Avicii: True Stories
Avicii: True Stories
| 26 October 2017 (USA)
Avicii: True Stories Trailers

Documentary about the arena-packing Swedish DJ, chronicling his explosive rise to fame and surprising decision to retire from live performances in 2016.

Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
aboody-84 Documentary shows you that sometimes fame and working on entertaining people may have a negative effect on person especially at young age
Rare Movie Critic I watched this film 2 days after the announcement of Avicii's death, but we still don't know what the cause of death is. Avicii was 28 years old - way too young to die.It is a story of too much too soon, but there is no way the filmmaker could've predicted this - Avicii wanted out, he wanted to quit touring, music, alcohol, the party-life, everything. We see it in the film, how little he cared for fame and fortune, how he lacked the maturity to understand the consequences of his actions (cancelling tours and concerts) and that he wasn't just a musician, but an employer whose employees depended on for their income.This film is ominous without the benefit of foresight, it's a warning without being preachy, it is what it is because they did not know what was to happen next. It ends on a happy note, an optimistic one of Avicii finally getting his way. Shots of beautiful beaches where Avicii can relax and play in the sand, where he can make music and be himself and vacation, not work to make the music for someone else's vacation. The film was released in late October (2017) and six months later, while on vacation in sunny Oman, he passed away.It is rare that real events (news) would elevate the rating of a film, but in this case it has. The death of Avicii shows that what was shown in this film was real, the stress experienced was real, not exaggerated by the film-maker, that the health consequences were real, not made up or exaggerated by either side (not Avicii trying to get out of obligations or by the director wanting to make the film better.)The thing that this film has that other films (made after Avicii's death) won't have is that it wanted to capture the life of Avicii and tell a story, not a money-grab by people trying to capitalize on his death. There will be more documentaries about Avicii, surely, but their motives and the timing will be suspect.I recommend this film for everyone, not just fans of Avicii/EDM.
mariosudic Everything in this movie is just awesome. Especially for someone who likes good, melodic EDM music and also for someone who has been into making and producing. On the other hand, the movie is just great for everyone else, who has no clue about anything in music industry. I don't wanna spoil anything, but getting Tiesto, David Guetta and other famous, and for Me, with Avicii himself, also the greatest DJs and producers into this story line is also amazing on so much levels. And at the very end, I just wanna say that, this life story, this amazing life path is something that everyone should see, no matter do they like this music genre or not. For Me (big EDM listener and fan) this movie is something I've been waiting for. I just don't like the end, because I think, this last concert should last longer..
MovieGuy_abc123 DJ's and music producers live a life which many wish they had. A life of private jets, money and fame. However, as Avicii: True Stories shows, that lifestyle comes at a cost, and for the man behind the biggest name in Dance music, that cost became far more damaging than any loss of money or fame. Avicii: True Stories shows the story of Avicii from the beginning, with a superbly chronicled time-line, showing the rise of success from the early days of Tim Bergling to the worldwide chart domination of Avicii, it's all in there. Highlighting the immense health struggles that Tim suffered over the years, it suddenly becomes so clear as to why Avicii had to stop. The machine had beaten itself, the light was no longer to outshine the darkness, the madness of it all had finally reached its peak, and it hit that peak in devastating fashion, as shown in this extraordinary up-close-and-personal telling of Tim's career as a DJ and music producer.It's a hard-to-swallow reminder that what we hear in his music, tales of uplifting nature filled with such positivity and joy, is not at all accurate to how Avicii is as a human being, as Tim. The trailer for the documentary quoted Tim saying: "Peoples perception of who Avicii is - isn't who Tim is" and it is that separation between artist and human being which proves to be so damaging, "the picture doesn't represent the painter".The story-line of the documentary gives a sense of depth and shows the journey in a way that isn't too long to become uninteresting or too short to not be enough, it's perfectly shot and beautifully edited. We get to see it all, from the business aspects behind Levels to the incredible production process behind some of Avicii's biggest hits, Avicii: True Stories has everything and nothing is left unexplained, it's all there.Avicii: True Stories is an emotional roller-coaster between pure euphoria and crushing struggle, with both shown in their most raw forms. The music brought so much joy to Avicii, but the lifestyle brought so much pain to Tim, it's an important lesson that what we see isn't always a true representation. This is a very unique piece of cinema, simply put - this is compulsory viewing.