R | 04 March 1977 (USA)
Haunted Trailers

In Arizona during the Civil War, a woman is accused of witchcraft, tied to a horse and left to die in the desert. One hundred years later, the descendants of the woman's accusers start being killed off, and the townspeople suspect the woman has come back as an evil spirit.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
jeopelkarma This is bad. Really bad. Bad acting, script, sets, everything. It's in English, but its dubbed. Into English. The story is stupid and offensive, the characters laughable. and the acting like the spoken parts of a bad musical. I love movies so bad they're good, but only if they have a sense of humor. This movie has Also Ray and Virginia Mayo instead. And don't forget that when you first see Virgina Mayo she describes her first sexual encounter in a way that will make you not want to have sex. And there's these two guys running around in cut off blue jeans looking for the adult film they're supposed to be in. "Just turn it around in your mind, and you'll see. See? We're friends already."So, 1 star as a movie, but 10 stars as something to watch when you're high.
Scott LeBrun Gloriously goofy low budget shocker from writer / co-producer / director Michael De Gaetano; it's so laughable so often that one has to believe he basically had his tongue in his cheek the entire time. They also know that when the opening text / exposition makes them laugh, that can be a direct indicator of what's to come. 100 years ago, a proud young Indian woman is framed for theft and sentenced to ride her horse - topless - throughout the desert until she dies. Well, that's somewhat novel, at the least. Then a century later, a lost British lass comes upon an Arizona community where a dysfunctional family resides in a run down old movie studio - a lass who just might be the reincarnation of that long ago Indian woman. Another thing that sets this little movie up quite well right away is the uproarious, overwrought disco theme song "Indian Woman" sung by Billy Vera of "At This Moment" fame. This itself is indicative of the melodrama to come as thuggish Andrew (Aldo Ray) and blind Michelle (Virginia Mayo) reminisce. The two veterans are a total hoot what with their histrionics; Ray completely turns on the intensity and nuttiness as Andrew becomes more and more unhinged - and homicidal - as the story progresses. Meanwhile, Michelle's son Patrick (likable enough Jim Negele) becomes fond of the stranger in town, played by lovely Ann Michelle ("House of Whipcord"). She actually comes off the best, even if her character(s) are very thinly written; she's quite easy to watch (and shows off her breasts for the appreciation of all those watching); Brad Rearden ("Hi- Riders", "The Silent Scream") is stuck with an annoying role as the bratty younger brother Russell. On location filming in Arizona *is* one appreciable asset, as well as a decent music score by Lor Crane, and a pretty enjoyable final act that culminates in an intense full body burn. "Haunted" does work fairly well as an amusing bit of wild 'n' wacky nonsense; De Gaetano does have a good feel for the bizarre, starting with the perfectly silly idea of having a phone booth installed in a cemetery in order to set up one of his most surreal touches. If all of this sounds right up your alley, then by all means dive right in. The movie is absurd but not without some charms. Six out of 10.
EyeAskance This film wastes absolutely no time in showing titty, as a young Native American girl convicted of gold thievery is stripped and tied to a horse, sent forth into the desert to die alone. Said nubile was innocent, and vows her revenge.100 years have passed, and the old mining town is now a decrepit and unutilized movie ranch. Aldo Ray and (blind)Virginia Mayo are among the few living there. Some guys install a telephone booth in the cemetery, and a girl en route has car trouble and must stay there. Sound interesting so far? It's not. Nor does it ever become so...HAUNTED is barely even worth calling a horror film, as its supernatural elements are hardly tapped, and the overall chill-factor barely registers. There's a lot of bad music, especially the ultra-cheesy theme song, but apparently somebody thought the public would appreciate a soundtrack LP(!)Nothing of a movie wastes an able cast, and offers too little to recommend it. Spare yourself.3/10
cfc_can This film was in most video stores during the 80s but hasn't been seen much in the past few years. Though it's no horror classic, it does have a unique flavor. It was filmed in 1976 but only released 3 years later. It's better than most of the many made-for-video horror fests. Haunted is set in a desert ghost town and features great photography. The storyline is about an attractive female visitor to the town who looks just like a woman who was executed in the same area 100 years ago. Haunted is very low budget. There are only about a dozen people in the cast but the film is still competently made and has some eerie moments. It also has some unusual folk songs (in fact,a soundtrack from this movie was released, how many horror movies can say that?) The film's poster is a bit misleading as it shows a person impaled on the letters in the title. However, the film's body count is very low and the blood and guts is almost non-existent. Not that it matters though as the story will keep viewers hooked. Haunted's chief asset is Aldo Ray. Once upon a time, Ray worked in major Hollywood productions but by this time, he was taking any part that was offered. At the start, Ray's character is nasty. He then gets nastier and nastier while the film goes on. By the end, he is really off the deep end. One may wonder if he is acting or going nuts in real life while the scene is being shot! In any event, Haunted is one of the few obscure horror films that is worth your time!