Born to Dance
Born to Dance
| 24 September 2015 (USA)
Born to Dance Trailers

Coming of age tale told through the eyes of 'Tu', an ambitious young man from Auckland who dreams of being a professional hip-hop dancer.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Nonureva Really Surprised!
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Dark_Lord_Mark Born to dance is low budget and we have mostly seen it before, but is that that a bad thing? Short answer, Nope.This is a New Zealand movie so I had to see it and glad I did. It is simple a dance romance movie. But it has its own uniqueness to it. Nothing wrong with the movie. It has a boy who is struggling to make and he eventually sees an opportunity, but is it what it appears to be? Along the way he befriends a girl, but is she who she appears to be? It has some fine dance scenes and decent acting. The main characters are the strongest and that is fine as it should be. The characters play their parts and are very likable and you want them to succeed.Excellent and worth the time. I am not a fan of dance movies, but I find myself constantly watching and enjoying them, not for the concept, but I always expect it to be fun and it has never failed to deliver. Solve all problems with dance....I rate it an 8 out of 10 and have fun.
Dorjee Wangyel Another dance movie? My first thought was it was gonna be another dance movie with generic plot line, bad acting and dance which focuses on gimmicky acrobatics and effects rather than dance itself (Step Up series anyone?). But this movie proved me wrong in some way.It's set in New Zealand, so expect some really exotic Kiwi accents, and the movie doesn't let down in that department. While some may find the accent borderline incomprehensible, I personally enjoyed it. It follows a young aspiring Hip-Hop dancer Tu with his crew, while saying more could be considered spoilers, so let's not go there. It's a pretty generic storyline formula used in many other previous dance movies (Step Up series, Streetdance series). The acting isn't wow-ing in any way, and most of them are professional dancers rather than actors from what I know. It also stars So You Think You Can Dance (US Version Season 4) finalist Kherington, which was a warm surprise for me because she was one of my favourite contestant during that season of the show.But here's the best thing about this movie - the dancing, because it focuses on the DANCE part rather than using acrobatics and effects. The choreography were amazing. The group numbers at the end were extremely enjoyable to watch. Here's what I started disliking about the Step Up series after the 3rd movie - they were more acrobatics and props effects than dancing. And the sole focus on dancing in this movie was a refreshing change for me (Streetdance series did this as well previously, by fully focusing on the dance instead of props).Anyway, the movie is not bad - generic plot line, not so bad nor good acting (I guess you could call it average), with amazing dancing and choreography. Which is why I gave it a 7/10, because it was wholesomely entertaining to watch.
Red Haircrow Not a fan of hip-hop music or dancing, but I wanted to watch this film because of the Maori Auckland connection. With the "coming of age" billing and the family factor, a single dad taking care of his adolescent son with dreams of making it big if accepted into the K-Crew dance team, it appealed to me personally, too. Tu learns, however, that along with the "big time" comes betrayal and the reality of the "winning at all costs" method many "top" performers in whatever dance field consider SOP. The story is common, but the acting is believable. I'm still no fan of the music/dance genre but it was a fun film with a little romance, a little drama and a "feel good" message and ending: make new friends but stand with the loyal bros who always have your back.
Desiree Te Hiko Dance movies, a genre that has been done over and over, and generally follows the same recipe. A down on their luck person who is amazing at dancing but is given an ultimatum, if they don't do something with their life there will be consequences, so miraculously an opportunity pops up and they have the shot to try out for their dream, their dancing dream, *insert love triangle here*, usually they do well, then something happens so they can no longer dance, and then as we all know they find a way to dance again and do amazing and everyone loves them and they win, they always freaking win! This movie pretty much followed that exact storyline, which isn't bad of course, but is predictable, it will most likely leave you satisfied, The movie I wasn't sure if it could be classified as a part comedy or really just a music drama, maybe it's the fact some of the acting is below par and that watching other New Zealanders trying to be serious is slightly embarrassing and awkward.....I don't know, maybe I'm over-analysing it. But I'll get into some semantics: Bad points: the accent, I get it, it's set in South Auckland but not all Nzers sound like that, and when they talk like that I don't believe it makes it internationally sell-able, the acting, well, apparently most of the 'actors' are dancers not actors, so that's pretty self explanatory, the storyline - leaves little to the imagination. Good points: It was enjoyable as a whole, I wouldn't be against recommending it, it was light-hearted and easy to follow, but the best thing about it was the dancing! it was sooo 'en pointe'....see what I did there?....dancing haha, but no in all seriousness the dancing was amazing, not surprising considering the choreography was done by Parris Goebel who didn't she win the Hip Hop world champs several times? and name drop, was a choreographer for Jennifer Lopez! That's right, of course that part was going to be amazing! The music was good too, slight request though, if a singer is acting in the movie please refrain from featuring more than one of your is a little bit cringey, unless the movie is about you, then let it go. You act or have your songs featured, it's not a music documentary...Stan Walker *cough* *cough* Scribe *large cough*....wait, Scribe is still around... he was hosting the event, he's taken up acting, what is this! I also like that they they represented the gay community, slightly over- exaggerated but hey what do I know. To wrap it up, it was good, but not amazing if you want to see a light-hearted movie with fantastic dancing go see this movie, don't hold your breath for any amazing plot twists or any new story lines cause you are not going to get that here.