Black Mirror: Arkangel
Black Mirror: Arkangel
| 29 December 2017 (USA)
Black Mirror: Arkangel Trailers

Directed by Jodie Foster, the chapter tells the story of a mother who, after nearly losing her daughter Sara, decides to use tracking methods to monitor her.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Pluskylang Great Film overall
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
julia-stiltz-232-200832 I'm only giving this episode 2 stars due to how entertaining it was to make fun of. I'll start off with the sheer creepy stalker vibes that the mom radiates. Then you have that same damn dog she passes every day for like 10 years... How old is that damn dog! Along with the fact that she started watching porn with a creepy boy in elementary school, it does not surprise me that she was hooking up with guys in the back of a van at age 15. Overall, black mirror really dropped the ball on this one... plot holes, scattered, slow, and didn't really go anywhere. Started with a good concept, ended poorly.
dorotanataliasmetek This episode is written for all parents who wish to protect their children from all harm. You have to admit that during the first 25 minutes many of you thought that Arkangel seems like something you might consider buying. You would be able to see whether the babysitter is treating your child all right, whether the school teachers or other kids do not abuse your child at school... It is quite tempting to have this kind of control.What differentiates Arkangel from other Black Mirror episodes is that it doesn't seem to be filmed in the future. The only device that stands out is Arkangel itself - which is something very probable in the near future. Right now my son has a smartwatch that enables me to locate him (which is fine for a 7 year old) and well as listen to what he says and hears without him knowing that I am spying on him! But if you control your child like this you cannot develop a trusting relationship... therefore I would never use this option.What follows in the second part of the episode is a natural consequence of a relationship not based on trust but on control. It's ending might seem shocking to regular folks but we are Black Mirror fans alter all - we got quite used to escalation of violence - though it wasn't necessary in my opinion. Making your own daughter want to run away is the most painful punishment of all.
bob the moo The second episode in the fourth run of Black Mirror was already known to me on the strength of Jodie Foster directing it; quite something for a British guy I knew from his scathing takedowns of Big Brother episodes in The Guardian all those years ago. Putting the gender milestone (first episode directed by a woman) to one side, Arkangel is surprisingly run-of-the-mill, even though it has a lot of potential. The concept is easily within reach in many ways, and as a parent my first feeling is to protect my child from anything that might upset them, and to want to know where they are at all times. At the same time though, I see that stopping them being exposed to anything in the real world will probably do more harm than good in most situations.As a result, most of us should be easily hooked into the dilemma posed by this technology and the extended version we see here. The episode though, doesn't really make the viewer feel that conflict; it is very clear wat is felt and it plays out in a way that is far too on the nose for the most part, and doesn't really cause conflict, or the shivers - in fact it does just what you know it will. This in itself is a weakness since, we know overprotection will go bad, but yet I didn't connect to that challenge from it - it let me off the hook with the way it is straightforward in its narrative. The production standards, ideas, cast, etc are all of high quality, but in the end it is too simplistic in what it does and the message it is delivering.A surprisingly disappointing episode considering the potential in the material, and the talent behind it.
mpegan This feels like they let the Lifetime Channel direct an episode.