Black Demons
Black Demons
| 05 January 1991 (USA)
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Three American college students, Dick, his sister Jessica, and her British boyfriend Kevin, are traveling through Brazil on vacation when Dick, after attending a bizarre voodoo ceremony, develops strange powers. When their jeep breaks down near a small plantation in the jungle outside Rio, the site of a former slave rebellion 150 years ago, Dick uses his powers to raise the dead of six executed Negro slaves whom target the college kids and the residents of the plantation to seek revenge for their deaths

ChikPapa Very disappointed :(
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Bezenby Ah, Umberto...what happened here? This man gave us Ghosthouse and House of Lost Souls and to a lesser extent House of Witchcraft, all fairly enjoyable late eighties Italian horror films, so what happened here? Is it because he didn't put the word 'house' in the titles? What we have is three folks,a girl and her boyfriend and her weird brother out on holiday in Brazil. Soon enough her brother picks up a copy of Now That's What I Call Voodoo Rituals VOL8 and before you know it six black demons are all up looking for The Fog type revenge on the white guy.Sounds good, right? Well, it takes a long time before anything good starts happening, as these zombie/demon/slave types just seem to like standing around brandishing stuff. About fifty minutes in roughly things pick up a bit as the zombies make themselves known and there a bit of this and that with the killing and what not.By no means a lost Lenzi classic, this is a poor low budget mess that somehow still makes a lot more sense than anything Fulci was producing at the time. I would have paid money for this in the past, but I'm glad that it's there on YouTube to watch. The Lenzi-man (after whom the Scottish town of Lenzie is named) did much better.
Aaron1375 Watched this film expecting something along the lines of "Hell of the Living Dead", you know a zombie movie that is not very good, but kind of fun to watch. Something with some good gore, stupid characters and a lot of zombies. This only met the stupid person criteria, as they had those aplenty. For the most part though this film moved slowly and was boring. There were a couple of kills, but nothing spectacular as they did one eyeball gouging twice and there was not much gore beyond that. The film has a man appropriately named Dick. You will never know what the heck Dick was trying to accomplish in this film as he is just what his name says. He wants to attend a ceremony for reasons that are known of our business, or they may have been and I just could not hear them because at times you could not understand anything anyone was saying. Well he sees the ceremony and the next day heads out with his sister and her boyfriend and they end up stranded at a house where Dick promptly raises the dead for obscure reasons. You know what happens then right? Hordes of zombies come crashing the house devouring the occupants! No, not quite, as these zombies are the most tepid, slow and boring zombies ever brought upon the silver screen! At one point it looks as if the zombie is going to stab some guy and he backs off twice when it hears something. What zombie backs off from an attack? The boring zombies of Black Demons, that is who! Seriously, all the people could have escaped with the exception of a girl who seemed to think that the best defense against zombies is to back oneself into a corner screaming "no!" rather than running. They also almost drove away till the driver drives the car off the road and into a ditch and it sure looked like he planned that one let me tell you! So a very slow moving zombie film, with slow moving zombies and very slow characters. Very little gore and no nudity worth speaking of, an utter disappointment to say the least. I expect more cheese in an Italian zombie film.
Leonard Smalls: The Lone Biker of the Apocalypse Like most Italian horror flicks, this Lenzi gem from 1991 is subliminally terrifying.Yes, the acting is bad. Yes, the dialog is cheesy. Yes, the make-up is pretty laughable. But "Black Demons," given the right set of eyes and an open mind, it about as close to a nightmare on film as you want to see.Upon my initial viewing, it was hard to get my mind off of the negative aspects of the film. After a couple more viewings, I noticed some things that stood out to be scary. For example: nothing is explained about Dick's decent into the black magic; it just kind of happens. All of a sudden his sister is a target. I know, it doesn't make much sense, but it's still scary the way Lenzi put it together. Also, how do these kids end up in the jungle in the first place? The setting is damn good. That house definitely has the creepy factor going for it. In fact, lots of the imagery in this movie is creepy as hell.I guess what I'm saying is: for fans of Italian horror, give this one a chance. I don't think it was intended to be seen as a realistic film. It is more like a nightmare captured on film. If you've ever woken, terrified from a nightmare in your sleep and thought, 'dude, I should write that down...' you know what I mean. Kudos to Lenzi for having the guts to film it. I liked it more than anyone else on here I guess.8 out of 10, kids.
EVOL666 Umberto (CANNIBAL FEROX) Lenzi's BLACK DEMONS is a goofy but entertaining entry in the zombie genre. Lots of dumb stuff happens for no apparent reason, a good bit of silly gore, and even though it was made in 1991 it looks like a film from 1975, make BLACK DEMONS a none-too-serious but fun watch...Three college students are in Brazil, one of whom sneaks off to witness and tape-record a voodoo ritual. Later on, their car breaks down and they come across two locals who own an old house who offer the kids refuge until they can get their vehicle fixed. The voodoo enthusiast is inexplicably drawn to a small graveyard by the house, plays his voodoo-tape, and presto! Black demons. Apparently there is a curse on the land where six slaves were killed for trying to escape and they will not rest until the blood of 6 honkys is spilled. The rest of the film is the group avoiding death (or not avoiding death in some cases) at the hands of the vengeful zombies...Completely ridiculous and totally fun - BLACK DEMONS is a semi Un-PC zombie romp that will probably be of interest to Italian horror fans. Don't expect much in the way of a sensible or coherent storyline, and I was also disappointed by the lack of nudity - but the gore is decent, with two (count 'em...TWO!!!) wonderfully cheezy Fulci-style eye gougings, a throat puncture, and a few other "choice" scenes...but be warned - the "action" doesn't come til after the half-way point of the film. The zombies themselves are suitably creepy looking as well. Fun Italian trash - BLACK DEMONS is a no-brainer good time...7/10