Bel Ami
Bel Ami
R | 08 June 2012 (USA)
Bel Ami Trailers

Georges Duroy travels through 1890s Paris, from cockroach ridden garrets to opulent salons, using his wits and powers of seduction to rise from poverty to wealth, from a prostitute’s embrace to passionate trysts with wealthy beauties, in a world where politics and media jostle for influence, where sex is power and celebrity an obsession.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
morrison-dylan-fan Talking to a friend recently about films she was keen on taking a look at,I got told about an interesting-sounding Costume Drama starring Robert Pattinson.With having recently been impressed by Pattinson's performance in the gritty Post-Apocalypse film The Rover,I decided that it was the perfect time to uncover The History of a Scoundrel.The plot:Paris 1890-Penniless since he left the battle field, soldier Georges Duroy is happy to run into his wealthy old friend Charles Forestier.Sad to see how poor his friend has become,Forestier decides to invite Duroy to stay with him and his wife Mrs. Madeleine Forestier.Taken by Duroy's charms,Madeleine introduces Duroy to her friends Clotilde de Marelle & Virginie Rousset.Learning that Charles now edits a newspaper,Duroy decides to take advantage of Madeleine and her pals attraction to him,as Duroy sets his sights on leaving his penniless life behind.View on the film:Whilst some of the dialogue sounds far too modern for late 1800s Paris, Rachel Bennette's adaptation of Guy de Maupassant's novel,does well at painting a cruel atmosphere,thanks to Bennette showing the desire for power to be the fuel behind all of Georges Duroy's relationships.Taking a slightly anthology style approach to each of Duroy's liaisons, Bennette is disappointingly unable to give the relationships any feeling of depth,due to Bennette giving the characters an outline which is only skin deep,which also causes Duroy's rise to power to feel rather abrupt,and not reaching the dark dramatic notes that the film desires.Transferring from the stage to the cinema, directors Nick Ormerod & Declan Donnellan superbly use deep rich blues to show the riches that Duroy is gathering for himself,which are haunted by a dark charcoal blacks,which are slowly draped over the film,as Duroy discovers the lies behind his riches.Along with the strong blues & blacks,the directors also give the movie an elegant sheen of light greens and yellows,which make the surprisingly graphic sex scenes sparkle.Surrounded by a dazzling array of girls, (all of whom look stunning,esp when naked!) Robert Pattinson (who makes sure that it is not all one-sided,by also appearing naked in the film) gives a very good performance as Georges Duroy,thanks to Pattinson showing Duroy's swagger to be one that hides a fear over returning to the bottom of the ladder.Giving Duroy a major bed/step up to power, Uma Thurman gives a wonderful performance as Madeleine Forestier,with Thurman bringing a dominating sass out of Forestier,as Duroy discovers that he has become a scoundrel of history.
Dragoneyed363 Bel Ami, a 2012 film starring Robert Pattinson, Uma Thurman and Christina Ricci, is one film you won't be sorry you missed if you simply choose not to watch it. In all retrospect, it's not a bad movie. The plot is believable and interesting, the characters are all pretty well rounded without too much depth and the sets are very beautiful. However, Robert Pattinson is quite a miscast. It is very obvious the entire film that he is detached and sorely lacking in some true emotions. Seeing as how he is the star, it is pretty boring watching him mildly act his way through a film that has real potential.If you are going to see the movie, definitely expect the female performances to be the highlight. Uma Thurman was splendid. She plays a very uptight and work-driven socialite who is a firm believer in her freedom and she plays it very well. Kristin Scott Thomas is another delightful addition to this film. With not as much screen time as the other leading ladies, she manages to act out some pretty emotional and intense scenes. The real gem is the only truly likable character in the film, Christina Ricci. Her energetic and very believable character honestly is the reason I give this film a 5 instead of a 4. She was so sweet and lovable, I found myself smiling at every scene she appeared on the screen.If you are going to see this movie, see it for Christina Ricci, with Uma Thurman and Kristin Scott Thomas as a plus...
cnycitylady 'Bel Ami' is a tale about a man who seduces and schemes his way through 1890s Paris. The phrase 'Bel Ami' means beautiful friend, but Pattinson's character seems to be a friend to no one at all in this story. His low life, down on his luck ex soldier is, to put it plainly, a scum bag. He cares nothing for the women he seduces or for their husbands who so generously help him to get on his feet. The only exception to the rule may be Christina Ricci's character, who is his very first conquest while he still had nothing. Their relationship has its ups and downs but somehow remains untarnished by the corrupt and malignant role that Pattinson's character had adopted.The plot line seems to be a simple one, but the writers do nothing with it. Their script is dry and dead when it is supposed to ooze passion, desire and wickedness. The characters spend little to no time getting to know each other or flirting before they jump into bed together. And it happens so rapidly and in quick succession of one another that the movie is like one big orgy, or a hot potato game of sex.The acting is yet another problem that this movie had. Pattinson didn't, doesn't and probably won't ever come across as the cold hearted playboy. He lacks malice or really any expression except pity or boredom in his face. He delivers his lines in such a monotonous monotone that you have to give credit to those acting the scene with him when they react as they do. Sometimes they even manage to drag a halfway decent performance from him. Christina Ricci was wonderful, filling her character with an empathy and a passion that was lacking from the rest of the movie. Uma Thurman seemed out of place in the film and seemed to be mimicking Pattinson in his drab and lifeless performance. The costume design was beautiful and at times can distract you from the lot of nothing going on in the picture, but ultimately this movie is all dressed up with nowhere to go. 5/10
Raul Faust The movie is centered in life of a young man in the city of Paris, whose characterization is made by Robert Pattinson. The first half of the story seems to be a little slow paced, and made me wonder if it would ever engage, since apparently there was no interesting character or situation. However, after the first half, it seems that everything starts to work very well, and the film finally involves the audience-- mainly after Mr. Forestier's death. Mostly of that is due to the good acting of Pattinson, who proves to have improved considerably since his inexpressive acting in 2011's "Water for Elephants". Also, directing is something to be appreciate in here; directors are professional in delivering some tense scenes that suggest much of characters' thoughts. The sex scenes feel real, and I like the way characters touch each other before the "act" itself-- you know what I mean. The supporting cast is maybe better than average, and Clotilde's character was professionally played by Christina Ricci. It is indeed interesting to notice how the society was chauvinist; Duroy could sleep with as many women as he wanted to, but once he finds out that Madeleine was also cheating on him, he just freaks out. Even thought society has changed a lot in that aspect since the year this movie is supposed to represent, the situation I just mentioned still happens a lot-- at least where I live. All in all, "Bel Ami" proves to be a decent piece of work that didn't have the attention it deserved, to say the least.