Born Invincible
Born Invincible
| 01 January 1978 (USA)
Born Invincible Trailers

A very arrogant white haired Tai Chi martial artist and two of his cronies wreaks havoc in a small village, terrorizing people and their families. Three local heroes team up to defeat the villainous three, but they have to find a secret weak point, which the Tai Chi master can choose and change at will.

Steineded How sad is this?
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
DirtyGrainius I hate when people say that about a movie, but hear me out on this one.This movie is so good, only a classic dubbed voice-over could do it justice, but I'll still try here. I first saw this movie 2 weeks ago(today is 25/05/07), and now I've seen it ten times, and own a copy. I had gone on a Kung Fu binge at my local video store which has a small but semi-decent selection when as I was nearing the end of their selection, and I picked this up. Now I have had these binges in the past, but with Kung Fu( NOT TOTAL WIRE-FIGHTING; The Real old-school stuff), once you satisfy the urge, you can go eons without watching, or wanting to watch another kung fu flick. Anyways, I'm at home and have 2 other rented kung fu's, 'Fists and Guts' and the 'The Bhuddist Fist', 2 very decent movies themselves. I tried to decide the best order to watch them, because it's hard for a mediocre Kung Fu Movie to follow a really good one. Since it had Carter Wong I thought well this could be something, but the title was too boastful for me to take seriously - It went in the player 1st, lead-off batter.30 seconds into the movie I stopped it, pressed eject, and bumped it up to # 3, the money spot; It just gave me "that feeling". Now I watched 'Bhuddist Fist' and thought it was really decent. 'Fists and Guts' was great too and funny(The fight scene in the Leper Colony is classic). Then I settled in for what I hoped was the clincher movie.From the classic intro voice-over which describes the nurturing and the nature of Carter Wongs character (not to mention why his voice is the way it is in the movie ), I had goosebumps and a grin.( sidenote - The "cheesy" dubbing makes Kung-Fu movies BETTER if you don't understand Cantonese or Mandarin, and if you have watched a lot and can understand the nuances of the voice teams{since they used the same general group for like 25 years}. The same people would be the voice of villains, the same were the heroes, the same people would be the avenger, the same guy would do the restaurant/noodle stand owner. Basically they help define the characters since Kung-Fu movies generally were always about the same types of characters.)So the movie starts proper and then Hi-Pei Killers come in and start kicking butt; Until First brother is called in. From that first fight to the very end, this movie is everything - EVERYTHING - an old-school "Kung-Fu Movie" should be. Great Lines ("Give this one 'The Quick Trip to Heaven'" - Classic), a killer pair of villains(Carte Wong and Lo Leigh - Awesome), amazing choreography (Yuen Woo Ping is so good), classic "trying to find the weakness training sequences", classic climactic fight sequencing i.e. vs. 1st brother > master > Grand Master, just everything.Thanks for listening, and this is just my two-cents, but this is a must own for every Kung Fu Movie Enthusiast.
rob_j Yeun Woo-Ping inspired movie madness. This film, especially its R2 DVD English dubbed version, is the funniest kung-fu movie I've ever had the pleasure of watching. Do not take this film seriously as it certainly doesn't.Plot revolves around an evil falsatto shaolin master who has the ability to contro his 'invincible armour' by locating his weak spot in a certain part of the body. It's simply ridiculous... One of the most amusing demonstrations of the ivincible armour includes someone jumping from the second storey of a building directly onto the stomach of a super hard dude...You must see this...
jinxs This was the first Kungfu movie I ever purchased, as I was drawn to the cover and storyline. When I first watched it, I was in awe. It was probably one of the few films I watched 2 times in a row in one evening. This film features some of the best fight sequences in any kungfu film. They are fast and creative. Carter Wong does a perfect job as the white haired Chi Kung master who is impervious to all attacks except for in his throat (note: this concept has been done in many other kungfu films, but never was pulled off this well). Lo Lieh is also great as Wong's sidekick with the golden tonfa (one of the coolest weapons in any kungfu movie, it has a blade that shoots out of it so it can be used as a sword and it has a clamp that rips swords). Although the story is fairly basic, we get nearly non stop action from one fight ot another. A true masterpiece in all aspects, and essential for all hong kong film fans.
wesle827 This is the movie full of fighting but it uses a good story line to keep you wondering just how they will defeat them. Lo-lieh, Lung-fei, Carter wong , these are the star who caught my attention and kept me into the story even though fei died early on the movie his student keep his dream alive