most painful thing is to find a movie with great potential which was destroyed by some element of its production;it can be on a narrative,technical or creative level.Brotherhood of Blood is one of that movies which could have been much better if it was not for a fatal weakness : the disastrous direction.The main concept from the screenplay is good and pretty original.But,that good potential is completely destroyed because of Michael Roesch's and Peter Scheerer's extremely bad direction.As screenwriters,they showed some ingenious things on the screenplay which would have made of this an interesting movie.But their work as directors completely ruins this film making it very mediocre when it could have been good.Their directing is bad because of the badly illuminated cinematography,horribly structured scenes,uncomfortable close-ups and specially,because of the horrendous edition with continuity problems and with sudden changes of rhythm and tone.That lack of a global vision and of a correct structure of scenes and the weakness of keeping the flow of the narrative totally destroy this film,making bad what could have been a good film with a better directing.By the way,during the final credits of the movie,the first person listed on the section "special thanks" is "director" Uwe Boll.Speechless...I suppose that even the slight influence of this pathetic director has the power of ruining other movies like this one.The bad directing is also seen on the performances,which result very amateur,in spite of having some veterans of fantastic cinema.I do not wanna attack the actors...they have made solid works on other occasions (for example,Sid Haig,Victoria Pratt and Ken Foree).I think the fault is from Roesch and Scheerer,who clearly need a lesson on how to direct a movie.The only positive elements are on the screenplay,specially on the main concept,which is very good.But the pathetic direction ruins that good potential.Brotherhood of Blood is one of that movies which make me angry,because they represent wasted potential.I think that with another director/s,the result would have been a solid film.But,like this,I do not recommend Brotherhood of Blood because it is a very mediocre horror film.I think this movie will be useful to show film students how NOT to direct a movie.
westonfreaky Counter-cinema in its simplest definition is cinema that through its own cinematic practices, questions and subverts existing cinematic codes and conventions. Counter-cinema usually lies in independent film-making and often attempts to combine genres of film that would, on the surface seem to not go together. In "Brotherhood of Blood" the directors cleverly combines the 'vampire' genre and the 'mystery thrillers' sub-genre in an art-house context. Both genres are embodied by a certain mysticism. The curious thing about "Brotherhood of Blood" is that this film is the most realistic and human vampire film that I have seen. I suspect that this is because the film focuses on both worlds; that of the hunters and that of the vampires. Both worlds seem to offer something that the other wants, though humanity (not being human) seems to be the ultimate goal. What follows in the film are continual contrasts between both worlds, the one whose people live at night, and the other whose people live during the day. But there are strong parallels drawn between both groups. We see that they have more in common than they would admit. We must remember that each one of these vampires was at one point a human being. The film seems to be implying that even in the most extreme of transitions (from human to vampire), one cannot completely leave behind the rites that you previously cherished so deeply.
Mariano T. Dandre While most mysteries try to shock you too often with twists and even more twists, it turns out to be overkill. This film encompassed such ideas with flair, originality an an intelligent script.That being said, there were parts of it that were pleasantly surprising. I was happy to see Victoria Pratt in this movie, because I think the is a good, if not merely decent, actress with actual emotion behind her lines, which is lacking in a lot of horror. Also, I felt that there was a decent amount of chemistry between her and the young vampire. Maybe not enough for an Emmy, but for a horror movie it was pleasantly surprising.
Ellen Ray Subtlety is a very important thing in any good horror movie. Not only does subtlety reduce the ridiculous amount of "in-your-face-quality" that today's horror movies seem to love, which effectively makes then just plain old action movies, subtlety shows that a film has respect for its audience. It doesn't feel like it has to explain everything at every step of the way since it knows that an interested audience will be on the lookout for hints as to what is going on. That's what makes films like this enjoyable. In fact, that what makes any film enjoyable. It isn't just a barrage of images, but rather an engaging sequence of them. This sequence can be unchronologically organized or in any number of ways obscured to create suspense, but as long as it is engaging, the audience will be happy. There are numerous hints as to what is really going on and the final climatic twist is really a good one.