Between Us
Between Us
| 25 April 2009 (USA)
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Abruptly abandoned by her husband in a country completely foreign to her, Colombian native Mariana (Paola Mendoza) struggles to take care of herself and her two young children on the unforgiving streets of New York City. Sebastian Villada, Laura Montana and Anthony Chisholm also star in this gritty independent drama jointly written and directed by Mendoza and her collaborator Gloria La Morte.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
j-henry1027 The story of one family's journey from Colombia to New York City describes the emotional film entitled Entre Nos. Mariana, a mother, and her two children try and survive a new life in a foreign city but the obstacles they face aren't so easy. With no money and no hope, it seems hard to survive.Entre Nos is applauded for the director's excellent and precise camera work. This film is able to thrive with little to no dialogue and minimal plot because the angles in which this film is shot allows the audience to truly feel the pain and sorrow that the family experiences. From the camera being close up in the faces of the family members to the camera being far away showing a larger picture of the poverty the family is living in, the audience is able to sense and feel the agony and emotional intensity of the family's unfortunate situation. The larger shots show the family's living situations. Many of these scenes contain trash, vacant areas, and even the apartment the family is able to eventually settle in until they can make ends meet. The close up's show the emotion seen within the faces of the family, further reinforcing the challenges the family is faced with everyday whether or not they are going to eat, have a place to sleep, or money to even survive.One of the most powerful scenes within the film is when Mariana's oldest son, Gabi, is standing behind a chain-link fence and looking onto a school and it's playground. The scene is shot at a wide angle and shows Gabi standing behind the fence and then zooms into Gabi's hand and you can see the dirt underneath Gabi's nails. This scene is so powerful because the chain-link fence represents all of the challenges and obstacles the family has faced once they have arrived in New York City. The family feels like they can never get ahead. The dirt shown underneath Gabi's nails shows the poverty that the family is experiencing. The family is living day to day with no place to sleep, no soap and water, no nothing. The fact that Gabi is looking at the school and wishing he could go there some day shows that in actuality that Gabi is still just a kid. He feels the need to protect his family because he is the only boy and tries to collect cans for his family so they can have a little bit of cash, but behind this hard front Gabi puts on, he is just an innocent kid who wants to go to school like the rest of the them. This scene truly depicts what type of emotional and physical hardship that not only Gabi is experiencing, but Mariana and her youngest child also.I recommend this film because it is a great eye opener. Many Americans feel the need to look down upon or negatively towards immigrants. This film shows that immigrants are people too and the unfortunate challenges they experience when moving to somewhere foreign.
washbucy LOVED IT!!! Mendoza created nothing less than a beautiful masterpiece with Entre Nos. This movie follows the struggles of an Hispanic single parent family and how they were able to turn the tables on a life of homelessness and poverty. Mariana, the main character (single mother), was left hung out to dry by her no good low-life husband right off the bat. This forced a certain chain of events to take place that led Mariana and her two children down a path of pain, poverty, and homelessness. In the hopes of obtaining money to feed her children, provide them with entertainment, and supply a place to live (they originally got evicted from their first apartment) Mariana and her children collected tin cans from the trash and sold them to recycling firms for dollars a day. By the end of the movie Mariana's son was able to go back to school and herself had obtained a job that allowed her to buy new clothes, stay in their new apartment, and more significantly tithe to the church (a sign of being financially well off enough to spend extra money). Family is the glue that holds the world together and this movie is the perfect portrayal of this. The overall tone of the movie was a dramatic one. The music set a sad setting for a majority of the movie and the sepia colors along with the deep contrast in brights and darks further reinforced the already down trodden feeling of the movie. Family and love for the family unit kept Mariana and her children afloat in this movie and this made me love my family that much more because of it. I can only hope that this movie provides the same insight it did for me in the sense of seeing immigration in a completely different light and having more respect for the people that are just trying make it in life on a daily basis. I recommend Entre Nos to anyone who enjoys a quality dramatic film based on true events with a pleasantly happy ending.
fashionista629 Entre Nos provides a completely different perspective on immigration. Being based on a true story about the director, main actress and writer's (all the same person) family, you begin to wonder where American's get their ideas about immigration form. When most Americans think about immigration these days they think of people stealing jobs and depending on their taxes for the immigrant's children to go to school. However, this movie offers an almost disturbing alternative to this cushy life American's picture. Between the abortion, the trash collecting, the father leaving the family behind and all these other horrible events, it's hard to look at immigration in that light.In the beginning, we are introduced to a Latino family from Colombia that seems pretty happy together in New York City. They have food to spare, friends over for dinner, clean clothing and a roof over their head, but when the father leaves you know he's not going to come back, and with him, he takes away the stability that the family has been depending on. There's not any food, clothing or even a place to sleep at night soon after he leaves.During this time there is only trash and bleak surroundings that are gross and dangerous. The lighting is harsh on the screen and brings out shadows in not only their surroundings, but their faces, and helps add to the overbearing grimness in the film. Not to mention the sad tune playing in the background, but the thing that makes this film all too real to the audience has to be the expressions on the actors/actresses faces and the way they are dressed. The tired, pained and hungry expressions that you find in all of the faces is so real this almost seems more like a documentary than an art-house film. Then there's the clothes that they're wearing are filthy and covered in dirt, and just hanging off of them. Their belongings are small and mostly hold no real significance. Other than the family photo that the son keeps in his pocket to remember the times when his father was around.This was a great movie about survival, and I'd recommend it to anyone that wants to watch a heart-wrenching film for a good cry. I'd even recommend it to anyone that thinks that immigration is some life of luxury, in order to see an alternative point of view.
LaurAsh988 Entre Nos is not a movie that I would have normally chosen to watch on my own but I thoroughly and truly enjoyed it. Although it was not in my own native language, the subtitles made up for that. Paola Mendoza does a wonderful job as both the director and main actress, playing the mother of two young children. After moving to the United States, Mariana and her children take on a number of hardships. They make due by doing menial jobs and eventually finding a place to live after having been evicted from their apartment.This movie exemplifies the problems that people who move to the United States face. Moving to a country where one does not understand the language in any form, written or spoken. Entre Nos also shows what can happen when one's world falls out beneath them and one has to start from essentially nothing. When things do not seem as if they cannot get any worse, they do, and when the viewer wonders how this mother, Mariana, can go on, she manages to.There is not a lot of dialogue in this movie but that is more than made up for by the scenery and use of the camera. When the family is forced out of their home, there is a scene on a stairway where they sleep. There is light shining down on them and Mariana does her best to protect her children. The use of light in this scene allows it to say so much without any dialogue whatsoever.The best thing that can be said about this movie is its depiction of the perseverance of human beings. For what I am assuming was a low budget movie, it is done remarkably well. Mariana makes the best of the situation that she is placed in and she does this the best way that she knows how to at the time. Some of her decisions might be viewed as selfish by some but everything that she does is to protect her children and do right by them at the time. Entre Nos is a movie that showcases what happens if you do not let your situation define who you are and what you will become as a person. It is not a sugarcoated and is a bit dark at times so if one is sensitive to certain parts of life they should take caution before viewing but they would be missing out as it is a movie that is worth watching.