Black Site Delta
Black Site Delta
| 05 May 2017 (USA)
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A group of military prisoners must fight off a terrorist attack on their prison which, unbeknownst to them, is a cover for a secret drone control facility.

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Kresten Sckerl (kressckerl) This is one of those movies where the major issues for the characters could easily have been prevented but were caused by the characters stupidity.There also are the times where they are open and exposed to enemy fire and should have been shot but don't get shot. Even tho you sit waiting for them to be shot, nothing happens.Those things make it a bad movie.
Gordon-11 This film tells the story of six military personnel who are locked up in a secret military prison. They soon find out that their facility is raided by a fully armed squad in order to steal a nuclear weapon hidden in the facility. They have to outsmart the squad to stop the squad's heist."Black Site Delta" starts off semi-interesting. The introduction of the six protagonists is detailed, making viewers know who they are watching. They all have very distinct personalities, especially the weird psychopath who is not particularly macho but delivers a spine chilling performance.The rest of the film, I have to say, is not particularly good. I am particularly annoyed and even exasperated by the characters constantly being in the open, when they are in great perils from many gunmen int he facility. Are the six highly trained soldiers really going to discuss their plan of action in the entrance hall of the facility, when gunmen can be marching down any minute? And is Cam Giganget really marching down the middle of a hallway full of dead bodies, as if he is walking down a runway? Do the characters really have to stand right under a spotlight (the scene of Cam Gigandet telling the woman how he loves his daughter), when the bad guy is literally around the corner ready to shoot them? This aspect of the film is so outrageous that makes me super annoyed.Cam Gigandet's face gets more than the fair share of close up shots. While it may be pleasing to the eye, it also exposes his lack of ability to act. Furthermore, the story is very clichéd too. And surprise surprise, who gets the girl in the film? Granted, the lighting of the film is good. However, when that is the only thing that is good about the film, then there is a big problem.
Dee Skinner I read all the various reviews before seeing this movie and had some concerns about it, but knew the producers and thought I should give it a try.This is a military action/adventure, it's not meant to be the next academy award winner. As an action/adventure feature, it does quite well.The plot is predictable, but I was so invested in the performances that I stayed up until 2AM to see the whole thing. I loved John Brodsky as 'Taylor'. So delightfully, adorably psychotic! You couldn't help but cheer for him as he creates mayhem all around with a smile on his face. Michael Dale as 'Colonel Irving' was a bit over the top....but 'Colonel Irving' was a bit over the top, so it was understandable. Besides, Michael Dale is quite, quite nice to I really had no complaints. (^.^)I would have liked to seen more of 'Simms' played by Benjamin Watson. You learned quite a bit about the character from the bits and pieces he had, but I would have liked more. He was an interesting guy, but we only got to see the high points. By far, my favorite character was 'Diego' played by Dion Mucciacito. (It's always the quiet ones!) Wow. The backstory is just hinted at, but you could see so much of what was going on in his eyes. I would love to see more of his work.Teri Reeves was awesome. Total kick-ass character, with a very dry sense of humor yet a touch of vulnerability. I would like better angles on the fight scenes; Teri is an amazing woman with incredible skills, be nice to really see that. Still, it was fun seeing a kick-ass female lead that didn't need to be saved.I enjoyed the 'look' of the film; the lighting wasn't typical, done mostly with flashlights (or that was the impression), and filmed at night. There was the occasional inconsistency, but it worked. The score was also well done; fit the ambiance of the movie well.Overall Black Site Delta was a fun action/adventure summer movie. Bit of foul language, few blood splatters in the wrong place, the usual plot holes and silliness (kissing scene in the middle of a fight? Really?), but still, ton of fun and well worth the time to watch.
cheerstothecat I am really surprised the story-line for this movie on here begins with "Starring Cam Gigandet" as if he is Brad Pitt. Or even Aaron Eckhart. He is a nobody. The bad guy from Twilight is the epitome of his career. And his acting in this film makes that point very obvious. The whole thing was sloppy from beginning to end. The acting was so bad it is surprising these people were actually paid to do this. I recommend watching indie films on YouTube, because at least some of those come off made with integrity. This thing is just a waste of time. For anyone who watches it and everyone who put money and energy into it.