Banking on Bitcoin
Banking on Bitcoin
| 30 December 2016 (USA)
Banking on Bitcoin Trailers

Not since the invention of the Internet has there been such a disruptive technology as Bitcoin. Bitcoin's early pioneers sought to blur the lines of sovereignty and the financial status quo. After years of underground development Bitcoin grabbed the attention of a curious public, and the ire of the regulators the technology had subverted. After landmark arrests of prominent cyber criminals Bitcoin faces its most severe adversary yet, the very banks it was built to destroy.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
kosmasp I don't know if it's funny, but then again humor is in the eye of the beholder. One thing is for sure, some people were able to do a lot of money. And then as with every currency, some did things with Bitcoin or dealt with it in ways that are not legal. But how can you always know how your product is going to be used? In this case apparently one of the founders knew about something ... but more about this when you watch the movie.It's an interesting look behind the scenes. Though I learned even more when I watched a special from John Oliver. Although he did a bit with all "Cryptocurrencies" so it was much broader (but also shorter, around 20 minutes). This is a nice what happened and how it started, for people who never really informed themselves about Bitcoin but always hear about it ...
mihai_chindris Is it really this virtual currency, along with many other replicas, the future of the payments and the financial system? I bet it will be. Or at least, I hope so. We've all been familiar for a long time with the idea of "open-source software", and now that it comes to money, it just raises a lot of opportunities for the people who want to step into the field of crypto -currencies, or who only want to get rid of banks, and start living life without the worries of fees, taxes and so on, that banks impose. Of course, we have this kind of things in virtual currencies, but are insignificant, compared to the regulations that the government and central banks force us to obey. I guess we are fed up enough with this kind of plastic we worship, call it dollar or whatsoever, we die every single day for it, just to gain a basic income & we can barely afford the "cheap" things. It's time for change. It's time for a revolution. It's time to join the movement!
Ersbel Oraph This is not really a documentary. This is just a quick rehash of blog posts and some talking heads brought in to make it look respectable. And there is no story to tell here, just some data, too badly structured even for a book published with a not so great publisher.
rookie I found this documentary very well done, particularly in regards of explaining the basic concepts and ideas behind Bitcoin (as both, an open, decentralized ledger rather than a 'currency', and an ambitious social experiment).To me as someone who is relatively new into crypto, it was also interesting and enlightening to see short interview clips with the pioneers of Bitcoin (and other approaches to decentralized payment systems), witnesses to it's early history, and although the movie doesn't reveal who Satoshi was ;-) , Cannucciary found a pretty nice way in teasing the viewer with clues on who he might have been, or at least what kind of person he might have been and the visions that drove him.All in all, this documentary should turn out as nicely entertaining and interesting 90 minutes for every Bitcoin / blockchain enthusiast.