Blackadder's Christmas Carol
Blackadder's Christmas Carol
| 23 December 1988 (USA)
Blackadder's Christmas Carol Trailers

Pleasant Ebenezer Blackadder is turned into a cruel and witty miser after seeing visions of his ancestors and descendants.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Console best movie i've ever seen.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Horst in Translation ( This is a 43 minute Christmas special from over 25 years ago. Well.. what can I say: The whole thing is very British from start to finish, but only rarely actually funny. But this perception may also be because I was never a great fan of Rowan Atkinson's humor. However, I love Stephen Fry and don't mind Hugh Laurie and Jim Broadbent. It's a pretty different version of Charles Dickens' famous "Christmas Carol". The film's director is not particularly known, but the writer is. It's the man behind the very successful "Love Actually".The worst thing about this one is probably the really annoying audience laughter. They are really losing it about unfunny sequences like the "subtle plans" part or also think it's funny to talk about peeling one's tangerines. They really burst out with laughter on that one. Or when Atkinson's character has a fist as a present for the other guy near the end and just keeps hitting him repeatedly. Absolutely not funny at all. Fairly embarrassing try-hard humor, in fact. There are lots of spectacular costumes in here, but the script really leaves me wanting for more. A lot more. The best thing for me was maybe the catchy Blackadder melody in Christmas fashion. Everything else is very forgettable here. Not recommended.
Alex_Hodgkinson This episode had basically everything you'd want from a Blackadder episode. I mean, all I've seen so far is some quality humour and characters, but this episode had everything. It had nostalgia to the older seasons because we visited older characters and events, it had a tremendously good story which is basically the opposite of 'A Christmas Carol', it had great new characters including a completely different Blackadder (Rowan Atkinson) and it had a ton of hilarious Blackadder jokes.Honestly this is my favourite episode so far. Maybe the length had something to do with it as well; it did add more time for development and plot. I didn't expect this one to be so good, as it has a relatively low rating for a Blackadder episode. It's not a perfect TV episode by far, but in my opinion it's a perfect Blackadder episode.One last thing to add is that I found the entrance of Robbie Coltrane's character, the Spirit of Christmas, highly amusing. It was almost exactly like Hagrid's entrance in Harry Potter, and it even has the same actor, but it is years before Harry Potter. I just found this little thing great and wanted to point it out for the benefit of whoever reads this.
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews While a good deal of the franchise is wildly amusing and entertaining... this definitely ranks high up there. This is one of my favorites, absolutely. Twisting the concept of the heart-warming(but in all honesty at times somewhat nauseatingly merry) classic with the cynicism, bitterness and cruelty of these, this features some of the very best verbal humor of the bunch. One particular line forced me to pause the showing simply to allow the pure genius and satirical depth of it to sink in. It's a line so astoundingly written that it should be repeated to whomever it befits to speak it to. I dare any fan of British humor to listen to it and not break out in loud laughter. It was a real treat to see new scenes with the cast of the second and third seasons, and they're hilarious. With a similar(if not same) moral to it as the Dickens' original(though luckily presented with little, if any, sentimentality; instead with usual bite of these series'), this has the famous story turn 180 degrees. The plot is appropriate in length and tone. Acting is great, all-round. The characters, as with most of these, are well-written and help provide social commentary. Sadly McInnerny still is not present, though he is back in the next installment. The humor is excellent, there are a rather impressive amount of laughs(seriously, often one a second or so) compared to the running time. There was some gags that were a tad too simple. Still, the jokes are almost invariably amazing and well-delivered, with impeccable comical timing. The pacing is just about perfect, I haven't been bored for a moment in any of my, by now, four or five viewings. Editing and cinematography leave little to be desired. I recommend this to any fan of these and/or Rowan Atkinson. If you belong in either of those groups... don't miss this for the world. 9/10
Raymond Valinoti, Jr. (POSSIBLE SPOILER) If all people sincerely practiced good will toward others and businesses only marketed their goods to spiritually enlighten their customers during the Yuletide season, BLACKADDER'S CHRISTMAS CAROL would've been pointless and repugnant. But since at Christmas time, many people only behave nicely in order to impress others and businesses peddle a variety of junk- including crass holiday movies- for money, what could be a greater relief from all this humbug than a reverse Scrooge story about "the nicest man in England" who after seeing ghostly visions on Christmas Eve, becomes "the horridest man in the world."Even if one is not familiar with the popular BLACKADDER series with Rowan Atkinson as the scheming, sharp-witted Blackadder and Tony Robinson as his moronic assistant Baldrick, one can still enjoy this Christmas special. Much of the appeal of the special is the "turning of the worm" theme. Because the pre-visions Ebenezer Blackadder (Atkinson) is thoroughly sweet and generous, he is an easy pushover for avaricious hangers-on. He also seems repressed by his saintliness. Atkinson expresses his amiability in a strained manner, particularly when spouting inanities like "Well, bless my ten toes!"Therefore Atkinson's transformation after witnessing the humorously despicable behavior of his ancestors and descendant (also played by Atkinson) is not only cathartic but thoroughly convincing. As he effortlessly and buoyantly expresses his meanness toward his tormenters, one is convinced that Ebenezer's character hasn't actually changed. Rather, he has shed a facade in order to divulge his true nature. The final sequence suggests that benevolence, not misanthropy, is the key to true happiness. Yet it is presented in the same irreverent humorous manner as the rest of the program and avoids sentimentality so the viewers aren't betrayed. A wickedly funny show with hilarious performances (particularly Robbie Coltrane as a fumbling Christmas Spirit and Jim Broadbent as a dense Prince Albert) and witty dialogue ("Think nothing of it, Baldrick- I, after all, think nothing of you."), BLACKADDER'S CHRISTMAS CAROL can be enjoyed any time of the year.