Beyond Silence
Beyond Silence
| 19 December 1996 (USA)
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Beyond Silence is about a family and a young girl’s coming of age story. This German film looks into the lives of the deaf and at a story about the love for music. A girl who has always had to translate speech into sign language for her deaf parents yet when her love for playing music grows strong she must decide to continue doing something she cannot share with her parents.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
mastbradped I am a high school German teacher and my kids absolutely love watching this movie! They always ask to watch it over and over when I can't be there and they have to have a sub.I have learned some A.S.L. and can say that there are similarities but A.S.L. and German Sign Language are definitely different! I can appreciate the struggles Lara goes through and she does a good job, for her, at trying to balance in all 3 worlds. Deaf, Hearing and Music. It's only when outside factors cause tension that spill over into one or more of her worlds that she has trouble coping! There is that one sad moment in the film that gets me every time, something I can relate to but, overall, the entire film is captivating and leaves you wanting to know what happens with Lara, her career and her relationship with her family and Tom afterward! I'll never tire of this film!
Lee Eisenberg Young Lara is in a most unusual situation: her parents are both deaf-mute, so she has to communicate for both of them. It's sort of a constraining situation, and when a relative gives Lara the chance to become a musician, her parents try to keep her at home. She will have to choose.The idea of the daughter having to speak for her parents is not something that I ever would have thought about, but "Jenseits der Stille" (called "Beyond Silence" in English) made me think about it. It's always good to be able to see such intellectual stories, especially when Hollywood makes so many pointless blow-'em-up movies.
ItsAdele I think this is a GREAT film, and a wonderful piece of artwork. A very touching story between Lara and her parents. By the end I was weeping I was so touched ( and I don't cry easily at movies ). The Deaf culture is one very few of us take time to understand, but I think through films we can at least try. I HIGHLY recommend this film to anyone who is interested in Deaf culture, or just a great foreign film.
leneker Lara, A hearing girl with deaf parents, is struggling to be an adult before her time. She is often called upon to do many tasks for her parents that require her to interact with adults. The very nature of this tends to upset the parent-child balance and we see scenes where the petulant child takes a very liberal view of how and what to interpret for her parents. Lara's aunt is, to the girl, the pinnacle of sophistication and independence. The girl is thrilled with the gift of her aunt's old clarinet. He father is less enthusiastic with the his daughter's attachment to his estranged sister. Lara, now 18, has become torn between the desires she has for her own life and the needs of her family.The more I think about this movie the more it reminds me of `The Little Mermaid'. I'm not trying to be funny, it just kept striking me about the girl who longs to be ‘part of that world' of music and yet is drawn to the world of silence where her parents live.I should have read the box on this a little more carefully. I didn't realize that it was in German when I rented it. Those guys from Miramax are very clever about not playing up those little points. I wonder if GSL is similar enough to ASL for American signers to follow the plot without the sub-titles.
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