| 24 June 1989 (USA)
Bloodfight Trailers

Master martial artist Masahiro Kai is a shadow of the champion fighter and trainer he once was. After his protégé was slain in a no-holds-barred, underground fight by the incomparable Chang Lee, Kai slips into a numbing alcohol-induced stupor to try to forget the past.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
mm-39 A rip off of Blood Sport and Rocky 4! The makers of Final Fight know this, and I am okay with it to. Part of the movie is Blood Sport with an all out martial arts contest, with the same bad guy (Bolo). The other part of the story is similar to Rocky four which has a trainer's revenge of the death of his student from and in ring incident. The training part of the film is right out of the Rocky movies. The protagonist trains old while the bad guy trains new. The movie has some filler martial arts Hong Kong (Mr B Lee) style in the middle too stretch out the story. Is the movie entertaining yes. Is it a great movie no! The ending has the protagonist walking away dressed and walking similar to Sly's characters. I give Final Fight 6 out of 10.
Scarecrow-88 At the heels of Bloodsport, director Shuji Goto snagged the formidable Bolo Yeung, attempting to capitalize on that film's success for his similarly titled, Bloodfight. The plot echoes Rocky IV as retired world champion martial artist, Masahiro Kai(Yasuaki Kurata), now the trainer of a fledgling gym, prepares for his main event fight against Chang Lee(Bolo Yeung), the one responsible for the murder of a former pupil, Ryu Tenmei(..a really young Simon Yam). Kai watched as Ryu battled against a group of bullying punks, led by Stuart Smith, seeing a possible champion-in-the-making, hoping to take him under his wing. At first Ryu resists, instead concerned with a career in basketball..that is until he has another altercation with the punks, left battered and bruised. To the dismay of girlfriend Milly, Ryu will abandon his potential basketball career, working hard with new trainer Kai, preparing for a tournament, in the hopes of becoming world champion. Ryu does indeed work his way through opponents, squaring off with Lee, but it doesn't fair well, and one snapped neck leads Kai into a drunken state, agonizing over the loss of his student, who was in over his head. In a publicity event, Kai agrees to enter the world championship tournament, setting up the main event between himself and Chang Lee.Undermined perhaps by the middle portion which gets bogged down in unraveling why Kai is awaiting his battle with Lee, Bloodfight, come hell or high water, is gonna place special emphasis on the characters and their story. It opens as if it might be a pure fight film, sacrificing story for bloody violence, but once the flashback story begins, the film at times grinds at a slow pace, with an exciting action sequence popping up here and there. The film follows the same "training regimen" scene from Rocky IV, as Kai prepares in the most difficult conditions / ways while Chang Lee works out in the comforts of a gym, with the finest equipment. While I personally wanted more of Yeung destroying opposition, Bloodfight is more concerned with the dynamic of trainer and student, how this relationship dictates the emotional level of the finale. The film establishes the main aggressors as the gang of cruel interlopers who attack innocent people and street vendors in the city just for kicks, with others having to put them in their place from time to time( a young woman defending her mother and sister, Ryu protecting his girlfriend, or Kai, wallowing in misery, who annihilates them even though he's drunk out of his gourd).The fight scenes are quite entertaining with the fighters flying through the air(..these moments are obviously choreographed fantasy, but enjoyable just the same, even if they are fictional acts of agility), swapping blows, with the usual assortment of odd-looking contestants and interesting finishes. The film allows Yeung, who is quite a physical specimen, to look really good, his fight against Yam incredibly hard to watch as his Chung Lee just obliterates the kid, showing no mercy, actually boozed up before the fight even begins. His closing fight with Kurata is worth the wait, and, again, Yeung, for a good while, just bashes and pummels his opponent. The problem is getting to these scenes, the dearth of story taking precedence over the fights. The film was shot in English, before the tolerance of subtitles, hoping to gain interest from Western audiences, I suppose. The Hong Kong locations are always a plus and I think Kurata does fine in the lead. Yeung is certainly menacing enough, even though his role doesn't differ much from others we are accustomed to.
rottingcarrot Bloodfight It's basically a shameless rip off of bloodsport but with some extras.....Circus music. That's right completely inappropriate circus music is played for long segments of this movie. Why? I would really like to know but it did have me chuckling. terrible acting no doubt in part by the fact that all the actors speak their lines in English when they no doubt couldn't speak a word of English without intensive coaching.It wasn't looking good until Stuart Steen AKA Stuart Smith enters, playing the part of the cocky street gang leader. You think billy bob thornton gives spellbinding performances? LOL. Think again! Stuart Smith is our new god. Who cares who J Low is dating? I want to know what country Stuart Smith is the president of!!! He is an unstoppable actor who will give his all NO MATER WHAT! Long live Stuart Steen!!! AkA stuart Smith AKA a bunch of other names! He is the man! Anyway I have watched this movie more than once. It definitely has its slow parts but if you like crap you'll like this!
plantostickthat When i first saw this, i thought 'I will never see anything as terrible as this in my life'. I was wrong, though, because i saw Joel Reed's 'Bloodsucking Freaks'. This would have to come in a close second as the worst movie ever though.People hire martial arts movies for one reason : Action. Me and 4 friends borrowed this while we were in a great mood, and turned it on hoping for some great fighting and possibly a feasible storyline. The first 5 minutes in the tournament were just what we wanted, and we were looking forward to more. 2 minutes later everybody but me had left. The movie starts off well, but simply degenerated into one of the most boring pieces of %#$^ ever. After the initial action, it is just people wandering around the streets talking to each other for over an hour. Would this satisfy a martial arts fan? That question doesn't need to be answered...There is no reason at all to watch this movie. The acting is shoddy, the storyline in non-existent, and there is NO ACTION. I am disappointed in myself for sitting through this when everybody else got the fun of playing pool. This movie is so boring that I would rather spend 2 hours cleaning public toilets than watch it. The lowest mark should be lowered to a 0 for this movie. 1 is too high.