Born Yesterday
Born Yesterday
PG | 26 March 1993 (USA)
Born Yesterday Trailers

A rich millionaire hires a sophisticated journalist to bring his somewhat dim-witted girlfriend up to the level of his peers. He fears that the showgirl's lack of etiquette may damage his own social reputation and tries to change her — but fails to realise that her enhanced eloquence will empower her to voice her own strong opinions.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Kirpianuscus It is the lead question. and this version did not a decent answer. because, against the effort of actors, the version from 1950 wins at each chapter. and the cause is not exactly the comparation between the two versions. but something who reflects two different manners to understand the subject. at first sigh, if you ignore the original version , the present film works . the motif - John Goodman. for a form of freedom . in rest, Melanie Griffith seems be the hostage of the portrait of Billie by Judy Holiday and Don Johnson gives a pale sketch of the work of William Holden. and nothing else.
caspian1978 Since half the audience doesn't realize that this movie was a remake, let me be the first to announce that it is. Melanie Griffith once again picks a decent role for her to portray. She is not only breath taking like always, she does the role justice and does it well. John Goodman, who made his career as the lovable /devoted husband on the hit series Rosanne, has been known to be funny as well as lovable. Here, Goodman takes a chance by playing a mean / greedy political businessman. He is not only scary at times, but amazing. Since then, Goodman has gone on to do a series of dramatic roles. Born Yesterday is one of his first well done dramatic performances. It was also nice to see Don Johnson and Melanis Griffith in another movie together. Even though they are no longer an item, they have remained friends and kept a good relationship on screen. This is something hard to find in Hollywood.
dpwkbw Watching this movie is not the waste of time most movies entail; I am not a Melanie Griffith fan, but it's worth watching for (1) script (2) camera work (4) de Tocqueville (5) (above all) the 1st ten amendments of a hallowed document.
YFL Despite the bad reviews this movie received, I didn't think it was that bad. Maybe it's just because it's a remake and it's a known fact that people just don't like remakes. I don't remember ever having encountered a remake that people liked more than the original. And nostalgia for the originals plays a huge part in this, trust me.But I don't think they changed too much of the script, and it's the script which I really liked anyway. While for the other aspects, well, I guess I have to admit that most of the acting wasn't particularly good, the only character I really felt was played with sparkle was Melanie Griffith as Billie.Anyway, it is worth a watch especially if you haven't seen the original version (same title, 1950) in which case you might be kinder on your comments. If you loved the original, don't like remakes, then be cautious!