Bright Lights: Starring Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds
Bright Lights: Starring Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds
| 11 January 2017 (USA)
Bright Lights: Starring Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds Trailers

An intimate portrait of Hollywood royalty featuring Debbie Reynolds, Todd Fisher, and Carrie Fisher.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Lawbolisted Powerful
PodBill Just what I expected
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
westsideschl Even if you're not old enough to have known/seen Reynolds & or Fisher in film or media this story is honestly fascinating & instructive in so many ways. (a.) Aging gets to us all and there are ways to keep your wit and honesty about it all alive & kicking. (b.) Fanaticism (whether in sport, music, film, politics (think Trump - gawd)) has it's strange negatives, but also has some positives. (c.) Wealth isolates from reality, but subsistence poverty has it's own different reality (and fanaticism - think religion). (d.) Mental issues and/or addictions knows no boundaries. (e.) How one's life becomes perverted/distorted when everyone's your servant or wants to use you. Kudos to those who documented what appears to be an honest insight into those lives. A script like ending to their life stories. Would liked to have subtitles to fully capture all that was said. Interestingly as I write this the BBC news just released more information on Carrie (6/17/17).
Michael_Elliott Bright Lights: Starring Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds (2016)*** 1/2 (out of 4) It's funny how events that happen before a movie's release can change the way you view it. A great example is THE CROW where Brandon Lee was killed during the production and this left a rather morbid atmosphere over an already dark movie. When you view BRIGHT LIGHTS, the documentary about the relationship between Debbie Reynolds and her daughter Carrie Fisher, you can't help but know the tragic turn of events that happened before this aired on HBO. It's even more uncanny when one of the earliest moments in the film has Carrie asking her mom about her will.With that said, this is an extremely good and very entertaining documentary that traces both ladies rise in Hollywood. We learn about Reynolds career, how she got involved in Eddie Fisher, the birth of their two children and of course what followed. With Fisher we learn about her relationship with her parents, her rise in STAR WARS and of course the drug addiction and depression. From here we also get to meet Todd Fisher and get some wonderful moments with him and, in one of the film's highlights, his poster collection, which he uses to tell his life story.BRIGHT LIGHTS is certainly a film that fans of the there are going to enjoy as there are some terrific moments captured. There are some great stories told as well as quite a bit of archival footage showing Carrie and Todd when they were children. We also get to see inside the homes of the three, which is a great movie all by itself. Reynolds movie memorabilia collection is also looked at and discussed and we also get some footage of some of her final moments on a stage.With that said, there's no question that there's a lingering sadness that surrounds the film. There are some uncanny moments that will certainly make you think to the events that happened towards the end of Carrie and Debbie's lives. In a weird way, what happened to Debbie is a lot more understandable once you see this film and see how close the two of them were.
tracerules I love this. I wish when they showed the day at the SAG Awards that they showed all the clips they showed from Debbie's movies. This movie answered a lot of questions for the public though. Debbie loved her daughter a lot I mean they were neighbors and they envied each other in certain aspects. I wish there was no Todd Fisher time. This should have been cut to show just Carrie and Debbie. Showing a quick flash line of both of their movie history or highlights for Debbie as they touched on. Should have more insight on things Debbie had to deal with. We are shown the things Carrie has to deal with but we have no clue as to how bad Carrie got and what Debbie put up with. Also there should have been a cut where a few select close celebrity friends say something about whomever they have worked with.
makegoodmovies First of all, I am sad about the passing of the ladies, Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher. Their lives are quite relevant and fascinating.Second, and sadly, more important, I hope we get a chance to see a true documentary that these two deserve. While the truth is important, if the horrors of misfortune and tragedy, outshine or overshadow the blessings, there would appear to be no intent to honor the deceased. It is my opinion that Bright Lights was more of a money-grubbing trashy reality TV style slap in the face of humanity. HBO should be ashamed for letting this appear. At the very least, call it a MOCKumentary and not a documentary. A low level for bad taste for HBO.