R | 07 April 2009 (USA)
Bled Trailers

Sai, a young artist living in a downtown warehouse delves into an ancient world of blood and lust. An enigmatic foreigner seduces her to try a long forgotten drug making her the prey of a dimensional vampire who needs her new found hunger for blood to cross over from his world to hers.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
kosmasp I only found about this movie, because I read something about it, in the Fangoria magazine. And I remember it was something positive about it. After watching it, I think they meant the way it was shot (for a low budget movie, the cinematography is really good and it's a shame the Dop is not in on the audio commentary, which I haven't listened to yet) and the story overall.This is not your usual American ("and other places") horror movie. Of course you could dismiss it from the start as "artsy-fartsy". But I think you wouldn't be fair to the movie or the filmmakers. They tried hard and depending on your will (and taste), you might even really like it. Of course you have to have some patience first, before the story gets going.But Mr. Renfield (the filmmakers doing their homework, look it up) does what he is supposed to. And while other characters seem to be bland, they're to be convincing in portraying the odd cliché here and there.
kittenlis The acting left much to be desired, the special effects were dark and artsy (which was the theme of the movie and made sense), and the vampires were at least not shimmery and all happy shiny people... thank goodness.My feeling is that vampires have been so dumbed down and made to be adorable for today's teenage girls, that true vampire stories are being lost and not being made available b/c of the ridiculous recent trend of happy-shiny vampires. Vampires are NOT adorable or sweet. They are dark, moody, undead and desire human blood to live... love is an after thought. But, one thing I will give this movie... I loved the score. The music was beautiful, dark, Gothic and erotic.
Kristine Once again, I fell for it, in my roots I crave a fun and gory horror film, even a vampire one. Even if it's stupid, as long as I get my fun gore in the mix, I'm a happy camper, it doesn't take much. So I saw the cover of "Bled" over at Hollywood Video and was kind of curious what it was about, it looked kind of interesting, so I decided to rent it. Why? Why do I always fall for it? Not only did this movie not fulfill the satisfaction I needed for my gore and senseless violence and nudity, but I was bored out of mind. This movie has the kahoonies to say it's a vampire movie and it's really not! I'm so close to going back to the store and begging for money back because this is one of the rare times I actually turned the movie off.An artist meets a vampire, I think, dunno, I'm still trying to figure out what the heck he was but his name was Reinfield, so I'm assuming maybe he's a cockroach eating guy who likes to freak people out? I think, I dunno. Anyways, he thinks the artist has a certain flare for darkness, so he gives her a drug to go into an alternate fantasy where a vampire exists and needs blood to become alive? I think, I dunno. So her friends get excited and decide they wanna try the drug too, I think, I dunno. So after they decide to try the drug, things get weird, the fantasies are real, I think, I dunno, and the vampire is now enjoying the will big breasted girls in scandly clad clothing. I think, I dunno. But a couple of the girls really end up being vampires? I think, I dunno.Sorry for all the "I dunno's", this is possibly one of the worst reviews I'm going to write, but that's because this movie was just awful, boring, and confusing. I love just seeing these wanna be actors who you can tell are waiters looking for that "big break". Not too smart that they fell in the cliché of the horror genre, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, in this case, they really should have read the script. Because the movie, the look, the feel, the acting, everything about this movie was just bad, I really recommend that you just pass the movie if you see it at your video store. This possibly could have been an interesting movie with it's concept of a different dimension, but why did they pick this director to display his "creativity" if he even has any? This was a bad movie, just stay away.1/10
childofkorn13 I watched this movie thinking it was going to be absolutely horrible and was ready for all the corniness, bad special effects, etc. But, I was pleasantly surprised. Not to say that it's the best vampire movie I have ever seen, but it certainly isn't the worst. I liked the whole alternate reality/dream state that played into the movie. The graphics were quite well for a straight to DVD movie and I liked the overall look of the film. I enjoyed the main character Sai. I usually end up hating the female leads but there was something about her that kept me interested. Yes, she does make some bad decisions, but that was to be expected. Yes, the other characters were stereotypical, but I was expecting that too. I don't know if I'd highly recommend this movie, but give it a chance and you might be pleasantly surprised. I'm putting this one on my guilty pleasures list.