Beyond the Time Barrier
Beyond the Time Barrier
NR | 08 September 1960 (USA)
Beyond the Time Barrier Trailers

In 1960, a pilot testing an experimental rocket powered aircraft accidentally flies into the future and finds himself in a sealed city whose people suspect he is a spy from outside their walls, but who want to keep him to procreate with the ruler's daughter because the majority of the inhabitants are sterile.

Wordiezett So much average
GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Uriah43 "Major William Allison" (Robert Clarke) is a test pilot for the United States Air Force who has been assigned to fly an experimental jet into space at speeds never before attempted by mankind. Unfortunately, his mission accidentally takes him 64 years into the future to a time when a plague has decimated most of the population and created hostile mobs of mutants who seek to wreck havoc on the few less infected people living underground. Yet while these people don't quite suffer from the full ravages of the plague the disease has rendered all of them deaf, mute and completely sterile. All but one that is and the arrival of Major Allison gives them hope that perhaps he and a beautiful woman named "Trirene" (Darlene Tompkins) can offer them a chance of repopulating the human species. But there is another opportunity presented with Major Allison's arrival which another group has formulated and it conflicts with the plans of the establishment. Now rather than reveal any more of this movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this was a decent science fiction film for the most part. Admittedly, being produced in 1960 it lacks the special effects of movies made during the present time and the film lacked depth and substance to a certain degree as well. But in any case I kind of enjoyed it and so I rate this movie as about average and recommend it to fans of this particular time and genre.
Wizard-8 I wasn't expecting too much when I popped the DVD of "Beyond The Time Barrier" into my DVD player - I thought I would be getting standard 1950s low budget sci-fi. But I was somewhat surprised. While I would not call this a GREAT movie, it is not without merit. For starters, it runs at an acceptable length, without one scene that is pointless. (Though the movie could have spent more time at the start developing the character of the hero - we learn next to nothing about him before his travelling in time.) While the movie is low budget, the limited funds are generally spent well, with some eye-catching sets and some well-chosen locations. The script has some interesting ideas here and there, and it interestingly ends the movie on a note that's not completely happy - quite unlike most other sci-fi films of this period. Fans of 1950s low budget sci fi films will probably enjoy this the most. Others will probably find it a fairly painless way to pass 75 minutes.
bkoganbing It's always interesting to watch futuristic films made in the past and see how they turn out. The plague of cosmic rays foretold in Beyond The Time Barrier has not occurred and it's already 2011 and it started in 1971 according to the film and Robert Clarke returns in 2024. Still though the cause of the plague is destruction of the atmospheric barrier which is the ozone layer though not called that in the film and in that sense the film is curiously relevant though they got the immediate cause wrong.Robert Clarke plays a Chuck Yeager like test pilot who breaks the time barrier and arrives in a world where some folks are living in a hermetically sealed dome near what used to be White Sands Air Force base. The rest are mutants who are sterile, mute or both. The head of the group inside the dome, Vladimir Sokoloff decides to use Clarke with his healthy sperm as the savior of civilization if he'll only mate with his daughter Darlene Tompkins.The film spared every expense in the making it looks like it was shot with an old Bell&Howell home movie camera. Still it's an interesting bit of work and you can't expect all that much from American-International Pictures unless Roger Corman is involved somewhat and even that's a dubious proposition.
captainapache If you considering this title, you are probably towards the end of your journey to see all that the 'fifties' sci-fi genre has to offer, and rightly so.BTTB is a Z Grade affair all the way. While the story concept and sets are intriguing enough, the lame acting, lack of action, and static camera work make this one almost unwatchable. Ulmer's high point for low budget was Detour. This is nowhere near Detour.For bottom of the barrel fifties sci-fi, I would definitely recommend War of the Satellites, Satellite in the Sky, Night the World Exploded, Phantom From Space or Mutiny in Outer Space long before I would recommend Beyond the Time barrier. It's not terribly bad, just terribly unengaging....