Blunt Force Trauma
Blunt Force Trauma
| 05 October 2015 (USA)
Blunt Force Trauma Trailers

Follows the journey of John and Colt, gunfighters and sometime lovers, on parallel but very different journeys through an underground dueling culture.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
RoboRabbit89 I have only seen this at least twice, and I find it alright at best.I will say that I do like the concept about duel gun-fighting done this way, and since this was written and directed by the man who wrote "The Replacement Killers" I figured, why not check it out.To my surprise, I find it entertaining enough but lackluster and forgettable at the same time, which is a shame because the concept is really cool.I think the writer/director should have made this film way more fun because it just lacks in so many ways, like, their isn't enough character development, not enough story, too many inconsistency's in the story like why does the duel gun-fighting tournament exist, why dose John or Colt participate in the tournament, why isn't there more action scenes, why is the pace so slow, and why is the main villain only shown the last 9 minutes of the movie before it ends, among others.Overall It's just alright at best but forgettable,and lacks in more than a few places.I give it a 3/10. Not great but watchable, if you have nothing better to watch at least watch on a rainy day.
Jim Jose The most annoying part of the entire movie is the annoying songs they play every now an then at the most random times without any feel to it, and the lyrics itself doesn't even match, and throughout the entire movie i was more frustrated listening to those songs that i couldn't even focus on the movie, the movie would have been rated 5+ if all they had was subtitles!!!! and as for the rest of it what annoyed me the most was the ending, all that hype and in the end they just ended it without any decent conclusion or at least something that points to it, there are some movies that have open endings like this, but this..... is just a complete failure. i know he lead character wins as shown in that video during credits, but for the way the story was going this is just a disappointing ending in my opinion
Fennris For a movie with gun violence as the core activity, this is a very quiet, reflective piece. It is well scripted, well directed and well acted with no filler (no witty banter, ridiculous stunts, little humor, no f/x, etc). They do a good job of -not- glorifying the fights and maintaining suspense; at no point do I want to be in the main character's shoes. Along with Freida Pinto's character, I'm rooting for him to survive and work through his hopefully fleeting passion/obsession, not win the fights. Most of the time the positions he puts himself in just look like pointless death traps that I would rather not see him walk into (contrasted with a Jason Statham or Bond movie where it's fun to see how the protagonist manages to spectacularly untangle bad situations). The final fight is perfect - two accomplished warriors meet with nowhere to go and nothing to do but everything to prove. Kwanten did an outstanding job - his character was nothing like I've seen him do before but I doubt Eastwood in his prime could have done better. And Rourke was his character; it may not have been a creative leap for him but it served the story well which is all that matters.The weaknesses of the movie are also it's strengths: it has a very small # of relevant cast members and a very simple (but nearly perfect) story and script. So if it's not exactly your type of movie there's not going to be much in it for you.
Sherazade This was an entertaining tale about underworld gun-dueling in South America but by the time Mickey Rourke showed up, I'd already forgotten that he was even supposed to be in the film. The film starts abruptly and ends abruptly but I suspect that was all intentional. If you're not invested in one or more of the characters and their stories you could easily get lost in the narrative or get disinterested altogether. That said it was a decent watch, slow-paced at times but well worth the time spent on it. The beautiful Freida Pinto held her own as the leading lady and Ryan Kwanten was effective (though looked somewhat bored) in his role as her leading man. Blink and you'll miss two hot dirty cops get their ultimate comeuppance in the very entertaining first quarter of the film.
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