R | 12 January 1972 (USA)
Blindman Trailers

A blind, but deadly, gunman, is hired to escort fifty mail order brides to their miner husbands. His business partners double cross him, selling the women to bandit Domingo. Blindman heads into Mexico in pursuit.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Scott LeBrun Tony Anthony, also credited with the story and as a screenwriter on this one, is the title character, a gunslinger who's determined to fulfill a contract. His job was to deliver 50 mail order brides to a bunch of miners in Texas, but his partners screwed him over, and the ladies ended up in the clutches of villains led by Domingo (Lloyd Battista).This is a respectable effort to put a Spaghetti Western spin on the well regarded series of "Zatoichi" films from Japan. It gives us a hero who's tough but not a superhero. He must take his share of lumps, and doesn't always have the upper hand over the bad guys. Directed by Ferdinando Baldi, "Blindman" is effectively violent, but doesn't get truly bloody all that often. It *does* have a substantial amount of sex, more so than some Italian oaters, and some of the ladies do get naked. The film also has a fairly good sense of humor, but here the style tends to trump the story. It's wonderfully shot in widescreen and features an appealing Morricone- esque soundtrack composed by the talented Stelvio Cipriani. It's hard-edged at times, with generally well handled action sequences.Anthony is a reasonably engaging but noticeably low key hero, often to be seen with a smile on his face. The other star attraction is none other than Ringo Starr, cast as a slimy, very scruffy Mexican bandido with a soft spot for the lovely Pilar (Agneta Eckemyr), and Ringo's pretty good, although it's mildly distracting that he, like so many other actors here, is dubbed. Battista is an enjoyably flamboyant heavy, although it's Raf Baldassarre that tends to steal the show with a hearty, hilarious portrayal as "El General".Anybody who digs the Spaghetti Western genre should have a pretty good time with this one. The finale, a confrontation in a windswept desert cemetery, is especially neat.Seven out of 10.
redwhiteandblue1776 This may be the worst Western ever made. EVER! So bad, it's laughable. I understand why Tony Anthony had to produce and star in the movie he wrote, as I can't imagine a real actor actually taking the part or wanting to get involved with this film. It's not advertised as a comedy, but it really is funny. I watch it just to see what totally unbelievable thing would happen next. I shoot firearms and have ridden horses all my life. I had no idea a blind man could shoot both rifles and revolvers and never miss. And I wish I had a horse that smart. Wow! Talk about being well trained. My wife wasn't home when I watched it which was a good thing. She would have been so ashamed of my bad taste.
jadflack Impressive,stylish spaghetti western with a little bit of everything thrown in and never a dull has action,humour,nudity,plenty of pretty women,and violence some of which is quite brutal.there are quite a few scenes where the violence is towards women and it's not a film feminists will take to,but the most gruesome violence is saved for the climax involving the chief villain which will go some way to equal the also features an almost unrecognisable Ringo Starr the drummer from the legendary "beatles"as the brother of the bandit leader,he certainly looks the part,and of course does not speak in his native "liverpudlian" voice.frankly this film has a ridiculous premise of a blind gunfighter but it is immensely entertaining and one of the best spaghetti westerns.
marc-366 Your average spaghetti western gunslinger goes in search of gold, probably hidden in a grave somewhere, someplace. Or is hunting down the bad guy that has murdered a member of his family. But not Blindman - "I want my 50 women".Yes, Blindman has a contract to deliver 50 mail order brides to a group of miners, and unfortunately he has been double-crossed by his partner, who has sold the women on to bandit Domingo.It is worth noting that Domingo's brother, Candy, is played by none other than former Beatle and Thomas the Tank Engine narrator Ringo Starr. And, surprisingly he plays this role really well (who said he was the least talented Beatle - I couldn't imagine Paul McCartney acting so well. Actually, I know - I saw "Give My Regards to Broadstreet" once!).The film, with its "mock Morricone" score, charges along comic book style, and is really good fun. The politics are maybe a bit dodgy in places (judging by the number of beatings and mishandling that both the Blindman and his 50 women are subjected too at regular intervals) and you have to question how a blind gunslinger could have survived so long. But maybe it is such points that make this so different from the many other Spaghetti Westerns, and help to make this a really great view.