| 30 June 2000 (USA)
Blood Trailers

20 years ago, Carl was responsible for genetically engineering a girl with narcotic blood. Now he's brought her home - and the boundaries between love and addiction are becoming increasingly blurred.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Maria Fahlsing I started this movie thinking that I could watch/listen to it in the background while I worked on other things. However, the story and characters in addition to the dramatic tension and plot drew me in and would not let go. Blood is a highly underrated film with refreshing originality. Although she is not a true vampire, Lix's dependence upon human blood for sustenance does have a sexual aspect as it often does in vampire movies. However, the narcotic effects of consuming her blood and the resultant addiction doing so causes humans directly parallels the final season of True Blood which came 14 years after this film was released. In other words, I find "Blood" to be ahead of its time.By far, the most interesting character in the film is the little boy Jack. He is amusing, says really unintentionally funny lines which are made all the more funny due to his age and blunt honesty. I laughed out loud when young Jack said, "He smokes all the time, so I think he's going to die soon." The blunt honesty of children can be highly amusing and very true. Also, the way in which he quickly and easily bonds with Lix is heartwarming as is Lix's reciprocated admiration for the boy.The soundtrack is very good and compliments the film very well with one minor exception. Although I was pleasantly surprised to hear Orgy's cover of "Blue Monday," which is one of my favorite songs, the instrumental theme was overplayed and became annoying by the end of the movie. Similar to the bell theme from The Exorcist, the same two or three stanzas of music were repeated ad nauseam for far too long in places and not always at dramatic moments. Therefore, when I heard it for the fourth and fifth times, I was bored with and tired of it.Believe when I say that everyone should watch this movie for its insights on love, obsession, addiction, desperation, priorities, and relationships. However, if blood makes you squeamish, you may want to avoid it or cover your eyes for some scenes.
solidsven I saw this movie way back in 2004, dubbed in French, and absolutely loved it. I wasn't going to post an in depth analysis here but apparently I need 10 lines to be able to post so I have to come up with a bit more to say. Alors, the film was sexy, gory, fast paced with clean audio and a decent soundtrack. I just wish more people agreed with me. Damn, how much does one have to say about a movie here...? Sex, drugs and rock and roll baby. That's what this movie is all about, with a slightly vampiric undertone. A smaller production film with themes outside of mainstream subject matter (drug and sex addiction). I'd love to see Charlie do another film sometime. Well done mate!
jigglez I'll admit right off the bat that there are some very graphic and disturbing scenes involving sexual intercourse and blood-drinking done simultaneously. But those scenes only enhance what is essentially a moving and powerful melodrama.There are so many themes and ideas involved with this movie, like drug addiction, infidelity, shattered dreams, alienation, doomed love...the list goes on. This is one of a few "horror" movies where in the end, I really felt more sad and depressed for the characters rather than shocked or frightened. The writing and especially the performances are superb and they bring the insanely original and unique premise down to earth, making it perfectly understandable. And they leave enough information of the origin of Lix out during most of the movie so you're allowed to guess and wonder where exactly she came from.The direction is also done very well. It's stylish, but not too stylish, not too over-the-top. Charly Cantor never once goes for style-over-substance. If I have one complaint about the movie, it's that the scene involving the three junkies coming back for Lix is done a bit carelessly and hustled. But I think that whole subplot might have been unnecessary anyway, so I'm not too hung up on it. The music, done by Erasure's Vince Clarke, is also fantastic. His deep dark synths and mournful piano melodies fit the mood of the movie perfectly, and the songs picked for the soundtrack fit rather nicely as well.This movie is literally a rare find. On Dec. 30th, 2003, I suddenly found it brand new for rental at a videostore. So hopefully anyone who ever wanted to see this will finally get a chance, or anyone who was never aware of it will be treated to something very special indeed. But I am afraid this will likely stay one of the most underrated and unappreciated (as well as unknown) movies ever made, which is such a shame. My rating: 8/10
stellar-1 This film was originally completed in 1998 but the end result was so long and so boring that I still found myself yawning whilst watching it on fast forward. It obviously didn't sell so the producers re-cut it and re-released it in 2000. However, I doubt this act of desperation can undo the tedious self indulgence of this amateur work.