Birth: A War of Two Worlds
Birth: A War of Two Worlds
| 05 September 1984 (USA)
Birth: A War of Two Worlds Trailers

Aqualoid was a prosperous planet, but an attack from a mysterious life force, the Inorganics, transforms it into a post-apocalyptic shell of its former self. When Nam finds a mysterious sword, he is suddenly the object of a planet-wide chase. With the Inorganics closing in, will Nam and his friends discover the secret of the sword and save their world? Or will they destroy Aqualoid in favor of a new Birth?

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
StlBlade A group of adventurers band together on a future Earth to try and claim the ultimate weapon.I saw this on TV as "World of the Talisman" and was pleased with it. Unlike most anime that was getting TV time in the late '80's, it was actually a stand-alone tale instead of something horribly cut down from a TV series.I have no idea how accurate the translation was, though the 'electronic stutter' suffered by the main bad guy was pretty cute. As I recall, the heroes consisted of a man, a woman with a pet furry whatever (The TV Guide listed these as brother and sister, though even the translation didn't give any hint of that), a pair of moderately inept spacemen, and what seems to be an intelligent sword. The bad guys were a series of men or aliens in a variety of 'robot suits' (Like the power suits from StarShip Troopers), though they all had the same basic design. They all spend a merry hour and a half chasing each other about with an extreme amount of firepower, but no blood or sex (Probably why it was deemed suitable for translation to American TV).All in all a pleasant distraction without any overbearing morals or messages to weigh it down.
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