Born Killers
Born Killers
R | 01 January 2005 (USA)
Born Killers Trailers

John and Michael are taught by their father at a young age that people are merely piggy banks... if you need money, just break one open. Charming and brilliant, they roam the country robbing and murdering anyone foolish enough to get in the car with them. After their partnership becomes strained and John sets off on his own, he discovers his father had a secret family... another wife and a daughter in another state. With a renewed sense of purpose he sets out to find and kill his stepsister. But this may be more challenging than he thinks... has he met his match?

Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
jim-67915 Born Killers has got to be one of the lamest and boring movies I have ever suffered through. The actors who played the 2 brothers are not star material to begin with. They are supposed to be stone cold Killers and they come off as soft wannabe tough guys. The kind you have a strong urge to slap for just looking your way. This movie was a dismal failure. Who cast these people ? Was it out of pity ? Lack of a budget ? A casting director who is incompetent ? The actors are dull. The plot is lame. The story is incredibly boring. This has got to be a planned tax write off or something. It would take a complete idiot to read the script and not see it for exactly what it is, as lame as lame can get. It's like someone thought hmmmmm let me find the worst script out there and pick the wimpiest no name cast I can find and see what happens. Well , as I am sure you suspected, nothing happened for a nothing movie ! This movie deserves a minus 10 rating. Born Wimps would be a more appropriate title. LOL
Tss5078 I never would have thought that I could be bored watching a movie about a pair of serial killers. Born Killers changed all that, as it is easily the worst serial killer film I've ever seen. Surprisingly enough, this film starts out pretty good and slowly descends into being unwatchable. John & Michael were left to learn about life from their father, a complete psychopath, so it's no surprise, that they turned out to be killers as well. John (Jake Muxworthy) is the quiet, good looking, methodical one, while his brother Michael (Gabriel Mann), is reckless, leaving John to clean up his mess. After we get the back story on the brothers, and see them in action, they go their separate ways, and the story focuses on John. Jake Muxworthy plays the quiet killer, who eventually meets up with a girl. He falls in love and tries to put his killer urges behind him to live the normal life. Muxworthy was the only reason this film got a rating at all. The film lacked the action I was hoping for and just turned into one conversation after another, but Muxworthy was as advertised, as this good looking, methodical killer, who not only plans things down to the last detail, but who also narrates the story. Born Killers wasn't bad in a way where the movie didn't make sense, the problem was how boring and slow moving it was. After the initial action, nothing really happens except for a lot of people doing a lot of talking, and if that's all I wanted to see, I'd just hang out at the mall.
nihilville Don't trust these other reviews or you'll end up suffering the same hideous fate I did and waste an hour of your life watching this pointless snooze fest. If you're hoping for horror, this movie disappoints. The killing takes place mainly off camera (and not in a building tension kind of way, more like a "we don't have any budget for special effects" kind of way) and neither of the two "serial killers" are remotely creepy. One of them just acts like he's trying to get laid all the time and the other one just mopes and acts emo. If you're hoping for character development, stay far away as well. Two of the biggest characters die off camera (or during a brief flashback) and the narrator goes from being a grifting serial killer to a love struck Jonas brother in about 5 minutes.Oh yeah, and there's incest in this movie. A LOT of incest. Not even a character developing portrayal of incest. Just casual incest, with barely a passing reference and no questioning by either main character.The acting was passable, but the script had 2 dimensional characters and had no compelling story to tell. It sputters to a halt with a twist that is only surprising in that it's utterly pointless. It's like the writer just gave up and wanted to end the script as quickly as possible. I guess I can't blame him.
imdb-4632 // Just finished watching this film and i really, really liked it. // I won't reveal any plot past the first significant part of the story - i simply hate it when the whole plot is revealed or is made obvious.It's about two brothers, who after their mother dies, grow up with their previously absent father who's way of life is to break into peoples homes, steal, kidnap and murder the occupants. "Piggy Banks" - simply smash one open, use the contents, move on to the next.// But this isn't a horror flick - more of a bloody, involving story as narrated by one of the brothers.)As the brothers (now in their 20s) follow in their fathers footsteps, the thieving and murdering become casual routine when they need money (a "work day") or not, until they become involved with a girl called Archer (Kelli Garner) who's intellect and ideas spark a disturbance in the brothers mindset. As this begins to unravel in John, who is quieter and less impulsive than his brother Michael, buried secrets come to the forefront and parts of the family's past is revealed.// An excellent cast with very good performances, especially Jake Muxworthy and Lauren German.