Black Lightning
Black Lightning
NR | 31 December 2009 (USA)
Black Lightning Trailers

Black Lightning is a Russian superhero film about a Moscow University student who discovers that his otherwise unremarkable car can fly. After his father is attacked, he decides to use the car to fight crime and becomes the city's defender against an evil millionaire.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Dark_Lord_Mark This movie was thoroughly enjoyable an I must say, well done.It is just fantastic, having a fun hero, a girl, arrogant and rich best friend and some cheesy heroic lines. That's a good superhero movie imo.What more do people want in a superhero movie? If you do not at least attempt to watch this, how can you be a fan of superhero movies? This is worth it. Know it is a well done film that is about a superhero who is basically Spiderman. I think this movie was incredibly influenced by Sam Rami's Spiderman trilogy, which is a good thing.No idea what is wrong with movie watchers and some IMDb reviewers. This movie is fantastic. We now live in a generation where movies must either be, Dark Knight-ish or Marvel Cinema Universe to be good and if not everything else is wrong. This movie is fun, fun, fun....Don't listen to the prissy little snot nosed know it all Millennials; listen to a man who enjoyed Adam West's and Burt Ward's Batman; listen to the guy that thinks Superman 2 and Spiderman 2 were the best hero movies ever. Listen to the guy who thinks Amazing Spiderman 2 was a very good hero movie.Black Lightning is worth a watch for the cheesiness, for the fun, for the story and plot. Very fun watch. The acting is pretty okay as the actors play their parts very well. It is different from American films due to the budget, but once you understand that, it is an enjoyable film.I gave it a 9 out of 10...bust easily a 10 as it hits all my superhero points.
xphenomx4 There is not many Russian sci-fi movies. I have watched "Paragraph 78" the first part, it wasn't good. I can't recall more Russian sci-fi films, although I have watched a lot of Russian films. I was even a little bit surprised when I have seen this film, because I thought Russians don't make such sci-fi films, it's an unusual genre for a Russian film. This one is good enough, but comparing it with American movie "The Island"(of the same genre), which I liked much more, it looks mediocre. So, don't expect something outstanding.The subject of relationship of women and superheroes isn't really anything new, we saw this many times in other movies, such as "Spiderman"(when someone other is mistaken for a hero or something, or the elaboration of some other sides of being a superhero). And so on.
bihesen This film is good. It takes a genre and reinvents it, not by a terrific plot, but by placing an American superhero adventure plot in an unfamiliar setting. Strange things happen. The film depicts a modern Russian society through the lens of a superhero plot American style. Thats damn clever! Thats whats makes this film interesting. If it was an American film, the weakness of the story would put you off. Here it makes you smile, and happy - happy to realise that globalisation is a good thing, that dreams and wishes are intact in bleakish Moscow, that love exists . Its a feel good film, with characters that are much more interesting than any Hollywood feel good film since forever. The conflict between capitalism and moral comes over with a credibility that you couldn't get in another setting. And the car scenes are cool. This is no case of serendipity, the very fact that this script was written, this film produced and directed, is clearly true vision, and bar the tacky scientists - this film deserves 10 out of 10.
Sci-Fi-Man After the huge disappointment of Kick-Ass, I was pleasantly surprised by this little film from Russia. Don't want to give anything away, as I watched it knowing nothing about the movie and that was the best way to watch it. Sure, it borrows heavily from other hero movies, but the acting and the old fashioned heroics were enjoyable.Special effects I found to be excellent, especially some of the smoke trails. The bad guy in this movie is the same bad guy from the Nightwatch/Daywatch movies, also highly recommended.If you want to chuckle a bit, and have a few moments where you smile and murmur "Cool!", and want to root for the good guy to win the girl in the end, then I can recommend this movie.