Blue City
Blue City
R | 02 May 1986 (USA)
Blue City Trailers

Returning to the small Florida town where he grew up, Billy Turner learns that his father has been killed. With little help from the police, Billy will take matters into his own hands and go up against a ruthless local mob boss in a desperate search to find the killer.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
sundialpictures-01657 What's good about this flick? The gorgeous Anita Morris plays Nelson's stepmother and the woman oozes sex appeal. A wonderfully smarmy performance by Paul Winfield as a corrupt police chief. David Caruso acts circles around his co-star Judd Nelson. Some really nice shots of the coastline while Nelson rides his hog down the interstate. Ry Cooder's bluesy score is just a treat to listen to and captures the atmosphere of the settings.What's bad about it? Ally Sheedy and Judd Nelson aren't trying at all; they look like they're here for the paycheck and nothing more. They exhibit no chemistry in any of their scenes together, and Nelson looks like he's reciting all of his lines in the least interested manner possible, and Sheedy looks as though she'd rather be anywhere else in the world. Unfortunately, these two performers are probably the reason why most people would want to see this movie. I say skip it and see them in St. Elmo's Fire or better yet The Breakfast Club.
Wizard-8 "Blue City" came and went from theaters pretty quickly, and has been pretty much forgotten today. I picked up a copy of the movie from a thrift store for 55 cents, to see if there was a reason why the movie is now in obscurity. It did not take me long to figure out why... and that I paid way too much to see it. There are many problems with the movie, but I think the biggest is that there isn't really any character to identify or sympathize with. The biggest offender is the main character played by Judd Nelson. Right from the start he is deeply arrogant and unlikable, so it's really hard to get involved with his quest to solve the murder of his father. It doesn't help that Nelson's performance really rubs the viewer the wrong way. (Actually, EVERY actor in this movie gives a poor performance.) As for the mystery angle of the movie, it is uninvolving, mainly because the investigation moves at an unbelievably slow pace. And Nelson's character makes a lot of actions that are so unbelievable that you'll wonder how he's not thrown in jail countless times, or simply killed off. The climax tries to pull off a surprise twist, but if you have seen your share of thrillers, more likely than not you will have guessed what that twist will be long before it unfolds. I'll be shortly donating my copy of this movie to a thrift store, so if you happen to see it there, let it remain there gathering dust.
Lokisgodhi Judd Nelson playing the part of Burt Reynolds. I always thought that was the best way to describe this film. That description is not meant to take anything away from it. Just a description of it.Like in many of Reynolds' roles, Nelson plays a smart mouthed wisecracking anti-hero. He's not nearly as sure of himself as his pretends to be. Like many of Reynolds' characters, Nelson's Billy Turner is making it up as he goes along as he seeks rough justice. Unlike many action adventure films, the outcome is in doubt. Turner is not an invincible killing machine.I remember seeing it when it came out. I thought it was a fun film worth watching. The theme is appealing. I think it's an underrated film and the proof the critics' opinions are just that: opinions and therefore subjective. You have to see it for yourself.
gsprods Fans of The Breakfast Club will enjoy Judd Nelson in this movie. He plays the same type of sarcastic, wisecracking antihero he played in the previous film. It's fun to watch him thumb his nose at authority. He also reminded me of Eddie Murphy in Beverly Hills Cop because he was avenging a murder and raising hell by going after the bad guys and making fun of them in the process. The rest of the cast is great, watch David Caruso in his pre NYPD Blue days, plus Oscar nominated actors Paul Winfield and Scott Wilson are in the film. Ally Sheedy up until this point, only played nice girl roles. Here you get to see her curse and do things you don't normally watch her do. The most unexpected surprise of this film is how good the music is. Jazz Legend Ry Cooder performs one of his very best scores. His guitar sound strikes a deep chord and really enhances the picture. I bought the soundtrack.