Belle of the Yukon
Belle of the Yukon
NR | 27 December 1944 (USA)
Belle of the Yukon Trailers

Left by a con man, Belle De Valle, a dancer, finds him again in gold-rush Alaska running an honest casino/dance hall.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
atlasmb Seriously, the costuming in this film is over-the-top but inspired. It helps that it's in brilliant Technicolor.But this film is plagued by a story that is uneven. And by overacting.The story takes place in the Yukon and features Randolph Scott as a conman gone straight. Gypsy Rose Lee is the new featured performer in his saloon. Dinah Shore comes up short (acting and singing) as the featured songstress. She may be the only one who underacts.You might be able to figure out who double-crosses who, but I'm guessing you will eventually give up because you don't care. Better to sit back and enjoy the fashion.
jjnxn-1 Colorful minor musical is of interest mostly as a chance to get a glimpse of Gypsy Rose Lee in one of her few movie appearances. She offers a pleasant performance, nothing special but full of personality. It also has some eye popping costumes in vivid Technicolor and Gypsy's hair is done up in some truly gravity defying styles throughout. Dinah Shore doesn't make much of an impression, her high sweet thin voice is put to service on some forgettable songs but in the acting department she is woeful. Fortunately the supporting cast of old pros is there to prop up the shaky leads with Florence Bates, usually cast as stuffy matrons, fun as Gypsy's flashy traveling companion.
jeffhanna3 Although the plot of Belle of the Yukon is so tired that its not worth recounting (but isn't this true of most old musicals?), this gorgeously technicolored musical/western has some pleasing elements of interest for fans of 1940's nostalgia. The young, brunette Dinah Shore (with an eye-poppingly voluptuous figure) sings beautifully two lovely standards, "Like Someone in Love," and "Sleighride in July." What a warm, pleasing voice she had. One of the all-time great singers. Her blonde, blue-eyed love interest, William Marshall, is so ridiculously pretty that he looks like a vintage comic book hero come to life. Gypsy Rose Lee is relaxed and fun with her foot-high pompadours and Belle Epoque gowns by Don Loper, and a very handsome Randolph Scott is clearly enjoying himself.
dougandwin If you combine the worst acting , the worst songs, the worst script and the worst direction you will describe "Belle of the Yukon" - one wonders how Randolph Scott ever got convinced that he should be in this travesty of , I guess, a Western, but he was able to go through the movie with one expression only. As for Gypsy Rose Lee the less said the better, as her acting attempts were pathetic, and the odd one-liners she had to deliver fell flat in the worst way, and when she tried to look seductive, I was amazed Scott could keep a straight face. Dinah Shore was terribly miscast and looked past it, while two old stagers in Charles Winninger and Florence Bates must have dreamed of their good old days when they had been in good films rather than one of the great disasters of the era! The only redeeming feature was the color photography. Do not waste your time.