NR | 25 March 2016 (USA)
Bleed Trailers

It seemed perfect - a new house, a new marriage, a child soon to be born. But when Sarah and Matt invite their friends to celebrate, the situation turns deadly as they enter a burned-out prison on a ghost hunt.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
arzacane This movie started out pretty decent. Had token characters for a horror flick and the acting was above average. It started with what seemed like it could be a decent story. Girl who seems important disappears for some reason because of locals. then come to present day. Pregnant lady needs help with a flat and gets it from what seems like a nice sheriff. Friends and relative show up for house warming party, They decide to visit this abandoned prison. That's when stuff starts to happen. It start to build up pretty good and it looks like we start to get answers. The evil inmate we learn was framed by police and the chance for redemption because of the advancement of DNA tests causes the police to....wait, kill all the inmates? Uhm, ok. Then everything falls flat. I don't know if they ran out of time or budget but so much is left unexplained. Why are these locals killing everyone? What's the importance of the birth mark? Why did Evil Inmate protect the main character and her brother? I really wanted to enjoy this film but right when it started getting good they just dropped the ball. The only redeeming factor was the actors. I hope they get a shot at another film because they were the best part and you could tell they tried to put their heart into their characters.
roseybaby63-59-43149 This wasn't an unwatchable movie. It started out okay. I kept watching so I could find out exactly what the heck was going on. I never did get that satisfaction. The characters weren't fleshed out at all. You're given a little interesting information, but their never explained. I need answers! Why were the mountain folk abducting and possibly...I think...killing them? I'm still not 100% sure. Why was Kane being all scary and then is suddenly helping? Why the hell did they want her baby? Why? Nothing's explained. The characters made so many stupid decisions. All I was left with is a confused and unsatisfied feeling. There was potential for a good story, but it was sadly wasted.
dcarsonhagy **SPOILER CONTAINED**"Bleed" did not disappoint--it was confusing from beginning to end. A husband and wife move out to the middle of nowhere. The husband is a doctor; the wife, a teacher. On the way home from grocery shopping, the wife has a flat tire and is helped out by a local law enforcement officer. He notices a mark on her neck. And then it gets real weird. The newlywed couple have invited another couple to join them in a celebration. A celebration of what the viewer never really finds out. The female is supposed to be clairvoyant, or something. She senses something in the house as soon as they arrive. The wife's brother and his "flavor-of-the-month" arrive uninvited. He and his girl are supposed to be in tune with the spirit world, although you'd never think they do anything know. Through a dare, two couples and the husband (sans wife) decide to visit a burned down prison. Confused enough? "Bleed" just didn't cut the muster for me. It skips around so much. You never really know what the hell is going on. Questions abound with answers never being supplied. I could not really tell you what this was about. Oh, but everybody dies.Rated "R" for brief nudity, simulated sex, language, and violence.
HorrorOverEverything They put their small budget to good use with this film, they managed to get a pretty believable cast (apart from the free spirited brother who comes off a little too strong), and everything looked really nice. They also did a fairly good job of setting everything up, they really lay a lot out in the first hour.The main problem the movie has it that it just kind of gets a little too crazy in the finale, a lot of stuff starts happening and it's kind of hard to follow. They start rapidly wrapping up the stories in the film and it's really easy to miss some stuff if you look away for even just a second. It felt like they took their time building up the story but then only had a few days to wrap everything up. I enjoyed it, just felt like they could have slowed things down a bit instead of trying to cram so much into the finale. Not a bad watch though.5.5/10