Blood Orgy of the She-Devils
Blood Orgy of the She-Devils
PG | 01 January 1973 (USA)
Blood Orgy of the She-Devils Trailers

Lorraine and Mark enter the world of witchcraft where Mara foretells the future and helps them remember their past lives. When a series of mysterious murders begin to occur, they turn to Dr. Helsford for advice.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
quridley This is not a scary or polished horror film, but a very personal and knowledgeable morality play about the supernatural evils of our world. Ted V Mikels has made so many fluffy and shallow movies that works like this get overlooked. He has some genuine experience with the occult and its dangers and his best stories reflect this. The characters and action in "Blood Orgy" are his most realistic and disturbing. Mikels pays more attention to his art direction and soundtrack here to produce an appropriately dark and creepy atmosphere and mood. This isn't as commercial and fun as HG Lewis or other schlock from the period, but its more sincere and effective. This film shows Mikels was probably the least cynical of that genre of filmmakers even if he wasn't the most polished.
Leofwine_draca Although I've heard a lot about the films of cult director Ted V. Mikels over the years, I'm not sure I've actually sat down and watched any of his work - until now, at least. Having just endured the cinematic mess that is BLOOD ORGY OF THE SHE-DEVILS, I suspect that his career is based on a string of classic exploitation titles that the reality of the movies themselves can't hope to match.Certainly BLOOD ORGY OF THE SHE-DEVILS is nothing like it sounds as a movie. Incredibly this film earned an 18 certificate here in the UK, even though there are only two or three mildly violent scenes in the whole thing and the American rating was PG. However it stands, this is a low budget mess of a film, in which very little happens. Mikels seems to be going for a pseudo-documentary approach at times, having a greybeard professor narrating various 'facts' about witchcraft to his assembled audience, which makes for exceptionally boring viewing.The 'horror' comes from a couple of black mass sequences that are full of alternate chanting and screaming, although they're filmed in such a way that's completely devoid of excitement, danger, or horror. Mikels is clearly hoping to emulate some of the exploitational 'witch finder' films made a few years previously, particularly MARK OF THE DEVIL, with a couple of moments of tame witch torture, but the histrionic acting and extremely low production values render such moments laughable rather than horrifying.
gridoon I'll give Mikels credit for one thing; when scantily-clad girls dance titillatingly, he knows where to place the camera to, er, "exploit" the situation. Otherwise, films don't get much schlockier or duller than this. Nobody can act, the story makes no sense and the "special effects" are either laughable or (more often) kept offscreen! A truly unwatchable film. Rating: Subzero.
MooCowMo Bad, boring, black magic mumbo-jumbo written and directed by Ted V Mikels("The Girl in the Golden Boots", "The Corpse Grinders")shows no blood, but there is an orgy of tedium. Mara, the "Queen of the Black Witches" kills via black magic - in this case, muttering the lines "so mote it be" over and over ad naeuseum, or pretending to channel an native american spirit who talks in the worst "Injun" dialogue ever ("you no want-em pappoose". The She-devils are her scantily-clad, empty-headed dancers, who perform odious dances not unlike those in Mikels' other miserable dance-choaked films ("The Girl in the Gold Boots")- in fact, Leslie McRea appears in both films, and is equally wooden. What "Blood Orgy" has that other Mikels' debacles doesn't is a lot of screaming - a whole lot! So much of the dialogue is screamed by the actors that the whole herd got a raging headache long before the much-welcomed ending. This is one of the longest 73 minutes you're likely to spend, and certainly one of the moost boring. As one character aptly states: "I don't like what I see here". The MooCow agrees whole-heartedly. :=8P
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