Black Magic Woman
Black Magic Woman
| 24 April 1991 (USA)
Black Magic Woman Trailers

The owner of a suburban art gallery searches for someone to perform an exorcism after a witch casts a spell on him.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Uriah43 "Diane Abbott" (Amanda Wyss) and "Brad Travis" (Mark Hamill) are an unmarried couple who work together in an art gallery. As it so happens, one night at an art exhibit Brad meets a young woman named "Cassandra Perry" (Appolonia Kotero) who seduces him the next night. Eventually, however, he breaks off his affair with Cassandra and as might be expected this infuriates her. It's then that he learns that Cassandra is a powerful witch who has placed a terrible curse upon him that makes him extremely ill. Having already sought medical help with no results he is then taken by his maid "Carlita" (Abidah Viera) to a practitioner of black magic who subsequent cures him. Unfortunately, he warns Brad that the person who placed the curse upon him is extremely powerful and that he doesn't have the knowledge or experience necessary to help him afterward if that person chooses to continue. And it's then that he discovers that Cassandra is far from finished with him. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was one of those films that had potential but didn't quite have the actors or direction necessary for the task at hand. For starters, although Appolonia was definitely attractive her scenes involving an erotic nature were never fully realized. Likewise, neither Mark Hamill nor Amanda Wyss appeared to full demonstrate the right emotional ingredient necessary for their characters. At least, that is how it seemed to me. That being said, while I don't consider this to be a terrible film by any means, I thought it could have been much better and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly below average.
Alfabeta If you're expecting this to be an erotic triller, then the movie poster did it's job - it mislead you.This is unfortunately a cheap sub-par horror (with slight slasher elements) that looks like a TV film or, at best, a Tale from the Crypt episode.There are three (laughable) sex scenes in the movie, and all within the first 20 or so minutes. Two of them feature Apollonia, but she is nude as much as Lindsay Lohan in Machete - hardly for a second and even then you can't see anything. The focus of the movie is on Hamill's attempt to stop the deadly spell, not on sex. Lethal Weapon 2 was more softcore than this. Apollonia's casting was a marketing stunt. Even if you just want to see her acting, she's in this for about 15 minutes and most of that time she isn't doing very much.The plot twist at the end is hinted at throughout the whole film, characters are awful, and acting is good for a few laughs (and this is not a comedy).All in all, unless you want to see Mark hamming it up, or what a reject screenplay for Tales from the Crypt probably looks like, you can peacefully skip this.
triple8 This movie defines the term "camp value". Not much to it, your typical wronged woman wants to wreak havek story. Only in this movie, we get it supernatural style. Great special effects and alot of pure camp-but that does not a good movie make.It looked like the makers and the cast had a good time with this one. But there really isn't much here to make the movie a really good one. The story is as old as they come, the only difference is it's got the added bonus of the "alex character" possessing powers. It maybe worth checking out for the campiness but there isn't anything else to it to make it good. The problem is the campiness of the special effects and unoriginality of the story drain you after awhile and there's no added bonueses worth setting this movie apart from a million other movies in the "stalker genre". I'd rate this 4 of 10.Great title though!
brandonsites1981 Very low budgeted Fatal Attraction rip off given a black magic twist finds Mark "Star Wars" Hamill sharing a one night stand with Apollonia while very happily involved and engaged to Amanda Wyss. After he breaks it off with Apollonia he finds himself falling victim to voodoo curses and snakes and other assorted nonsense. The three talented leads look extremely bored with the material. You will be bored. The so called surprise ending you can see coming from afar. Only for people who want to see Hamill engaged in sex scenes or in his underwear or those who want to see Apollonia nude.Rated R; Violence, Nudity, and Sexual Situations.