Break Up
Break Up
R | 30 July 1999 (USA)
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Jimmy is married to the abusive Frank, but she's building a nest egg so she can leave. For a year, she's been deaf as a result of one of his beatings. One night, he pushes her over the stairwell, and she ends up in the hospital. When a charred body in her husband's car is pulled from a pond, the cops want to talk to her, but she bolts for her sister's, loses her savings pass-book, and then learns someone has emptied her bank account. She's goes on the run, with the same cops on her trail, and eventually realizes Frank may not be dead. Getting back her money, facing Frank, satisfying the police, and finding her freedom may be more than she can handle. Written by

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
onapproach-1 The plot was really weak and confused. This is a true Oprah flick. (In Oprah's world, all men are evil and all women are victims.)
guil fisher Not much director Paul Marcus could do with an inane story line and some of the worse acting jobs ever in a film. I continue to be amazed and amused at why Bridget Fonda continues to work in films. Is it the Fonda name that keeps her working? In this one she shows the gamut of emotions from 0-1. Deadpan expressions, lack of any acting style, I think she thinks being a deaf mute means a mute performance. Worst acting award continues to go to this no-talent actress. And right beside her is another inept actress, Penelope Ann Miller. Haven't seen her do anything interesting yet on film. Why does she continue to get cast? Kiefer Sutherland, whom I admire, gets nothing worthwhile in this flick. What a waste. He tries. And Steven Weber, whom I admired greatly in JEFFREY, gets dumped on in this one. Another waste of a good talent. However, I did like the work of Hart Bochner, whom I have never seen before. He gives an interesting performance as the abusive murderous husband. And I liked the dog, too!
mynerva Low-rent version of Ashley Judd's Double Jeopardy. Sutherland is too professional to be bad, but what was Brigit Fonda thinking?!? The Penelope Ann Miller curse continues (Think about it--when has she EVER been in a good movie other than Other People's Money? And I'm not saying she's bad, but all of her movies fail in some way).
carl-36 The basic story was pretty good, the acting, especially in the initial scene that sets the film up was realistic. In fact, Fonda's acting throughout was excellent even though the script made her dumber then a nail. You keep yelling at the screen, "Call the cops! Call the cops!" Of course, she doesn't.And the self-mutilation scene -- wouldn't this guy be in pain for days if not weeks? Drove me nuts.Keifer Sutherland often plays a real good bad guy -- but not this time. Now he's a cop who never met a donut he didn't like.Go ahead and rent this movie. Just keep a can of Spackle handy to plug up the holes in the story -- like who fed Duke the dog?